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Apr 19, 2018, 2:58:00 PM4/19/18
Would you want a "Crenshanda" taking your 911 call ?

Really a sad state of affairs when Apefirmative Action extends to
services that people depend on with their lives.


'Ain't nobody got time for this!' 911 operator is jailed for hanging up
on THOUSANDS of callers because she 'didn't want to talk to anyone'

Crenshanda Williams, 44, worked at the Houston Emergency Center, Texas
She was fired in August 2016 after an audit showed the number of
'short' calls
An investigation revealed that the woman hung up on thousands of
Jury found her guilty and sentenced her to 10 days in jail, 18
months probation

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From NPS:
"Do not feed the animals !
Animals that are fed lose not only their natural fear of humans, but
also their ability to forage on their own. They often become overly
aggressive and completely dependent on handouts."
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