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EU collateralized debt, fiscal unity, empire!

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May 31, 2017, 10:24:47 AM5/31/17

The E.U. is getting in on the phoney financial instruments racket to
ditch its debt on some other suckers besides Germany.

It looks suspiciously like collateralized debt obligation to me.

Germany doesn't want to support its neighbours, just sell them cars and
then sieze their assets.

It's just the first step toward a new German Empire. We're getting out
just in time.

The Happy Hippy

May 31, 2017, 1:28:49 PM5/31/17
"Richmond" <> wrote ...
Comments on Zero Hedge always intrigue me. Some commentators seem to have
some grasp of economics but there's an inclination towards Kipperism,
all-caps outrage and alt-right triple-parentheses echoing. An odd mix of
opposing views that 'it will all fail' and 'we're all doomed'.

The articles themselves often remind me of the "OMG! ZOG!!!" stuff I read
elsewhere though in rather more restrained and authoritative tones, though
not necessarily with more meaningful content. It seems a traditional wall of
words outlet, alleging itself to be convincing because it so impenetrable
that it cannot be countered.

It seemed a likely go-to place for the Sovereign Citizens and the more
conspiracy-minded who are inclined to believe in Illuminati, Lizard People,
NWO and evil dark forces plotting, conspiring and controlling the world, a
hang-out for those who believe they have seen the light and chemtrails and
can see what others refuse to see, those who understand the shadow
government and know the usury secrets that others don't.

So how Wikipedia describes it came as no surprise -


The site was described by CNNMoney as offering a "deeply conspiratorial,
anti-establishment and pessimistic view of the world."

Financial journalists Felix Salmon and Justin Fox have characterized the
site as conspiratorial.

Fox ... termed most of the writing on the website as "half-baked hooey,"
albeit with some "truth to be gleaned from it."

Tim Worstall described the site as a source of hysteria and occasionally
misleading information.

Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman describes Zero Hedge as
a scaremongering outlet that promotes fears of hyperinflation and an
"obviously ridiculous" form of "monetary permahawkery." Krugman notes that
Bill McBride of Calculated Risk, an economics blog, has treated Zero Hedge
with "appropriate contempt."

Dr. Craig Pirrong, professor at the Bauer College of Business writes that "I
have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop
operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda"


Rational Wiki is even better -


Zero Hedge is a batshit insane Austrian school finance blog run by two
pseudonymous founders who post articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after
the character from Fight Club. It's essentially apocalypse porn. It has
accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.[citation NOT needed]

The site posts nearly indecipherable analyses of multiple seemingly
unrelated subjects to point towards a consistent theme of economic collapse
any day now.

Tyler moves away from the format of long lists to write insanely dense
volumes filled with (often contradicting) jargon that makes one wonder if
the writers even know what the words actually mean.



Jun 1, 2017, 3:37:32 AM6/1/17
"The Happy Hippy" <> writes:

> opposing views that 'it will all fail' and 'we're all doomed'.

It should suite you down to the ground then.

What you've done there is attack the source to invalidate the
content. The article refers to an FT article which is behind a pay wall,
although I managed to view it by searching for it on Google News. Here
is a Telegraph report on the same thing. Make what you will of it.

The Happy Hippy

Jun 1, 2017, 4:27:26 AM6/1/17
"Richmond" <> wrote ...
I don't dispute what they are hoping to do, I am criticising Zero Hedge's
analysis of why and what it means, your conclusion that "It's just the first
step toward a new German Empire".

Sorry, but that's as unsubstantiated as Russia taking Crimea back after we
took Crimea out of Russia's sphere proves Russia has plans for invading the

It's as far-fecthed as claiming May's, Merkel's and Obama's willingness to
take in Muslim refugees is evidence that they want to put their countries
under Sharia Law.

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