Looking for long-term storage for large EMF camp furniture

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Martin Dittus

Aug 26, 2012, 12:22:40 PM8/26/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
Hey all,

Over the last few weeks it crystallised that there are a number of large items we may want to keep for future camps. The details are being debated, but this may include parts of our "camp furniture" and other play-things.

We're discussing the options atm. A few people suggested that renting storage may be an unwise use of the little leftover money we may have after the camp (we'd rather use that to e.g. subsidise any smaller events we may have in between camps.) Particularly since these items are unlikely to require lockable/secure storage; they just need a dry place with a door.

Is there anyone with a barn or large garage somewhere in the UK who is willing to consider storing some large items for us for at least two years? Got some suggestions about who to approach?

We'd really like to avoid having to spend money on commercial storage.



Aug 27, 2012, 8:22:51 AM8/27/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
We should probably try to work out exactly what we need to store, and if storage of the item is likely to cost more than just getting rid of it and buying a new one for next time.  I guess ebay is an option if we need to get rid of it, which could net us some extra income to use for next time


Martin Dittus

Aug 27, 2012, 4:16:01 PM8/27/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
Yeah. Though I think the main concern is that we would like to have at least a short-term option before we start tearing down the camp…

> --

Nigel Worsley

Aug 27, 2012, 4:54:18 PM8/27/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
> Over the last few weeks it crystallised that there are a number of large items we may want to
> keep for future camps. The details are being debated, but this may include parts of our
> "camp furniture" and other play-things.

What sort of items are you looking at storing?


Martin Dittus

Aug 27, 2012, 5:01:47 PM8/27/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
From what I could gather in misc discussions --
- the camp gate (you'll see :)
- forgot the second thing.

I expect whatever it is it's going to be at least several cubic meters in size, and fairly heavy.

Sorry I can't be more specific, maybe someone else can.

> --


Aug 27, 2012, 6:33:42 PM8/27/12
to uk-hac...@googlegroups.com
I don't know what Hipster wants but the tank would be pretty cool, and depending on how it turns out the hammock may be worth saving.



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