Alexander Wright
unread,Aug 27, 2012, 12:17:57 PM8/27/12Sign in to reply to author
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Hi guys and girls,
A while back i posted on the LHS mailing list about running a ham radio
tent. There were a few replies but not many. While I'm really keen to do
this, I don't have much kit to bring along. In fact, all i have is a
couple of handhelds, a 100W 2m linear, a 10A power supply, some RG58,
some crimp connectors and a scanner. We quite desperately need more kit
to make this work, if anyone has any of the following which they could
bring, it would be really handy:
* An HF radio
* A VHF radio
* ANY antennas (tuners and stuff to mount them would be useful too)
* A more powerful 13.8V PSU (25-40A would be nice) or lead-acid
batteries and a charger
* An HF linear? Perhaps i'm pushing my luck there. We'd also need a
capable antenna/ATU
I'll try and bring what I ca:, test equipment, soldering irons etc -
basically whatever i can fit in the car. But I really need more people
to contribute stuff.
If anyone wants to man the tent, help people out and enthuse about
radio, that would also be much appreciated. I plan for this mainly to be
a ham thing really, but we'll also welcome anyone working with CB,
sattelites, wefax, shortwave listening etc. Basically anything geeky and
Ps. on a vaguely related note, i propose we use 433.475MHz wideband FM
(5kHz deviation=25kHz channel spacing)a as our camp simplex frequency.
I'll try to publicise this during the weekend.