Ernest Marples has woken up from his long sleep, because more trouble
is afoot with Ordnance Survey and their friends.
They, along with the Met Office and the Land Registry, are being
brought together under the Public Data Corporation. And a consultation
about their data strategy is running at the moment.
As you might expect, it's not very good. It's been more or less
captured by the established interests, excludes many solutions from
the discussion, and presents options that would more or less maintain
the status quo indefinitely.
We think that it's terribly important for right-thinking people to
respond to the consultation, suggesting better alternatives.
So, I've brushed the dust off the old consultation
response page, and set it up to respond to this one. If you have a few
minutes to respond to the consultation and pass this on to your
interested friends and colleagues, you'll really be helping the cause!