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Scott Ritter on Ukraine Kill Ratio 5:1, Civilian Casualties Tiny At 50:1, 1987 UK Water Privatisation Behind Drought

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Aug 15, 2022, 7:26:09 AM8/15/22
to UK 9/11 & 7/7 Truth
– Lab grown meat, rebranded as 'cultured meat', beginning production in Britain
– Devon show sheep farmers give their view on livestock contributing to climate change
– Pantheist Zero Carbon Agenda, Equating Humans With Animals, Hits Farming As Livestock Farmers Are Told To Pack Their Bags After 4000 Years
– Ventriloquists Dummy Truss vs Goldman Sachs Bilderberg Lizard Sunak – William Engdahl: Global Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun
– Ex Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assassinated in July after saying ‘Russia’s behaviour is understandable’
– Simon Baddeley, step-son of 'Out Of Town' presenter Jack Hargreaves, on Jack’s spiritual views and  Hunting Venary or Fox
– New Age Mass Trespass on access minister Richard Banyon’s Berkshire estate
– Digital MK Ultra? Kevin Cahill on latest post-Snowden legal action taken against tech giants for criminal data gathering
– Company Gener8 where people can make money out of selling their data
– Leader of Wiltshire County Council, Richard Clewer: Army failing to renationalise 1300 empty military properties
– Privatisation of water companies have caused UK drought UK
– Family Sex Show and Drag Queen Story Hour – protestors outside Casey and Alex give their views
– Scott Ritter: The Zelensky Star Is Falling – Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Army using human shields
– Scott Ritter: nuclear war now most likey to break out in Taiwan and South China Sea
– Roland Dye at Faslane Nuclear Base on the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan
– Experts at odds over nuclear power’s role in fighting climate change
– David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, on a new order created out of the chaos of war, as suggested by Albert Pike
– Israeli attacks on Palestinians over last weekend – FBI raid on Trump’s home – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Posted on 11th Aug 2022 by Tony Gosling ­ Leave a comment

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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Lab grown meat – begins production in Britain this week . HIGH STEAKS Lab-grown BACON strips and pork belly created by UK food engineers from pig cells PORK belly and bacon strips made in a lab have been created by a commercial meat company in the UK. Higher Steaks says it has created sample products of the lab-grown meat and hopes to have a large scale testing event later this year. According to Tech Crunch, Higher Steaks used lab-grown cells, plant products, proteins, fats and starches to create its futuristic meat product. Chief executive Benjamina Bollag told the publication: “There’s still a lot of work until it’s commercial but the revelation of a pork belly product that’s made from 50% cultivated cells and a bacon product which contains 70% meat grown from a cell material in a laboratory is something of a milestone for the industry.” Higher Steaks’s creation is thought to be the first commercial lab-grown bacon product. There’s a number of other lab-growing meat companies out there but they’re mostly focused on steak, burgers or chicken. It aims to meet the overwhelming demand for pork in a sustainable way but right now it costs thousands of pounds just to make a kilogram. Bollag told Tech Crunch: “Our mission is to provide meat that is healthy and sustainable without the consumer making any sacrifices on taste.” It would be more environmentally friendly to produce than the standard way of producing pork due to factors like less greenhouse gas emissions. The company is working on a biomaterial scaffolding on which it can grow meat with a muscle-like texture. The bacon strips and pork belly technically contain animal cells but they are taken in a non-invasive way. There is debate over whether this makes the product vegetarian or vegan. When meat is grown in a lab from stem cells, usually these stem cells need to be fed a bovine serum to grow, meaning the process isn’t vegan. However, Dr. Ruth Helen Faram, head of R&D at Higher Steaks, told Tech Crunch: “Cultivated pork belly and bacon have never been demonstrated before and Higher Steaks is the first to develop a prototype containing over 70% cultivated pork muscle, without the use of bovine serum.”

Cost of living crisis.  Nationalisation.  Stroud Stand in the Pub (SITP) – some attendees give their opinions.  The Traditions of Summer’s Agricultural Country Shows – hunting beagles at a Devon show – sheep farmers give their view on livestock contributing to climate change. Why Dutch farmers are revolting
An agricultural uprising is shaking the Netherlands “For many farmers it’s the end of their business and they will fight until the last. Sometimes these farms go back generations, they were built by hand, and people feel farmers heart and soul. This is all being taken away.” Jan Brok, vice chairman of the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) party, understands why Netherlands farmers have spent the past month blockading food distribution centres, roads and ministers’ driveways. They are horrified by a new environmental policy that will mean a likely 30% reduction in livestock. The Netherlands is a country of four million cattle, 13 million pigs, 104 million chickens, and just over 17 million people. It is Europe’s biggest meat exporter with a total area of just over 41,000 square kilometres, and a fifth of this is water. It is one of the world’s most densely populated countries, with the EU’s highest density of livestock. But there is a significant cost to this abundance: the local environmental impact. Such intensive agriculture, and livestock farming in particular, creates harmful pollution. Manure and urine mix to produce ammonia, and together with run-off from nitrogen-rich fertiliser on fields ends up in lakes and streams, where it can promote excessive algae that smothers other life. Manure here is not a vital fertiliser but a problem waste product. For decades, this success in trade and agriculture has been accompanied by high emissions of harmful nitrogen compounds, including nitrogen oxides emitted by industry and transport. Levels were dropping, and in 2015, the Dutch introduced a ‘trading scheme’ known as the Programmatische Aanpak Stikstof (PAS) to try to reduce the pollution.
But a Council of State court ruling in 2019 ­ on a case brought by two local environmental organisations against various farms ­ ruled that this offsetting scheme was invalid. Permission could not be granted for polluting projects or farm expansion in exchange for promised nitrogen-related reductions in the future: the reductions needed to come first. The government panicked: national shutdowns were put in place, building projects were put on hold and traffic speeds reduced to 100 kph in the daytime on major roads; it was also obvious that farming was a problem ­ something needed to be done about all ammonia, nitrogen oxide and nitrous oxide emissions. Then, in January, the conservative-liberal-Christian coalition pledged to halve nitrogen production by 2030, with a €25 billion budget to back it up. That money was the loud part. The quiet part included the possibility of expropriation, of the government forcibly purchasing farmland. Plans drawn up by civil servants include slashing livestock numbers by 30%. More than €500 million is being brought forward for regional government to buy out farmers this year and next. Leading the charge among the coalition partners are the Democrats 66 (D66) party. They insisted on “real action for the climate” in their last manifesto. Tjeerd de Groot, the D66 nature and farming spokesman, pointed out that the Netherlands is Europe’s biggest nitrogen emitter, followed by Belgium and Germany. He told a current affairs programme last week: “It is absolutely essential ­ but also painful ­ that the plans go through.”

Rishi’s petrol bombshell: Tory leadership hopeful wanted a green tax on fuel as Chancellor (but No10 blocked it) What is causing inflation and will QE contribute to more inflation? Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun – By F. William Engdahl – GlobalizationThe political pressures behind globalization and the creation of the World Trade Organization out of the Bretton Woods GATT trade rules with the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, ensured that the advanced industrial manufacturing of the West, most especially the USA, could flee offshore, “outsource” to create production in extreme low wage countries. No country offered more benefit in the late 1990s than China. China joined WHO in 2001 and from then on the capital flows into China manufacture from the West have been staggering. So too has been the buildup of China dollar debt. Now that global world financial structure based on record debt is all beginning to come apart. When Washington deliberately allowed the September 2008 Lehman Bros financial collapse, the Chinese leadership responded with panic and commissioned unprecedented credit to local governments to build infrastructure. Some of it was partly useful, such as a network of high-speed railways. Some of it was plainly wasteful, such as construction of empty “ghost cities.” For the rest of the world, the unprecedented China demand for construction steel, coal, oil, copper and such was welcome, as fears of a global depression receded. But the actions by the US Fed and ECB after 2008, and of their respective governments, did nothing to address the systemic financial abuse of the world’s major private banks on Wall Street and Europe , as well as Hong Kong. The August 1971 Nixon decision to decouple the US dollar, the world reserve currency, from gold, opened the floodgates to global money flows. Ever more permissive laws favoring uncontrolled financial speculation in the US and abroad were imposed at every turn, from Clinton’s repeal of Glass-Steagall at the behest of Wall Street in November 1999. That allowed creation of mega-banks so large that the government declared them “too big to fail.” That was a hoax, but the population believed it and bailed them out with hundreds of billions in taxpayer money. Since the crisis of 2008 the Fed and other major global central banks have created unprecedented credit, so-called “helicopter money,” to bailout the major financial institutions. The health of the real economy was not a goal. In the case of the Fed, Bank of Japan, ECB and Bank of England, a combined $25 trillion was injected into the banking system via “quantitative easing” purchase of bonds, as well as dodgy assets like mortgage-backed securities over the past 14 years.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot dead in July after saying Russia’s behaviour is understandable – Global Research – I support Russia: Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Reveals His Thoughts on Putin’s Goals in Ukraine, Fuji Television
Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe speaks with Fuji Television on Feb. 27, 2022, about his assessment of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s calculus in invading Ukraine. Russian forces began a large-scale assault on the country in the early hours of Feb. 24. (Image: Screenshot via Fuji Television) Speaking with Japan’s Fuji Television, former prime minister Shinzo Abe discussed his past conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin As the war in Ukraine intensifies, the longest-serving Japanese head of state has given his assessment on Putin’s machinations in the conflict that began Feb. 24. In the Feb. 27 interview, Abe told Fuji Television that from his more than two dozen talks with Putin, he believes that Putin’s distrust and fear of NATO are what ultimately led him to attack Ukraine. For Putin, Abe said “he has no designs on taking territory, his actions are made from the perspective of protecting Russia and guaranteeing its security.” According to Fuji Television, Abe has met with Putin 27 times in the nearly 10 years he served as Japan’s prime minister. Abe, known for his conservative politics, resigned in September 2020 on account of worsening health. Abe made his remarks on Putin in response to questions posed to him about the Russian invasion. “Putin absolutely cannot tolerate the expansion of NATO to Ukraine,” Abe said, adding that the Russian leader expressed his misgivings about Russia-U.S. relations ­ such as the stationing of American THAAD anti-ballistic missiles in Poland ­ in conversations between himself and Abe. He also said that “Putin is vehement in his view” that NATO made, but broke, a promise not to expand eastwards. Whether NATO made such a guarantee to Russia around the collapse of the Soviet Union is a matter of enduring controversy. Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson, a scholar of international relations, wrote in a 2016 article published by the International Security journal that while no formal agreement was made with Moscow, “from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: [Soviet leader] Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion.” “NATO’s widening umbrella doesn’t justify Putin’s bellicosity or his incursions in Ukraine or Georgia. Still, the evidence suggests that Russia’s protests have merit and that U.S. policy has contributed to current tensions in Europe,” Shifrinson wrote.

Simon Baddeley, step-son of Jack Hargreaves, on Jack’s spiritual views and old fashioned hunting. Jack Hargreaves – THE LEISURELY countryside series Out of Town brought to television the gentle nostalgic tones of Jack Hargreaves, who combined his enthusiasm for rural life with being a television executive and a presenter of the children’s series How? Hargreaves, complete with pipe, battered trilby and old bodywarmers, was keen to perpetuate the story that he was from a Yorkshire farming family, although he was actually born in London. Those who worked with him had no doubt that he moved to the country and became knowledgeable about its ways, but they were never quite sure how much of his background was reality and how much myth. After studying at London University he became a vet’s assistant before switching to journalism. During his distinguished career he was editor of the magazine Lilliput and for a year managing editor of the legendary Picture Post (1955-56), as well as writing and producing for radio, and working as the National Farmer’s Union’s information officer. It was in that capacity that Hargreaves went to lunch with a broadcaster to give him a ticking off for a programme about meat markets. This meeting led to his being invited to present a six-part series for Southern Television: Gone Fishing. Then came the long-running Out of Town, first in a Southern region only, then on the ITV network, with Hargreaves reminiscing on old rural ways and customs. He would trek into the country with a film cameraman and record material without a soundtrack. Then, he would return to the studio, where from a set made to look like a potting shed he would relate his experiences and impart folklore and country knowledge. He could talk about any subject and chat to everyone, from pony-and-trap restorers to roof thatchers and gun-dog handlers. His hallmark was the ability to talk naturally to the camera and he resisted using teleprompters even when their use became almost universal throughout television. The programme finished when Southern lost its ITV franchise in 1981, although it was later revived on Channel 4 under the title Old Country and ran for three years. Hargreaves and Fred Dinenage were among the quartet who presented the popular ITV children’s series How? between 1966 and 1979, although Dinenage was the only survivor when it was remade as How 2 in the Nineties. The programme had been Hargreaves’s own idea, intended to make facts fun for children without being condescending. ‘He was the greatest natural broadcaster I’ve ever worked with,’ Dinenage recalls. ‘He needed no script, no notes, no autocue – not even props. He was the television producer’s dream, able to talk about any subject under the sun interestingly, amusingly and gently.’ In 1978, after presenting a series called Countryboy – in which a youngster from London was filmed spending several weeks with him learning country ways – Hargreaves opened the Out of Town Centre on Lord Montagu of Beaulieu’s estate at Beaulieu, in Hampshire. It gave inner-city children the chance to work on a real farm and is now run by the Countryside Education Trust. As well as being a popular broadcaster, Hargreaves was deputy programme controller of Southern Television from 1964 to 1976. It was in that capacity that he invented another successful series, Houseparty, featuring both ordinary people and former actresses thrown together to chat informally.

New Age Mass trespass on Richard Banyon’s estate. Kevin Cahill, journalist and author of Who Owns the World, on Richard Banyon having 13,000 acres and his place on Times Rich List.   ‘What else can we do?’: trespassers demand right to roam minister’s 12,000-acre estate Campaigners visit Berkshire estate belonging to Richard Benyon, minister in charge of access to nature
It’s hard to know what access to nature minister Richard Benyon normally finds in his gigantic Berkshire estate when he strolls out on a Sunday afternoon. It is unlikely, however, to be a loudly singing group of activist trespassers, dressed up as psychedelic animals and accompanied by an all-female morris-dancing troupe. But that’s what wandered up his drive on Sunday, when protesters visited the Englefield estate, calling on Benyon to open it up to the public and extend access for everyone to green space across England. The Guardian witnessed about 150 people strolling into the estate, including the morris dancers (who came in peace, leaving their traditional sticks at home), and Nadia Shaikh, a nature conservationist and one of the organisers of the event. “This, what we are doing now, is a freedom we should have,” she said. “So we are acting as if we already have that freedom. We want the joy of meeting in the commons with music and the richness of all these conversations and different people. So yeah, I mean, what else can we do when you ask repeatedly, politely, and it’s still a no?” When asked why she chose this particular estate, she said: “Well, he’s the access to nature minister! So it seems totally appropriate to come and experience the freedom and the land that he has.” As minister in charge of access to nature, Benyon was involved in the Agnew review, which looked at broadening access to the countryside, but which was shelved with little explanation. Just 8% of England’s land has free access, including coastal paths and moorlands, and campaigners want this to change.

Kevin Cahill on legal action taken against Microsoft and secret services for data gathering – digital MK Ultra. UK mass surveillance violates right to privacy, rules European court – The UK’s mass surveillance program, exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, violates free speech and privacy, the court ruled. However, judges didn’t come down as hard on intelligence agencies as some might have hoped. Legal papers, the ‘thing’ Kevin sent Tony
Arising from CASE NUMBER IPT/15/317-320/H) The Investigatory Powers Tribunal of the High Court of England and Wales, which continues. First heard on 10th Dec 2015 with invitations issued to the respondents from the court on 16th Dec 2015. Ex Parte. In re ‘criminal and unlawful’ ‘mass and indiscriminate surveillance throughout the EU on behalf of the US National Security Agency , ‘an alien espionage organisation’ which is without legal standing in the EU, UK or NATO States. As found as a fact by the Irish High Court on 18th June 2014 and endorsed by the European Court of Justice on 6th Oct 2015. That judgment was applicable law in all 28 member states of the EU, including the UK and the relevant NATO states. Between KEVIN CAHILL FBCS. FRHIstS and Child A and Child B as previously identified to the court, each being specific victims of the miscreants identified by the Irish High Court on 18th June 2014 and the European Court of Justice on 6th Oct 2015  and having personally suffered the injury (tort) of distress and other injuries. Claimants and The honourable Robert P Storch, Inspector General of the US National Security Agency. Having sovereign immunity, he is not summoned. General Paul Nakasone, Director of the US National Security Agency. Having sovereign immunity he is not summoned. But his agents, active in the UK under UK law, listed as the 2nd and third respondents, are listed for the case. The Honourable John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States who arranged invalid and spurious extraterritorial legal cover for the above and Respondents 2 and 3. Having sovereign immunity he is named but not summoned The honourable Congressman Adam Schiff, Chair of the House intelligence committee which sanctions surveillance of the NATO allies. Having sovereign immunity he is not summoned. The Honourable Senator Mark Warner, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee which sanctions surveillance of the NATO allies. Having sovereign immunity he is not summoned. And Mr John Edwards, the UK Information Commissioner Sir Stephen House the Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, London Mr. Shaun Sawyer Chief Constable Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Ms Alison Hernandez, Crime and Police Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall FIRST RESPONDENTS HAVING STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS IN THE MATTER AND 1. Microsoft UK, Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1WG 2. Apple UK , 2 Furzeground Way, Uxbridge UB 11 1BB 3. Facebook UK. 10 Brock Street, London NW1 3FG 4. Google UK, 1-13 St Giles High Street, London WC2H 8LG Second Respondents Having committed the criminal offences here specified, directly against the specific claimants (and others) 5. Skype UK, 2 Waterhouse Sq (140 Holborn) London EC1N 2ST 6. Yahoo UK, 125 Shaftsbury Avenue, London WC2H 8AD 7. Youtube UK, 1-13 St Giles High Street, London WC2H 8LG 8. Pal Talk Inc. No UK Address. AVM Software, PO Box 326, Jericho, NY 11753 9. AOL UK, 11-20 Capper Street, London WC1E 6JA Third RESPONDENTS Identified in the Irish High Court findings of fact and evidence on 18th June 2014 as engaged in the criminal and unlawful mass surveillance throughout the EU acting as agents of the US National Security Agency

BBC World Service – Business Matters – Sam Jones has created company Gener8 where people can make money out of selling their data.  Ed Butler speaks to the London company fighting to protect people’s data privacy rights online. UK mass surveillance violates right to privacy, rules European court The UK’s mass surveillance program, exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, violates free speech and privacy, the court ruled. However, judges didn’t come down as hard on intelligence agencies as some might have hoped. In a landmark decision on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that parts of the United Kingdom’s mass surveillance program violate the targets’ right to privacy. Human rights groups, civil liberties organizations, privacy advocates and journalists brought the case to Europe’s top rights court. The groups launched their legal challenge after US whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the UK’s surveillance and intelligence-sharing practices, dubbed the “Big Brother” program. Main takeaways from the ruling The court examined three contentious points in the British surveillance program: bulk interception of communications, obtaining data on targets from communications providers and the legality of intelligence sharing with foreign governments. Here’s how they ruled on each one: The UK’s mass collection of information and communications was found to violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights that guarantees a right to privacy. Judges noted that there was “insufficient oversight” over the selection and interception of the data. However, the court said that the bulk interception of communications was not, in and of itself, illegal, but that future programs “had to respect criteria set down in its case-law.” The court was more decisive when it came to the interception of journalistic material, ruling that such programs violate the right freedom of information. A program for obtaining data from communications providers was also found to be “not in accordance with the law.” The exchange of intelligence data between foreign governments, such as the exchange between British and US spy agencies, was ruled legal. What this means for mass surveillance: The decision dealt a major legal blow to European countries using blanket surveillance programs, but left intelligence agencies with some space to maneuver. Countries are still free to share intelligence with one another, and a doorway was left open for countries to continue intercepting large amounts of private communications, provided there are better mechanisms in place governing the selection and examination of the data. Snowden aftermath: The ECHR decision comes over five years after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden released documents to journalists that detailed the US government’s surveillance methods. The documents also disclosed how US and British intelligence agencies shared data with one another and tapped in to fiber optic cables.

1300 empty military properties – privatised – Leader of Wiltshire County Council, Richard Clewer, on ITV discussing this.  Guy Hands housing firm is against  renationalisation of military housing – ‘Rotten’ military homes privatisation deal for taxpayers leaves MoD with a tough battle Billionaire banker Guy Hands, who bought 55,400 armed forces’ homes, plans an £8bn sale By Helen Cahill 13 February 2022 • 2:00pm Bankers at Nomura once said working for Guy Hands was like living through “the last days of the Roman Empire”. The billionaire dealmaker surrounded himself with the toughest recruits when he arrived at the Japanese investment bank in the early 1990s, on a mission to purchase underperforming businesses and sell them for profit. He recruited the most formidable analysts and maths post-graduates he could find, forming Nomura’s Principal Finance Group. His analysts researched rigorously to get better data than competitors on undervalued assets. They once called every train manufacturer globally to work out the real lifetime use of trains being sold off by British Rail, securing a deal that ultimately netted Nomura £400m. The now 62-year-old later went on to become one of Britain’s richest men. This was the man the Government was up against when it negotiated a sale of thousands of military homes to Hands while he was at Nomura, in a deal that ultimately cost the taxpayer billions. A senior official told then prime minister John Major in a letter that negotiations were “intensive, but fairly conducted”. Years later, however, critics have concluded the outcome was a “rotten” deal for taxpayers. Hands is now on a collision course with the Government over the deal struck during Major’s premiership. Nomura fought off Warren Buffet and the Lehman Brothers to secure the Annington Homes portfolio from the Ministry of Defence for £1.7bn in 1996. As the biggest residential property owner in England and Wales, it spans 57,400 houses for military personnel across more than 450 sites. Following the deal, the Government then rented back the homes on a 200-year lease and agreed to pay costs for upkeep. Decades later, the MoD is reassessing. The National Audit Office concluded the deal has cost the taxpayer up to £4.2bn, and complained the MoD was too cautious with its assumptions for house prices and missed out on vast capital growth in the portfolio. Now, the MoD has hashed out an ambitious strategy to claim those homes back, revealing last month it would use its leasehold enfranchisement rights – where the Government purchases the freeholds at a price agreed by a court. But Hands’ private equity fund Terra Firma, which bought the portfolio from Nomura in 2012, has different plans. It wants to sell the estate for £8bn and is threatening to sue the MoD to block the reprivatisation. Hands’ fund has warned a legal battle could take up to five years and would waste even more taxpayer money, claiming the MoD’s scheme would block the courts with thousands of individual disputes over the value of each home. The Government, however, is convinced a judicial review would progress quickly. It plans to pursue a bulk enfranchisement of the homes if they can demonstrate the process works in a sample of test cases. As a solution, London-based Terra Firma, founded by Hands in 2002, has now offered to pay £105m for the upkeep of the homes – if the Government agrees to drop its reprivatisation. Helen Liddle, chair of Annington Homes, says: “This is going to cost an awful lot in legal fees and that’s why we’ve made this offer. It would be a way of getting these houses fixed and getting them back into the housing stock. “But we can only keep that offer open for a couple of weeks because if we do start legal action, we will need the money for legal action. At the moment, we don’t know how much the legal action will cost, but we don’t think it will be much less than that. We don’t know what the full scale of the action of that legal action will take. We have about three sets of lawyers that are working on it at the moment.” Terra Firma’s latest offer, however, would do little to claw back the vast sums of money the taxpayer will lose if the firm pays for the upkeep of the homes and the Annington Homes deal stays in place for decades to come. Still, the Government is carefully considering its next move with officials needing to take any financial offer seriously to make sure they are delivering value for taxpayers. It is under huge pressure from politicians and the military to find a solution. Lord Admiral West, the former first sea lord, is a long-standing critic of Annington Homes. He describes the deal as a “dream money-making scheme for the private sector”: shareholders took a £800m dividend last year and benefited from a debt issuance worth another £800m. “The original decision was deeply flawed. It is very difficult to understand what benefit the MoD was going to get from the deal,” he says. “The properties should have been kept in MoD ownership. The whole exercise seems like a dream money making scheme for the private sector.” According to Meg Hillier, chair of parliament’s Public Accounts Committee, it was a “rotten deal for the taxpayer”. As the skirmish develops with Hands, the Government’s negotiators will be hoping to hash out a better settlement for taxpayers.

Military homes row heads to court Guy Hands files legal claim against MoD to block renationalisation of £7.6bn housing portfolio
By Helen Cahill – Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 15 March 2022 GUY HANDS’ housing firm has launched legal proceedings against the Government to block the renationalisation of its portfolio of thousands of military homes. Hands’ company Annington Homes has begun legal action in two courts after talks with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) over the renationalisation broke down. Annington offered to contribute £105m to maintain the homes but was rebuffed by the MoD. Anningtorn has now launched a judicial review as well as a High Court claim challenging the ‘MoD’s plans. Defence chiefs are trying to use leasehold rights to reclaim homes that were first sold off by John Major’s administration in 1996. Hands brokered the privatisation deal while he was head of the Principal Financial Group at Nomura. He later purchased the properties through his private equity firm Terra Firma. The portfolio is now valued at £7.6bn. The MoD sold off 57,400 homes for £1.7bn and then rented them back on a 200-year lease. The Government has since been criticised for failing to properly value the homes in the original auction. The National Audit Office has complained officials were too cautious with their assumptions for house prices, and missed out on vast capital growth in the portfolio. Its report found taxpayers have lost as much as £4.2bn. The Government is also on the hook for hundreds of millions each year in rent and maintenance payments on the properties. Lord Admiral West, the former first sea lord, has described the deal as a “dream money-making scheme for the private sector”. Annington said the Government could still avert a lengthy legal dispute if it takes up the company’s offer to contribute £105m towards maintenance. The company has warned legal proceedings could take up to five years. A spokesman for Annington Homes said: “We can confirm that Annington has begun legal proceedings against the UK Government. ”We continue to be open to discuss with the Government to find a solution that avoids a long and expensive legal dispute.” Hands was hoping to sell the portfolio in a private auction before hearing of the MOD’s attempt to reclaim the properties. Reports suggested he could have made more than £1.5bn from the sale. The MoD has so far trialled its scheme on two individual properties. The so-called ‘enfranchisement’ scheme would allow the government to purchase freeholds en masse at a price agreed by a court. Annington has argued that the scheme is not appropriate for use on a large number of homes and that making thousands of applications will block up the court system. But the MoD is confident it would be able to use test cases to establish valuations for a wider group of properties. Mr Hands has embarked upon lengthy legal battles in the past. His ill-fated takeover of music group EMI sparked a legal dispute with Citigroup that lasted seven years. Citi lent Terra Firma £2.5bn to fund the deal. Mr Hands later chased the bank through the courts, both in New York and London over allegations of fraud but he abandoned the £1.5bn case in 2016. The MoD declined to comment.

EU water restrictions as drought UK now has drought.  Privatisation of water companies.  The latest drought exposes the abject failure of Tory water privatisation The drip-drip process of a shift to greater state regulation and intervention may have to become a flood August 11, 2022 When severe droughts hit England, dried up reservoirs sometimes reveal the remains of long-forgotten villages that were flooded to meet our growing demand for water. Life in such remote places was hard but the sense of community was fiercely strong, and many were unhappy to be evicted when the water board got its way. I know because my family lived in one such village, Greenbooth in Lancashire, and often regale me with memories of carefree childhoods. Despite the upheaval, there was a sense that it was all at least for the greater good, and the almost magical process of turning rainwater into drinking water was overseen by a local, publicly-owned corporation with democratic oversight. Now, as the country faces droughts of increasing frequency, those dried up reservoirs lay bare something else: the abject failure of Margaret Thatcher’s privatisation of England’s water services. One of the most damning indictments on that ideological crusade is that not a single new reservoir has been built since 1992. Just as our energy bills have increased due to the failure to invest in gas storage, the lack of investment in water storage is now coming home to roost. The bitter irony is that water privatisation was meant to deliver a new era of infrastructure funding as private firms raised cash from the market. Yet one jaw-dropping study found that all the £123bn of capital spending over the past 30 years has been financed by customers’ bills, while borrowing was used instead to fund nearly half that – £57bn – in shareholder dividends. The figures get worse. From 2010 to 2020, the privatised companies paid out £13.4bn in dividends, while directors’ pay rocketed. The highest paid CEOs were at Severn Trent, with a salary package of £2.4m, and United Utilities, with a salary package of £2.3m. Meanwhile, bills for customers – which have doubled over the past 15 years – are set to go up again, adding to the already dire cost of living crisis felt by many. And what are people getting in return for their money? Well, leaky pipes mean that three billion litres of water is lost every single day, a staggering figure that puts into perspective the private firms’ hosepipe bans and their “laughable” advice like using a damp towel to cool off instead of taking a shower. Another egregious failure has been the pumping of raw sewage into our rivers and coastal waters, which happened more than 400,000 times last year, with widespread illegal discharges from treatment plants. The Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that only 14 per cent of English rivers are classed as healthy, with many suffering a “chemical cocktail” of sewage, agricultural waste, and plastic pollution. Water companies stand accused by trade unions of failing to invest in skills, or in paying their workforce properly. Many engineers in their 50s are due for retirement. It’s no wonder many of the whistleblowers on sewage breaches work in the industry. I’m told one water firm worker regularly refuses to let his grandchildren swim in the sea on days when he knows just how polluted the water is. After much public outcry, the Government has legislated to impose a new duty on water companies to reduce the amount of untreated sewage they pump into rivers and seas. Yet the political stench of a failing privatised system grows stronger every day and state intervention is now needed more than ever. Although regulators Ofwat and the Environment Agency claim they’ve had an impact and are getting tougher, many say they’ve been toothless. Oxford University’s energy expert Dieter Helm put it succinctly in 2020: “What we have seen is a complete regulatory failure to control the companies.” The Commons Environment Committee said in 2018 that Ofwat had allowed firms to put shareholders ahead of consumers. It’s clear that Ofwat in particular needs much tougher powers in the short term, but ultimately this is a problem – failed private monopolies that were never going to produce the benefits of free market “competition” – that may require the more fundamental solution of public ownership. One of the most surreal outcomes of the Thatcher privatisation was that England’s water services were over time transferred from the British public sector to foreign governments and state-run enterprises. Six of the UK’s nine main water and sewage companies are owned by investment groups based offshore. China’s sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation owns nearly 10 per cent of Thames Water. Similar government-owned wealth funds in Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait all own chunks of English water firms. What makes the failed English experiment all the more obvious is the contrast with Scotland, where water privatisation never happened. Analysis from the University of Greenwich found that Scottish Water has invested nearly 35 per cent more per household in infrastructure since 2002 than the privatised English equivalents. Moreover, its bills are 14 per cent lower and its boss earns a fraction of the fat-cat pay south of the border. As for the cost of renationalisation, even that is cheaper than some claimed back in 2019 when Labour put forward its programme. Although one study – funded by the water industry – put that cost at £90bn, another by ratings agency Moody’s put the cost at £14.5bn. Given the scale of climate change we’re now facing, with water security as vital as energy security, the long-term benefits of public ownership look more attractive by the day. The Government might have no choice but to intervene anyway. Martin Salter, the former Labour MP and founder of the Angling Trust, warned today that if the drought continued this winter, the emergency Cobra committee could next year be in charge of water rationing and standpipes in the streets. As the two Tory leadership contenders jostle for Margaret Thatcher’s mantle this summer, it may be too much to hope that they will admit just how disastrous her water privatisation policy has been. But the drip-drip process of a shift to greater state regulation and intervention may have to become a flood.

Family Sex Show and Drag Queen Story Hour – protestors outside Casey and Alex give their views – Phil ‘Real News, Live News’ website – Welsh compulsory sex education plans face legal challenge The High Court has given a group opposed to plans to make relationship and sexuality education (RSE) compulsory the right to challenge it in the courts. The Welsh government is making the changes in its new curriculum. Public Child Protection Wales say parents will be “disenfranchised” from their right to remove children from sex education classes
. The Welsh government said pupils will learn topics that are age appropriate. Wales’ new curriculum is set to be launched in primary schools in September this year, and in secondary schools in 2023. As part of the plans parents will be unable to remove children from RSE classes. The Welsh relationship and sexuality education code says that “over time, learners can explore how relationships, sex, gender, romantic and sexual attraction and personal experiences may shape and inform a person’s identity and individuality”. It says: “Learners need to be supported to recognise and value different types of relationships, including families and friendships, as well as the diversity within different types of relationships, including LGBTQ+ diversity, and that these can change over time.” Public Child Protection Wales, which has won the right to seek a judicial review into the plan, believe mandatory teaching will mean “very young children will be introduced to sensitive and inappropriate topics, such as gender ideology, and that they will be disenfranchised by being denied their time-honoured right to remove their child from sex education”. Kim Isherwood, a claimant in the case, said: “Children should not be used for political ideological experiments in relation to identity and sexuality.” The Welsh government said pupils “will only learn topics that are appropriate to their age and development”. It says that from age seven, pupils may be taught “about ‘the importance of fair treatment for all and of respect in all interpersonal interactions offline and online’.” “From age 11, the code progresses to refer to ‘understanding the importance of inclusivity, including for LGBTQ+ people, non-discrimination and the value of diversity in our interpersonal behaviours and relationships’.” A government spokesman said it was about “ensuring the best outcomes for all learners and their communities: to protect them and keep them safe”.

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Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Ukraine/Russia conflict – Operation Beluga.  Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector and Marine Corps Intelligence Officer – global arms trade for assassinations, Ukrainian Army using human shields, Ukrainian casualties, his answer to ‘Russia invaded Ukraine’, and potential for a nuclear war.  World War 3. The Zelensky Narrative is Shifting | Opinion Volodymyr Zelensky increasingly reveals his true nature. For months, the Ukrainian president has enjoyed nonstop adulation from the American press and audiences with celebrity glitterati. But now, the reality of his rule in Ukraine is becoming undeniable, even to his most ardent enablers in America, many of whom happen to be Republicans. In just the last few days, the narrative has palpably shifted. First, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times sent up a trial balloon, a clear signal straight from one of the White House’s most dependable stenographers: Dear reader: The Ukraine war is not over. And privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on. There is deep mistrust between the White House and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky­considerably more than has been reported. The Biden administration had previously been as deeply committed to escalation in Ukraine as Senator Lindsey Graham or actor Ben Stiller were, but suddenly even the West Wing is beginning to acknowledge the futility of unreservedly backing Zelensky. Apparently, there are limits, even for the Washington War Machine. What are those limits regarding Ukraine? Well, for starters, Zelensky rules much like his adversary, the universally denounced Putin, does. Zelensky shut down all opposition media in Ukraine, then banned opposition political parties. He declared that Russia would have to kill every single citizen of Kyiv to get to him, but also found time to pose for a melodramatic Annie Leibovitz portrait spread for American fashion magazine Vogue.

Zelensky also fired the Ukrainian equivalent of the U.S. Attorney General and the head of the CIA, on the very same day, perhaps during breaks from his grandiose photo shoot.  Like Friedman, CBS News apparently got the memo to start tarnishing Zelensky’s halo. That network explored the folly of sending a mountain of U.S. taxpayer money into one of the most corrupt countries on Earth, though later deleted its tweet on the topic. CBS admitted that vast amounts of American largesse has been pilfered, conceding that “much of the billions of dollars of military aid that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine doesn’t make it to the front lines.” CBS also quoted an on-the-ground operative who disclosed the reality of America’s generosity: “like 30 percent of it reaches its final destination.” So, American taxpayers borrow tens of billions of dollars their country does not have, to send fortunes to the unaccountable leader of a corrupt country, all to escalate a war in which America has no vital national interest. Oh, and during a recession with runaway inflation at home. Gotcha. That reality would be damning enough, but Zelensky just upped the ante, making American escalation even more wrongheaded.

Scott Ritter: Future scenarios about a potential U.S.-China nuclear war in Taiwan and South China Sea In light of the recent accusations leveled by the US Department of Defense “the Pentagon” against China, regarding the development of its nuclear capabilities at a pace that threatens the United States of America, the international military question has arisen strongly, about: The path of the new global armament?, especially with what a number of American military and strategists have raised about the current trend towards (a tripartite or multipolar nuclear world and international nuclear parties), in reference to the American, Chinese and Russian nuclear power, as well as the Pakistani, Indian and North Korean nuclear powers, and others. But, the Egyptian researcher will focus mainly, as an expert in Chinese political affairs, on Beijing’s nuclear capabilities and the extent and how of their use and employment by China in the event of a war with the United States over Taiwan. This is as follows: China is now fully committed to developing what it knows (smart ways of war or future military methods), which are those methods that rely on advanced technological techniques, in particular artificial intelligence techniques. And granted (the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences) a mandate to ensure that this is achieved, through the “merging of military-civilian sectors”, ie: a merger between the technologies of private sector companies in China and the institutions of Chinese military industries. Here, China may already be doing (using artificial intelligence in the fields of military robots and missile guidance systems, as well as in the fields of aircraft and unmanned gunboats). China has already conducted several large-scale cyber operations outside its borders. We find that during July 2021, the United States, the European Union and Britain pointed the finger at China of being responsible for a major cyber attack targeting (Microsoft Exchange servers). The Chinese attack is believed to have harmed more than 30,000 companies worldwide, and was intended to facilitate large-scale espionage, including the Chinese acquisition of personal data and intellectual property. From my point of view, I believe that Western and American officials themselves have tended to (exaggerate the threat posed by Chinese hypersonic missiles, as they seek to prove the necessity of providing the relevant funding for the development of military space technologies). Hence, we can consider that the Chinese nuclear threat, even if it is real, may be exaggerated by Washington and the West. Chinese President Comrade “Xi Jinping” pledged to fully modernize the Chinese armed forces by 2035, while stressing the (commitment of his country’s armed forces to become a “globally superior” military force capable of “fighting wars and achieving victory in them” by 2049). China itself criticizes the level of the US nuclear stockpile, which contains 5,500 nuclear warheads, at a time when the accelerating pace of Chinese nuclear armament is seen as one of the most serious threats to Western military supremacy.

Roland Dye at Faslane Nuclear Base on the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan.  Alex Elliott at Faslane Nuclear Base on how Nuclear Power shouldn’t be used to save us from climate change. Experts at odds over nuclear power’s role in fighting climate change
In the same way that firing up shuttered coal plants has angered environmentalists, the decision to continue relying on nuclear power has rankled some analysts. “We are advocating for a clean energy revolution,” Esther Bollendorff, a senior energy analyst at the NGO coalition Climate Action Network Europe, which represents over 1,500 European NGOs, told Yahoo News. “For us, nuclear is not a clean energy. Nuclear is not a cheap energy. It cannot be built up quickly and doesn’t respond to the challenge of acting quickly. And it [creates] significant problems with managing waste.” Others, however, have applauded the reappraisal of nuclear power. London-based energy consultancy firm LucidCatalyst in June released a report titled “Beautiful Nuclear,” which argued that “no other electricity generation technology can match [nuclear’s] diversity of beneficial impacts.” It pointed out that countries such as Sweden and Finland have combined renewables with nuclear to effectively decarbonize. In the U.K., where nuclear power provides 15% of electricity, an additional eight reactors are planned. In May, prior to his resignation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised that his country would “build one [new nuclear plant] every year, powering homes with clean, safe and reliable energy.” No leader, however, has been more supportive of nuclear energy than French President Emmanuel Macron. In February, Macron called for a “rebirth of France’s nuclear industry,” announcing plans to build up to 14 new-generation reactors to battle climate change.

David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, on a new order created out of the chaos of war – as suggested by Albert Pike.  Third Temple and war in the Middle East.  Albert Pike’s Three World Wars, WWIII: between Nihilist Zionism and Islam
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the generalreactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off. Adam Weishaupt (1748 – 1811) formed the Order of Perfectibilists on May 1, 1776 (to this day celebrated as May Day throughout many western countries), which later became known as the Illuminati, a secret society whose name means “Enlightened Ones”. Although the Order was founded to provide an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas, Weishaupt’s background as a Jesuit seems to have influenced the actual character of the society, such that the express aim of this Order became to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government. An Italian revolutionary leader, Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), a 33rd degree Mason, was selected by the Illuminati to head their worldwide operations in 1834. (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860). Because of Mazzini’s revolutionary activities in Europe, the Bavarian government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe’s monarchies. As the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were persecuted and eventually disbanded, only to re-establish themselves in the depths of other organizations, of which Freemasonry was one. During his leadership, Mazzini enticed Albert Pike into the (now formally disbanded, but still operating) Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and when asked by Mazzini, readily agreed to write a ritual tome that guided the transition from average high-ranking mason into a top-ranking Illuminati mason (33rd degree). Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to head the Illuminati’s American chapter, he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such a task. Mazzini’s intention was that once a mason had made his way up the Freemason ladder and proven himself worthy, the highest ranking members would offer membership to the secret ‘society within a society’. It is for this reason that most Freemasons vehemently deny the evil intentions of their fraternity. Since the vast majority never reach the 30th degree, they would not be aware of the real purpose behind Masonry. When instructing Pike how the tome should be developed, Mazzini wrote the following to Pike in a letter dated January 22, 1870. Remember that Freemasonry wasn’t started by Pike – rather it was infiltrated by the Illuminati who were looking for a respectable forum in which to hide their clandestine activities: “We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.” In 1871, Pike published the 861 page Masonic handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. After Mazzini’s death on March 11, 1872, Pike appointed Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896, 33rd degree Mason), a banker from Florence, Italy, to run their subversive activities in Europe. Lemmi was a supporter of patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, and may have been active in the Luciferian Society founded by Pike. Lemmi, in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky, then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers; all of them dominated by the House of Rothschild. Between 1859 and 1871, Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th Century. In addition to the Supreme Council in Charleston, South Carolina, Pike established Supreme Councils in Rome, Italy (led by Mazzini); London, England (led by Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck). He set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. All of these branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati’s activities ever since. Israeli attacks on Palestinians over last weekend.  Raid on Trump’s home.

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