Fwd: 9/11CON: The Pentagon - Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers - 4 Theories

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Tony Gosling

Mar 14, 2022, 7:23:20 PM3/14/22
to in...@redressonline.com, aus...@antiwar.com, bull...@ae911truth.org, carls...@yahoo.com, crg.o...@yahoo.com, rg...@ae911truth.org, crge...@yahoo.com, edi...@veteranstoday.com, g...@veteranstoday.com, hawks...@hotmail.com, hma...@gmail.com, kbar...@merr.com, ti...@blacklistednews.com, t...@informationclearinghouse.info, uk-911...@googlegroups.com, w...@whatreallyhappened.com

From: "Richard Gage, AIA" <rga...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 01:28:02 -0700
Subject: Fwd: 9/11CON: The Pentagon - Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers - 4 Theories
To: Richard Gage AIA Architect AIA <rga...@gmail.com>
Cc: Gail Gage <ga...@richardgage911.org>

Hello friends of 9/11 Truth - we have a big event next weekend that we are hosting from RichardGage911.org and we are hoping that you will share it with all of your supporters! We put a whole lot of work into it and are expecting hundreds.  You can even add a banner to your website and link to https://911CON.org

9/11CON: The Pentagon - Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers - 4 Theories

A Live-Streamed Online Event for the Entire 9/11 Truth Movement & Beyond- Share Far & Wide!!


What Really Happened at the Pentagon??

Find Out: Saturday March 19 – 10AM to 10PM Pacific

The Pentagon attack, and resulting disinformation from our government and media, has fostered a plethora of speculation and theories with consequent confusion and frustration in the 9/11 Truth Movement for the last 20 years.

“No plane hit the Pentagon!â€

“A plane hit the Pentagon!â€

“A plane flew over the Pentagon!â€

“A missile hit the Pentagon!â€

“Pre-placed explosives racked the Pentagon!â€

“It was a combination of the above!â€


We’ve brought together prominent experts in ONE PLACE at ONE TIME – and we are bringing them to YOU!<

These presenters are bringing to your living room, office, or car their evidence and conclusions which they have been working hard on for over a decade.


The Schedule – a Sneak Peak

Theory A: Multiple explosions from pre-placed explosives, not due to a plane impact, and a plane, not Flight 77, destroyed at/near the Helipad

Barbara Honegger – 9/11 Researcher, Author, Documentarian and Activist

Theory B: A Missile Struck the Pentagon

Thierry Meyssan – Author: Pentagate (2002); 9/11 TThe Big Lie (2002)

Theory C: No 757 Hit the Pentagon on 9/11

Craig Mckee / Adam Ruff – 9/11 Researchers

Theory D: A plane with the dimensions of a Boeing 757 impacted the Pentagon

David Chandler / Wayne Coste 9/11 Researchers


For those that show evidence or cite witnesses of a plane, which path did it take? The blue path per the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and light pole damage? Or the red/orange path per the witnesses interviewed by the Citizens Investigation Team (CIT)? It really does matter! Listen to each Presenter carefully and develop your own informed opinion!

Your hosts are Richard and Gail of RichardGage911

We are going to get to the facts and the evidence!


Donate to Join 9/11CON

[] What caused the “punch-out hole†that is still smoking in this early photo? The Presenters have very different findings on this issue!

9/11CON Re-builds 9/11 Community

  • 9/11CON is a safe place to exchange ideas & scientific evidence
  • Hundreds of us are here – not just to listen hard and take notes annd learn something outside of our confirmation bias, but to connect with each other!

9/11CON is a Benefit for our new 9/11 Truth Film Series


And YOU will have the opportunity to Co-produce this critical work that brings alive the 60 exhibits of the Petition for a Grand Jury investigation from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry – straight to the Grandd Jurors themselves – as well as the public.

[] And what happened inside the Pentagon? What will our presenters tell us about the directional damage to these columns?!

Here’s what you get at 9/11 CON!

  • Watch the visually dynamic presentations

  • Learn the latest evidence from the Pentagon experts

  • Grow outside your own confirmation bias

  • Expand your 9/11 Truth awareness and critical thinking skills

  • Acquire new information and develop an informed opinion

  • Cast your vote for the most powerful evidence

  • Engage with other attendees and exchange ideas

  • Make new friends and fellowship in the 9/11 Truth community

  • Get properly equipped to be an effective 9/11 Truth activist

How do I sign-up for 9/11CON?


Make a donation of your choice & join the conference

Then, get the word out!

Link to https://911CON.org

Share this email to your list

Post it on your website!

We’ll see you there!

Richard & Gail Gage


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
          A Limited Liability Company

Speaking Truth: The destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11

RichardGage911.org              Support my Work!
(Now independent of AE911Truth)

Paul Barbara

Mar 14, 2022, 9:13:19 PM3/14/22
to uk-911...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tony, 

Talking about the Pentagon, look what I found earlier today - I was going to send it to you:
'Who killed General Bert Stubblebine? Dr. Rima Laibow & Gary Walton':
Well worth listening to, re jabs etc.as well as medical malpractice and a reminder of the 'Great Culling'. That was from 2017, but I'm sure she has some insights into the Covid business; I haven't had a chance to check yet.


'And the devil led him (Jesus) into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7

From: uk-911...@googlegroups.com <uk-911...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Tony Gosling <to...@cultureshop.org.uk>
Sent: 14 March 2022 23:23
To: in...@redressonline.com <in...@redressonline.com>; aus...@antiwar.com <aus...@antiwar.com>; bull...@ae911truth.org <bull...@ae911truth.org>; carls...@yahoo.com <carls...@yahoo.com>; crg.o...@yahoo.com <crg.o...@yahoo.com>; rg...@ae911truth.org <rg...@ae911truth.org>; crge...@yahoo.com <crge...@yahoo.com>; edi...@veteranstoday.com <edi...@veteranstoday.com>; g...@veteranstoday.com <g...@veteranstoday.com>; hawks...@hotmail.com <hawks...@hotmail.com>; hma...@gmail.com <hma...@gmail.com>; kbar...@merr.com <kbar...@merr.com>; ti...@blacklistednews.com <ti...@blacklistednews.com>; t...@informationclearinghouse.info <t...@informationclearinghouse.info>; uk-911...@googlegroups.com <uk-911...@googlegroups.com>; w...@whatreallyhappened.com <w...@whatreallyhappened.com>
Subject: [UK-911-Truth] Fwd: 9/11CON: The Pentagon - Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers - 4 Theories
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