AV-Test Rates Over 40 Android Antivirus Products; Google Patches 14 'High-risk' Bugs in Chrome; Lookout for Android Takes Editors' Choice; Know Your Malware; And More.

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PCMag.com Security Watch

Mar 7, 2012, 7:00:00 AM3/7/12
to nanda...@gmail.com
PC Magazine
  Security Watch March 7, 2012
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AV-Test Rates Over 40 Android Antivirus Products
Only seven mobile security apps detected most of the malware thrown at them, according to independent research lab Av-test.org.

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Google Patches 14 'High-risk' Bugs in Chrome
Google doled out a bounty record of $47,500 to those who reported the bugs, including two in Adobe Flash Player.

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Know Your Malware
If your antivirus truly did nothing but fight viruses, you'd be in big trouble. Fortunately, "antivirus" is a catch-all term for software that protects against all kinds of malicious software.Here's a quick primer on the many types of malware your software should protect you from.

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Review: Lookout for Android
Lookout for Android receives our first Editors' Choice pick for mobile security.

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The Worst Threat to Data Security Is In Your Pocket
A Harris/Imation study found that more than a third of you accidentally expose corporate data with insecure removable devices.

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Free Android App Exposes All the Ad Networks On Your Device
Lookout has created a very neat, free app that scans all the apps in your phone and tells you what ad networks have been installed.

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Twitter Hands Over Subscriber Info to Boston Police for Criminal Probe
Twitter lost a three-month battle to withhold the information of a user who was subpoenad for a criminal probe believed to be related to the Occupy Boston movement.

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Sopa Author Back With More Invasive Bill Masquerading as Anti Child Porn
SOPA author Lamar Smith (R-TX, pictured above) has been quietly pushing through Congress another, even more invasive online surveillance bill than SOPA, and he will probably get his way.

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