recognize .seq, .usr etc

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Terry Raymond

Nov 1, 2014, 7:26:20 PM11/1/14
to u-IEC Users Group

About a year ago someone on this list sent me the DOS command and procedure for 
setting u-iec to recogize .SEQ, .USR and other files etc.

A long time ago I had downloaded tons of C64 games from 
Most of these are Disk images that I used a CBM program to convert these back to a
floppy disk which all of these wrote to the floppy disk okay, but if the user makes a second 
disk image of the same disk would this  affect the files?

Earlier this spring I was using CBM Command and with my game disks making disk images
of these disks,  I used the original floppy and then created the image right on ny uiec, but some of these would not write correctly and reported an error.

I cant remember who it was but someone on this list told me that the uiec has to be set
(with DOS commands) to recognize other filetypes etc:  .SEQ, ,USR etc.

I had written this down, but earlier this spring I moved and it seems in the jumble of packing and unpacking I misplaced this so I was hoping some kind soul could please show me what DOS command should be used.

BTW in CBM command reported not recognizing certain filetypes.

I was thinking would it be the  M-R command?

One more question,  if once changes are made I know if the user changes the device number you can save this setting to use this device number instead, so can you do the same with any Filetype DOS changes so this setting is saved and you wouldnt have to do this every time I surmise?

I use my better 1571 which is in good alignment but origionally was created with my 1541 and seems to read those floppies okay.

Anyway would appreciate some help and try to save my games or download them all again.

- Terry Raymond

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Greg King

Dec 29, 2014, 8:09:02 PM12/29/14
On Saturday, November 1, 2014 7:26:20 PM UTC-4, Terry Raymond wrote:
About a year ago, someone on this list sent me the DOS command and procedure for 
setting uIEC to recogize .SEQ, .USR, and other files, etc.
A long time ago, I had downloaded tons of C64 games from <>.
Most of these are Disk images that I used a CBM program to convert back to a
floppy disk.  All of those wrote to the floppy disk okay; but, if the user makes a second 
disk image of the same disk, would that affect the files?
No, it wouldn't affect the files in the disk image.
Earlier this spring, I was using CBM Command; and, with my game disks, making disk images
of those disks.  I used the original floppy; and then, created the image right on my uIEC; but, some of those would not write correctly, and reported an error.
I can't remember who it was; but, someone on this list told me that the uIEC has to be set
(with DOS commands) to recognize other filetypes, etc.:  .SEQ, .USR, etc.
I had written this down; but, earlier this spring, I moved; and, it seems, in the jumble of packing and unpacking, I misplaced that.  So, I was hoping some kind soul could please show me what DOS command should be used.
BTW, CBM-Command reported not recognizing certain filetypes.
One more question:  I know, if the user changes the device number, you can save that setting, to use that device number instead; so, can you do the same with any Filetype DOS changes, so this setting is saved, and you wouldn't have to do this every time, I surmise?

 - X: Extended commands. If you use JiffyDOS, you can send them by using
       @"X..." -- without quotes, you'll just receive an error.
  - XEnum    Sets the "file extension mode". This setting controls if
             files on FAT are written with an x00 header and extension, or not.
             Possible values for num are:
               0: Never write x00 format files.
               1: Write x00 format files for SEQ/USR/REL, but not for PRG.
               2: Always write x00 format files.
               3: Use SEQ/USR/REL file extensions, no x00 headers.
               4: Same as 3, but also for PRG.
             If you set mode 3 or 4, extension hiding is automatically enabled.
             This setting can be saved in the EEPROM using XW, the default
             value is 1.
             For compatibility with existing programs that write D64 files,
             PRG files that have D64, D41, D71, D81, DNP or M2I as an extension
             will always be written without an x00 header and without
             any additional PRG file extension.
  - XE+/XE-  Enable/disable extension hiding. If enabled, files in FAT with
             a PRG/SEQ/USR/REL extension will have their extension removed;
             and, the file type changed to the type specified by the file
             extension -- e.g., "APPLICATION.PRG" will become a PRG file named
             "APPLICATION", and "README.SEQ" will become a SEQ file named "README".
             This flag can be saved in the EEPROM using XW, the default
             value is disabled (-).
  - XInum    Switches the display mode for mountable files (i.e., disk images
             and M2I). num can be 0; in which case, the file will be shown
             with its normal type in the directory; or 1, which will show all
             mountable files as DIRectory entries (but, they can still be
             accessed as files, too); or 2, in which case, they will show up
             twice -- once with their normal types and once as directories.
             The default value is 0; and, this setting can be stored
             permanently using XW.
             It might be useful to set it to 1 or 2 when using software that
             was originally written for CMD devices, and which wouldn't
             recognize disk images/M2I files as mountable on their own.
             However, due to limitations of the current implementation of
             the CD command, such software still might fail to mount a disk
             image, with this option enabled.
  - XW       Store configuration to EEPROM.
             This command stores the current configuration in the EEPROM.
             It automatically will be read when the AVR is reset; so,
             any changes you made will persist, even after turning off
             the hardware.
             The stored configuration includes the extension mode,
             drive configuration, and the current device address.
             If you have changed the device address by software,
             sd2iec will power up with that address unless
             you have changed the device address jumpers (if available) to
             a different setting than the one active at the time the
             configuration was saved. You can think of this feature as
             changing the meaning of one specific setting of the jumpers
             to a different address if that sounds logical enough to you.
             The "hardware overrides software overrides hardware" priority
             was chosen to allow accessing sd2iec even when it is soft-
             configured for a device number that is already taken by
             another device on the bus, without having to remove that
             device to reconfigure sd2iec (e.g., when using a C128D).

Terry Raymond

Dec 30, 2014, 11:30:56 AM12/30/14
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the list if commands wow.

I looked in Walmart and bought a different sd brand and that did the trick,
my original card was not quite compatible.

Hey thanks again.
Terry Raymond
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