Configuring Flash Part For Use With UFFS

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Gil Glass

Sep 26, 2018, 11:56:43 AM9/26/18
Hi Ricky,

Still trying to get UFFS up and running on my platform.  I have the southbound side wired up in flash_interface.c, connecting the UFFS primitives to our flash driver.  However, there still, I would think, has to be a good deal of configuration that has to go on.  For example:

  1. Only part of our flash device will be available to be used by UFFS.  The rest will be raw storage.  How do I tell UFFS that I want to allocate, for example, 200 blocks for its use?  uffs_config.h does not seem to contain a setting for this.  BTW, the device contains 4096 blocks total.
    1. Can I, if I want to, tell UFFS the range of block numbers I want it to use?  For example, can I tell UFFS to use blocks 300-500?
  2. Presumably I can't just start calling uffs_open() and uffs_read() and uffs_write() without first formatting the UFFS-enabled portion of the flash.  How do I do that?
  3. What else do I need to do?  I feel like the documentation is very limited and the examples don't address these questions.
Thanks again!

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