A shocking revelation from a U.S. Senator

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Jawad Zafar

Feb 13, 2009, 2:40:16 AM2/13/09
to UET-CS Yahoogroup, uet_cs

Just for the information of all the concerned...

this is really a shocking news... and now I am forced to believe that this government is really on a prescribed agenda, the final stage of which is to divide Pakistan

And perhaps this is all because of us... we do not have the courage and the time to come out of our lives and atleast stage a protest

All praise be to Almighty

Jawad Zafar (one of the dead persons)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: News Press <newspr...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:10 AM
Subject: U.S. Senator Says Zardari-Gillani Junta Killed Pakistanis With U.S. Drone Attacks
To: Report Press <repor...@googlegroups.com>

INFORMATION PRESS - News Views Media - www.InformPress.com - USA

U.S. Senator Says Zardari-Gillani Junta Killed Pakistanis With U.S.
Drone Attacks

200 American CIA Agents Working with PPP-MQM-ANP to Divide and Destroy

[U.S.] Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan, U.S. lawmaker says

Senator Feinstein's surprise disclosure likely to complicate [US-PPP]
joint campaign against [Pakistani-Pakhtoon] militants

By Greg Miller

Washington DC, USA, 12 February 2009 (Chicago Tribune) - A senior U.S.
lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned [U.S.] CIA Predator aircraft
operating in Pakistan are flown from an [American] airbase inside that
country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and
complicate its counter-terrorism collaboration with the United States.

The disclosure by [U.S.] Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the
Chairwoman of the [U.S.] Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the
first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the [U.S.]
Predator aircraft patrolling Pakistan take off and land.

At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise at Pakistani opposition to
the ongoing campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against
[Pakistani-Pakhtoon] targets along Pakistan's northwest border.

"As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," she
said of the [U.S. military] planes.

The basing of the pilotless aircraft in Pakistan suggests a much
deeper relationship with the United States on counter-terrorism
matters than has been publicly acknowledged. Such an arrangement would
be at odds with protests lodged by officials in Islamabad and could
inflame anti-American sentiment in the country.

The CIA declined to comment, but former U.S. intelligence officials,
speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the
information, confirmed that Feinstein's account was accurate.

Phil LaVelle, a spokesman for Feinstein, said her comment was based
solely on previous news reports that [U.S.] Predators were operated
from [American] bases near Islamabad.

"We strongly object to Senator Feinstein's remarks being characterized
as anything other than a reference" to a article that appeared last
March in The Washington Post, LaVelle said. Feinstein did not refer to
newspaper accounts during the hearing.

Many counter-terrorism experts have assumed that the aircraft were
operated from U.S. military installations in Afghanistan and remotely
piloted from locations in the United States. Experts said the
disclosure could create political problems for the fledgling [PPP-MQM-
ANP-JUIF] government in Islamabad.

"If accurate, what this says is that Pakistani [PPP regime]
involvement, or at least acquiescence, has been much more extensive
than has previously been known," said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism
expert at Georgetown University. "It puts the Pakistani [PPP]
government in a far more difficult position [in terms of] its
credibility with its own people. Unfortunately, it also has the
potential to threaten Pakistani-American relations."

Feinstein's disclosure came during testimony before the Senate
Intelligence Committee by U.S. Director of National Intelligence
Dennis C. Blair on the nation's security threats. Blair did not
respond directly to Feinstein's remark, except to say that Pakistan is
"sorting out" its cooperation with the United States.

Pakistani officials have long denied that they ever granted the United
States permission to fly the [U.S.] Predator planes over Pakistani
territory, let alone to operate the aircraft from within the country.

The [PPP] new civilian leadership has gone to significant lengths to
distance itself from the [U.S.] Predator strikes, which are extremely
unpopular in Pakistan, in part because they are widely reported to
kill civilians as well as militants.

The Pakistani [PPP] government regularly lodges diplomatic protests
against the strikes as a violation of its sovereignty, and officials
said the subject was raised with Richard C. Holbrooke, a newly
appointed U.S. envoy to the [South Asian] region, who completed his
first visit to the country on Thursday.

Nevertheless, most Pakistanis believe the [PPP] civilian leadership
has continued former [military dictator and illegal] President Pervez
Musharraf's policy giving the United States [unlawful] tacit
permission to carry out the strikes.

The CIA has been working to step up its presence in Pakistan in recent
years. The CIA has deployed as many as 200 people to Pakistan, one of
its largest overseas operations outside of Iraq, current and former
agency officials have estimated. That contingent works alongside other
U.S. operatives who specialize in electronic communications and spy

The use of [U.S.] Predator planes, armed with Hellfire anti-tank
missiles, has emerged as perhaps the important U.S. tool in its
ongoing efforts to attack [the Pakistani-Pakhtoon force] in its
sanctuary in Pakistan's tribal belt. Last month, a New Year's Day
strike killed two senior operatives who were suspected of involvement
in the bombing of Islamabad's Marriott. They were among at least eight
senior figures reportedly killed in [U.S.] Predator strikes over the
past seven months as part of a stepped-up missile campaign that U.S.
intelligence officials have characterized as major success against

In his prepared testimony Thursday, Blair said that [the Pakistani-
Pakhtoon force] has "lost significant parts of its command structure
since 2008 in a succession of blows as damaging to the group as any
since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001."

Los Angeles Times staff writer Laura King contributed from Istanbul,


[Copyright 2009 Chicago Tribune, Chicago, USA]

(1) Pakistan Parliament Will Authorize Shooting Down U.S. Drones?


(2) MQM-PPP-ANP Scheme For Dividing Pakistan


(3) Will Zardari Deliver A. Q. Khan To America?


(4) Pakistan is Not America's 'War Theater'


(5) End The U.S. Romance Before It Destroys Pakistan








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Best Regards,

Jawad Zafar

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