Feature Request: Complete diagnostics

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Abigail Watson

Mar 18, 2022, 4:38:48 PM3/18/22
To Whom it May Concern:
Hello, I'd like to propose a feature request to whomever is maintaining the UDAPTestTool.  Simply put, users need complete diagnostic information in the test runner; and implementation is taking 2x longer than needed because the tool clips the information.

So, for example, I'm running the test tool.  I see it failing some tests.

I want to check on the certificate.  But I can't just copy it, because it's clipped with three ellipsis's at the end.
I try inspecting the element, hoping that the clipping is part of a CSS styling rule, and the full data is in the DOM.
But nope!  It's just teasing the data.  Such a tease.  And I've lost 30s already following a rabbit down a rabbit hole and now have a disruption, and need to context shift to a database manager instead of staying within the code editing flow.  

Please just output the entire JSON object to the DOM.  If it's causing layout problems, use the 'white-space: 'nowrap' and 'text-overflow':'ellipsis' and `max-width` CSS rules.

Thanks for the consideration,

Abigail Watson
Principal FHIR Software Engineer
Open Health Services, MITRE


Mar 18, 2022, 10:18:58 PM3/18/22
Hi Abigail,

Thank you for your message and we appreciate this feedback. 

The tool's design relies on the assumption that implementers are generally able to capture and log requests being made to or from their endpoints, such that it would be redundant for the tool's requests, or requests that you send to the tool, to also be displayed in its own user interface, however we are happy to make a note of your request as a potential future enhancement.

Thank you,
The UDAP.org Team

Abigail Watson

Mar 19, 2022, 12:18:58 PM3/19/22

Dear UDAP.org Team,
This assumption doesn't hold particularly well for startups or organizations that are using hosted or containerized environments, and may just be setting up their environments.

Could you provide an issue ticket and tracking number?  I will want to refer to this thread in workgroup meetings to discuss actionable next-steps on how we can get this implemented.

Lastly, for what it's worth, my base of comparison is Touchstone and Inferno, which provide similar automated testing functionality, and *do* provide detailed diagnostics information including query URL, sent payload, and received response.  Since the majority of API test runners in the FHIR ecosystem do provide this level of fine-grained diagnostic information, one might go so far to say that it's the industry standard and expectation for detailed diagnostics information to be provided in the user interface. 

I will be looking forward to discussing this topic in future workgroup meetings, and will be prioritizing it for follow up.   

Thank you,

Abigail Watson
Principal FHIR Software Engineer
Open Health Services, MITRE

Co-Chair, HL7 Patient Empowerment Workgroup

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