Early UDAP UI tool

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Joseph Shook

Feb 24, 2023, 1:10:17 PM2/24/23
While implementing the B2B authorization_code flow I started building UI tool.  As it was taking shape, I became increasingly interested in making it verbose to visualize what happens as one builds structures for registration and access requests.  It is turning more into a educational tool.

Tool:  FhirLabs UdapEd

It should kind of be obvious how it could continue to evolve.  Note the Test Cert button.  Use this button to load a default client test cert into the tool.  Or load your own with password.  Yes, it will store it in temporary session so at some point you would not use this for production certs.  The tool is easy to run locally.  I will probably publish the docker image of it.

-  Add validation to Discovery.  In the right column dissect the signed metadata, kind of like jwt.io.  
- Registration.  Show the progression of building a registration document, raw and signed software_statement and certifications.  Template this and allow the user to influence the registration document.  Will be useful in seeing how a sever responds to incorrect statements show new UDAPers the mechanics so they can come up to speed fast.
-  Link to the FHIR IG and udap.org profiles within context as you experiment.  
-  One place where I have allowed the user to interact and invalidate data is in the B2B section while building an access code request. 

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