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The Senate Judiciary committee under Chuck Grassley should debate the unconstitutionality of the denial of the executive branch's right to nominate judges to the judiciary comittee for confirmation hearing, KAVANAUGH MAOIST CORPORATE DISNEY INFIDEL!!

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Thomas Wheat

Sep 27, 2018, 12:21:06 AM9/27/18
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Judge Merrick Garland is the rightful nominated Judicial Candidate for Justice of the SCOTUS, confirmation hearings in the Judiciary Committee should include Judge Garland as a candidate for nomination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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me (Tom Jigme Wheat

9:10 PM (7 minutes ago)

Republican, and former Connecticut U.S. senator Joseph Lieberman, an independent, both co-chairs of the problem-solving group No Labels, wrote that "There is no modern precedent for the blockade that Senate Republicans have initiated, blocking the constituional right of the executive of the executive branch of american government, has the judicial right to appoint a supreme court judge for nomination, and consideration before the senate judiciary committe. Article 2 section 1, article 1 section 2 of the united states constitution, expressly and has purposefully rejected the argument to Annul, and Confederize, under Marbury vs. Madison, 1802, the States rights argument circulated by the Midwest and the old confederate south throughout there history after the illegal election of Rutherford B. Hayes, in 1876, who ended Lincoln's federal economic

policies in the south, the GOP, aka the Grand Ole Party, TORY SLIME, also known as the american republican party after Dwight D. Esinhower's death in 1972, along with Khruschev, the gop party, have been the party of nihilist relavist demographic propaganda matrix, of starting continous race war and class war, as a means to deny class mobility, because there is a percieved sociopathy associated with their libertarine and libertine, utilitiarian ethic, expounded by the protestant heritic, John Calvin, that wealth accummulation for the sake of earning weatlth, is a pedagogical doctrine that that these GOP and their corporate cohorts argue, seggration, as a doctrine of misrepresentation of the constitution's, advice and consent clause under FDR, and under the supreme courts majority opinion, rendered by Judge Earl Warren, who would have fundamentally opposed that interpatation, of marbury vs madison, states rights and the concept federalism, rendered in legal opinion, in the case history renderings of legal opinions, going back to John Jay's original interperation of advice and consent, rendered opinion thereof, negates the treasonous actions of mitch mcconnel, and the GOP members on the Judiciary committee who cumulatively decided, that the senate rules committe, would not authorize a cloture motion, to allow, for the appointment of the judiciary committee, to authorize the holding of legislative hearings on whether and ensuing refusal, to nominate 3rd District Court of Appeals judge, Merrick Garland, a fallacious denial of due process, and the due process clause of the 14th amendment. Now the GOP have blocked a nomination of a supreme cour t judge, in a democrat regime, and now articulating the red herring fallacy in the nomination of Judge kavanaugh who has 90% of his case law doctrine, censored, from the Judiciary committees review process, and only 10 % of his legal opinions have been made public for the committee, to review. Until his full legal opinions rendered, throughout the Federal Court system, district, and district court of appeals, in conjunction of private practice cases argued in Civil Court, wheter he was the solicitor, on behalf the government, and in cases,argued against the government's side as an attorney agent for corporations, or class action settlements, or any other civil dispute, renders the reality that Judge Kavanaugh clique in the senate, plan to reinvoke Corporate confederacy, toutsource in the public consciousness the their reactionary role in damaging the national security of USA through their GOP dominated Free Trade doctrine in Asia, was nothing more than a sell out of the american manufacturing base, exported to communist china, the ensuing corporate socialized edthic in popular culture supports a nihilist end to freedom of representation, freedom of expression, the code is to say nothing political, always focus on the economic argument, that dictates social culture as a whole in the USA. The static hiearchy, of the social actor subserviant to the corporate commie, is to lobby the US Congress, on behalf of communist china, because these right wing dominated Multi National Corporations, MNCs outsourced, offshored america's manufacturing base to communist china, and directly aided in the rise of PRC reactionary expansionist policy of han nationalisn, and federalized system of wage slavery enshrinedf in the CCP's judicial ethic. 800 million chinese live on less than 3 dollars a day, The state practices late term abortions, and sterializatiion programs, the death penalty is an AK 47 bullet expelled to the back of the head while handcuffed, Political Crime is doctrine of the PRC's legal code, in it freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom for peacefull assembly or all denied illegally by th USA TRUMP-Bush Regime, and is official state doctrine bin communist china. proves rightist COSSACK posse in sonoma county, and 90 % of the GOP in america are traitors to the constitution, all sell outs to the chinese communist party, all fascist collectivists, aping the nihilism of the sole ideal to utlitarian capitalism is nothing more than what deng xiaoping said the same thing to commie creed, to get rich is glorious, while all mao and deng ever did, was rob and swindle and were responsible for the murder of 110 million people through genocide, via a policy of promoting abject policies that resulted in mass starvation, and the resultant death of 100 million chinese under the tyrannical Mao Zedong Deng xiaoping regime. Both the CCP and the china lobby in congress, and senate, support this amoral ethic, along with their feudal constitiuent cohorts, any body or organization, that ever donated to your campaign GOP filth should die a horrible death by firing squad of USMC, DOD defense secretary, Gen. James Mattis, overrides Trump, his father trump was a slumlord, its the cult of personality in sonoma county that perpetuates hate war on my presence A class war of hate.. hate against me here in my own local jurisdiction; Judge Merrick Garland confirmation hearings must be held in conjunction, with Judge Merrick Garland citing case opinions on how they reflect his overall judicial philosophy. In some another instance of negative infamy by the GOP, to block the executive

privilege, when it is constitutional right for a president to nominate a judge, and it is unconstitutional for the legislative branch to deny hearings in the senate, regarding nominations of federal judges,; in some it is unconstitutional for the legislative branches right to nominate judicial candidate for consideration by the legislative branch of government, inherently violationg the seperation of powers clause to the constitution of USA. Cavanaugh's nomination and Judge Merrick garland, should be allowed to be renominated for consideration as well, to be held in conjunction, with Judge Merrick Garland citing case opinions on how they reflect his, & cavanaugh's established opinions and overall judicial philosophy of both, should guide grassley the senate judiciary chair, the judiciary committee as whole must take this in consideration in order truly field a candidate from the broad spectrum of USA legal opinion, instead of the rigged nomination process for judges appointments to the federal bench, fielding solitary appointments, that create biased legal opinion in practice.. In some another instance of negative infamy by the GOP, to block the executive privilege of the POTUS, to nominate judges for confirmation proceedings before the senate. GOP, republicans illegally denied the Executive Branch's right to nominate a Judge Merrick Garland to the supreme court when a judicial vacancy arises, Grand ole party, GOP Tory, you are an unconstitutional creed of traitorous filth, needing only the sustenance of the flame thrower and the ak 47 coming for your life, traitors, GOP, and 30 percent of the other party affiliations in the USA, should be liquidated as well, Blue chip corporation merge with the trend setter stocks on the other two principle exchanges, the Federal reserve, and the US Export - Import Bank, initiate a takeover, of the NASDAQ tech index, all assets reallocated to the defense department, GE, IBM, AT&T, Toyota Motor Corporation, Fiat chrslyer dodge, along with general dynamics Co., and the Boeing corporation, remain blue chip entites listed on the dow stock exchange. Nationalization of the labor pool, requires a purge of the corporate hiearchy across the nation as a whole, as well, starting with complete management Of the they are to be liquidated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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