The problem of finding data samples

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Sep 3, 2024, 12:53:34 PM9/3/24
to UCSC Xena and Cancer Genomics Browser
 I am an undergraduate student at Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China, majoring in Bioengineering and Big Data Management and Application (double bachelor degree). Recently, I am trying to do some simple raw letter analysis, but because there is no teacher or classmate to guide me, I am figuring it out on my own, so I have encountered some difficulties I hope you can give me some pointers. I want to try to screen for cancer cfDNA targets, that is, to do CNV, so I found the gistic2 data in the URL '', but I found that the data in there are all cancer cases (corresponding to the The last digits of the medical record number are 01, 02, 03, 06, etc., and I found that all of them indicate cancer after checking the TCGA literature), but I need healthy cases to do some analysis, so I would like to ask where I can look for healthy gistic2 data.
  Wish you all the best!

Mary Goldman

Sep 3, 2024, 6:43:07 PM9/3/24
to 初子斌, UCSC Xena and Cancer Genomics Browser

I believe all healthy TCGA copy number data is considered to be protected data. You will need to apply to dbGap in order to gain access:

Mary Goldman (she/her), Design and Outreach Engineer 

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