I'm extremely excited to announce that one of our legacy members,
David Nalley, will be presenting at our December meeting. David is
the Director of Open Source Strategy at Amazon Web Services. His talk
is entitled:
Consequences of Winning: Open Source's Next Era.
Open source has won. It's now the de facto development
methodology, and even old enemies who declared open source a cancer
have become friendly. What does the future hold? What are the
consequences of having won? From licensing to AI (yes, every talk must
mention AI at least once to get a speaking slot) to regulation and
security, we'll cover all of the good, bad, and ugly consequences of
You may have read an interview he did that was published yesterday at
The Register:
David has offered to provide food/snacks for our meeting, so please,
if you plan to attend at OpenWorks in person, please either respond to
this email, notify me on HackGreenville, or click "Attend" on the
Enter OpenWorks from the 3rd floor of Richardson St. Garage in
downtown Greenville, SC. More info on this entrance here:
If you can't attend in-person, please join us live online along with
ColaLUG, the Columbia SC Linux User's Group (who should also be
in-person at the Richland Main Library in Columbia, SC), on Jitsi:
Looking forward to seeing everyone!