Hey, everyone, I apologize that I haven't announced next Tuesday's
meeting, I have had a few distractions this week.
The speaker that was planned for Tuesday has had to postpone, so we
don't exactly have a topic. I had a couple thoughts:
- Ben is currently trying to see if he can get next month's speaker to
move up to this month. (First priority.)
- We could have a purely social event. We could go around the room to
introduce ourselves and something autobiographical about Linux.
- We could discuss current topics.
- I could improvise an on-the-fly kernel compilation. :^)
- Volunteer?
I will have soft drinks as well, so that may encourage the social
aspect. Does anyone make moonshine? (Just kidding!)
In-person at OpenWorks:
101 N Main St, Suite 302
Greenville, SC
(Enter from 3rd floor of Richardson Street Parking Deck, see
Online, along with ColaLUG, at:
Normally I would have a link to our GetTogether page for this month,
but GetTogether has been hit-or-miss for me the past couple days. It
should be off of our home: