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John Kinsella

May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

Recently I have noticed when people see me in public, they're not quite
sure how to act. I always love to interact with my fans, but sometimes
propper ettique needs to be followed. Therefore, I am providing the
following guidelines. Please determine which category you fit into, and
then take note on how to respond when you first see me. As always, I
look forward to interacting with you in the future, and may God bless
you all!

For those who do not yet know what I look like, you can view me in all
my glory in the following picture:

I'm the guy with his arm around the cute girl. Some day, you too may be
lucky enough to join these people in celebrating my presence, as they do
in this picture.

If you have not met me in person before: From a distance, scream
loudly, "OH MY GOD, IT'S JOHN KINSELLA!!!!" After approaching me, I will
probably be willing to sign an autograph, if I am not drunk or in a hurry.

If you are a dog: Trot up to my happily. If it looks like I want to
pet you or scratch you on the head, wander close enough for me to do so.
If I am wearing dark clothing, do not rub against me. Do not under any
circumstance, dribble or slobber.

If you are a female teenager: Faint.

If you are a male teenager: Do not approach, but notice from a distance
how cool I am. Notice how you need to improve yourself to be more like
me. Revive your girlfriend who just passed out.

If you are a network 21 official who is about to tell me that a 100TX
port will cost me $200 a month: Start running.

If you are an attractive female in her early 20s:
If the girl in the above picture is not around: Run up to me, crying
"John, you are so wonderful!" and jump on me, showering me with all
sorts of attention.
If the girl in the above picture is nearby: Walk up to me casually,
wait until the girl is not looking, and give me your phone number.

If you are a friend of mine, one who all the others are jealous of: Do
not mention the animal science thing when others are nearby.

If you are a security guard or peace officer: Say "Oh, it's *you*, John."

If you are somebody I don't like: Don't say anything, for fear that
everybody around you who is lucky enough to be liked by me will start to
abuse you if you do say something.

If you are an undergraduate computer science major: Kneel down before
me, and begin to cry "I'm not worthy!" Aftera few moments, I will allow
you to rise and kiss the hands which produce such extrodinary works of
art from a computer.

If you are a lurker on this group: Stand quietly in a shadow, watching
from a distance, for people cannot know that you actually do know me,
more intimately than anybody could ever dream of knowing me, even though
you have never met me.

Jeff Collins

May 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/16/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:
: Recently I have noticed when people see me in public, they're not quite

: sure how to act. I always love to interact with my fans, but sometimes
: propper ettique needs to be followed. Therefore, I am providing the
<yadda yadda yadda>

Someone is just a little too full of themselves here. Forget to take your
Prozac this morning, John? --jw

Jeff Collins,, Computer Engineering Research Lab
Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of California, Davis

Ola Okupe

May 17, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/17/98

One quick question.. what cute girl?

Jeff Collins ( wrote:

Dark PRiSM

May 17, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/17/98

My guess: 4 really dark beers before posting this. How close am I? :)

John Kinsella

May 17, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/17/98

Ola Okupe ( wrote:
| One quick question.. what cute girl?

You need to realize that a girl doesn't have to have dred-locks, rings
around her neck, and have bone sticking of her nose for her to be attractive.

Zun-Jay Hou

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:

I see the shit slowly being lobbed towards the fan... :) John... that was
a tad on the harsh side but I gotta admit... I laughed hard!



Susan Rankin

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:
A whole bunch of really delusional stuff...

You left out the most important group, those who know you and all your
little secrets best, you know, the ones in the white coats that say: Yes,
John, whatever you say John -- Oh nurse, get the hypodermic -- QUICK...

Susan R.

PS. And you better avoid prozac it has been shown to increase delusions of

Ola Okupe

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John, you just like to start really nasty battles dont you?
Why do you say stupid stuff like that.. I mean, if you wanna start getting
ill, I can point out a whole lot of things wrong with your casperette.

Ola Okupe

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Whoever said that was attractive?
But something that looks like it ran into a brick wall... that my boy isnt

John Kinsella

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Ola Okupe ( wrote:
| John, you just like to start really nasty battles dont you?

Yes, I do. :)

| Why do you say stupid stuff like that.. I mean, if you wanna start getting
| ill, I can point out a whole lot of things wrong with your casperette.

If you don't want me to say stupid stuff, then don't you go saying
stupid stuff in the first place. The words "do you think this girl is
cute?" Never appeared in my original post.

But thanks for the heads up about getting ill...I'll have her tested.

"What a man had to go through for a piece of ass in the modern day is
highly ridiculous" -- Tears of the Gods/Apollo 440
John Kinsella * *

Ryan Barnes

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:
: If you are somebody I don't like: Don't say anything, for fear that

: everybody around you who is lucky enough to be liked by me will start to
: abuse you if you do say something.

Note to self...


"We also had at our table one turkey burger, one ostrich burger,
one cheeseburger, and two garden burgers. Lord...please keep me from
making gross generalizations about the fact that the garden burgers were
ordered by the women...thank you, Lord. Amen."
-Jerry Perry

Joshua Fox

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Susan Rankin ( wrote:
: PS. And you better avoid prozac it has been shown to increase delusions of
: grandeur.

Hmmm, I thought that Viagra was the drug responsible for such delusions...


Susan Rankin

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:
: But thanks for the heads up about getting ill...I'll have her tested.

If she reads your posts, you won't have to...

Susan R.

Susan Rankin

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Joshua Fox ( wrote:

There have been legal defenses based on prozac induced delusions. For
what THAT's worth!

Susan R.

Kit Wetzler

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

John Kinsella ( wrote:
: You need to realize that a girl doesn't have to have dred-locks, rings
: around her neck, and have bone sticking of her nose for her to be attractive.

Oh, come on. You know a woman isn't attractive until she can fit a 12"
plate in her lower lip. Either that, or have a 10" neck, so fragile that
if she removed her rings, the weight of her head would snap her

Christopher "Kit" Wetzler | "How do you write your women?" | "I think of a man... and take away | reason and accountability."
-Melvyn Udall, _As Good as It Gets_

Ryan Barnes

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Kit Wetzler ( wrote:

: John Kinsella ( wrote:
: : You need to realize that a girl doesn't have to have dred-locks, rings
: : around her neck, and have bone sticking of her nose for her to be attractive.
: Oh, come on. You know a woman isn't attractive until she can fit a 12"
: plate in her lower lip. Either that, or have a 10" neck, so fragile that
: if she removed her rings, the weight of her head would snap her
: vertebrate.

Boy, *that* gives new meaning to the term "Deep Throat."

Kit Wetzler

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Kit Wetzler ( wrote:
: Oh, come on. You know a woman isn't attractive until she can fit a 12"
: plate in her lower lip. Either that, or have a 10" neck, so fragile that
: if she removed her rings, the weight of her head would snap her
: vertebrate.

Ryan Barnes ( wrote:
: Boy, *that* gives new meaning to the term "Deep Throat."

Just imagine the ball slap from the plate... slurp, *SMACK*, slurp,

Zun-Jay Hou

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Kit Wetzler ( wrote:

: Kit Wetzler ( wrote:
: : Oh, come on. You know a woman isn't attractive until she can fit a 12"
: : plate in her lower lip. Either that, or have a 10" neck, so fragile that
: : if she removed her rings, the weight of her head would snap her
: : vertebrate.
: Ryan Barnes ( wrote:
: : Boy, *that* gives new meaning to the term "Deep Throat."
: Just imagine the ball slap from the plate... slurp, *SMACK*, slurp,
: *SMACK*...

Wow... that was a sick thought...




May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

That's Kit...always willing to take a joke one step too far.


Susan Moll

May 18, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/18/98

Ola Okupe wrote:
> John, you just like to start really nasty battles dont you?
> Why do you say stupid stuff like that.. I mean, if you wanna start getting
> ill, I can point out a whole lot of things wrong with your casperette.

Just as I (and so many others) could point out a whole lot of things
wrong with you, beginning with spelling, inability to argue, inane rape,
and general pointlessness.

Susan M.

P.S. I hear they're having a special on King Cobra down at the Liquor
Barn. If you hurry up and log off you could go pick up a 40, or three.

Joshua Fox

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98

Susan Moll ( wrote:
: wrong with you, beginning with spelling, inability to argue, inane rape,
: ^^^^^^^^^^
Uhh, yeah.....

: Susan M.

: P.S. I hear they're having a special on King Cobra down at the Liquor
: Barn. If you hurry up and log off you could go pick up a 40, or three.

Nawwww, that's not racist. Actually, your whole post is exactly what you
just complained about Ola... Think before you type, eh?

Ola Okupe

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98

A) what does the last word in this line refer to?

: wrong with you, beginning with spelling, inability to argue, inane rape,

Susan, susan, you dont want to step up.. trust me
: and general pointlessness.

Ola Okupe

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98

Wow, good point Josh, I didnt even notic the rest of the message till you
pointed it out. Now moll, what kind of garbage is that? I mean this is so
white trash. I dont know whether to send you to jenny jones, or jenny

: Nawwww, that's not racist. Actually, your whole post is exactly what you


David F. Prenatt, Jr.

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98

Susan Rankin advised John Kinsella on the dangers of psychoactive drugs:

[Susan Rankin commented on John Kinsella's "Greetings" post:]
: : : PS. And you better avoid prozac it has been shown to increase
: : : delusions of grandeur.

[Joshua Fox rejoined:]
: : Hmmm, I thought that Viagra was the drug responsible for such delusions...

[Susan Rankin retorted:]
: There have been legal defenses based on prozac induced delusions. For
: what THAT's worth!

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!

Sign Me,

Jackie Chiles

Internet Esquire(SM) *--* (c) Copyright 1998 by David F. Prenatt, Jr. *--*
P.O. Box 74632 | *--*--* |
Davis, CA 95617-5632 * I am under no obligation to save anyone from his *
[Unlisted phone/fax] | or her ignorance, and I have no desire to do so. |
*--*--* *--*--* < >

William Wagman

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98

: [Joshua Fox rejoined:]

: : : Hmmm, I thought that Viagra was the drug responsible for such delusions...

The maker of the Pfiser Riser has issued warnings about taking Viagra in
conjunction with iron pills. Some men have been found stuck facing north
for over two hours.

Bill Wagman
Univ. of California at Davis
Information Resources
(916) 754-6208

Susan Moll

May 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/19/98
to Joshua Fox

Joshua Fox wrote:

> Nawwww, that's not racist. Actually, your whole post is exactly what you
> just complained about Ola... Think before you type, eh?

My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.
"casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're


Remington Stone

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

William Wagman said:
}: [Joshua Fox rejoined:]
}: : : Hmmm, I thought that Viagra was the drug responsible for such delusions
}The maker of the Pfiser Riser has issued warnings about taking Viagra in
}conjunction with iron pills. Some men have been found stuck facing north
}for over two hours.


The side effect that cracked me up was that some men apparently developed
a difficulty in distinguishing blue from green.

-Remington Stone
"What do you mean you don't see a tiny
little oompah band when you daydream?"
-Kids in the Hall

Ryan Barnes

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Yeah, right. Would you kick someone's ass for calling you a honkey?
Cracker? Trailer trash? Etc? Technically, it may be "as bad," but us
white folk don't take too much offense to it. We don't hear it as much
and aren't subject to racism as often.

Remington Stone

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Ryan Barnes said:

}Susan Moll ( wrote:
}: My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.
}: "casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're
}: black.
}Yeah, right. Would you kick someone's ass for calling you a honkey?
}Cracker? Trailer trash? Etc?

No, I wouldn't, but only because I'm basically a pacifist. It would,
however, hurt my feelings. Just because nobody kicks your ass for it
doesn't make it right.

}Technically, it may be "as bad," but us white folk don't take too much
}offense to it.

Speak for yourself, pal. Racism's just bloody unpleasant no matter who
you are.

}We don't hear it as much and aren't subject to racism as often.

So, if I only humiliate you once in a while, you'd be all right with that?

"Where...the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have 1,000 vacuum
tubes and perhaps weigh just 1-1/2 tons."
--Popular Mechanics, March 1949

David F. Prenatt, Jr.

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Susan Moll wrote in ongoing commentary on racism a la Ola:

[Susan Moll

: My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.
: "casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're
: black.

If I may play Devil's Advocate (and who, you may ask, is going to
stop me?), I wholeheartedly disagree with your assertion. The traditional
relationship between "blacks" and "whites" has been one of power and
control by the former over the latter. Making fun of someone for being a
member of a group that is in power (e.g., your boss) is entirely different
from making fun of someone who is a member of a group that is not in power
(e.g., your employees). Doing one makes you a victim; doing the other
makes you a bully.

I respectfully submit that those who have had every advantage in
life by virtue of their skin color should be somewhat more tolerant of the
racist commentary of those who have been denied opportunities and/or
persecuted by virtue of their skin color. Indeed, I have always
considered it a compliment when someone criticizes me simply because that
person thinks that I am more fortunate than he or she is. The truth is
that anyone who succeeds at anything worthwhile must overcome tremendous
disappointment and hardship; there's very little hope for those who don't
realize that.

Ryan Barnes

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Remington Stone ( wrote:
: No, I wouldn't, but only because I'm basically a pacifist. It would,
: however, hurt my feelings.

<sniff, sniff> Need a tissue?

: }Technically, it may be "as bad," but us white folk don't take too much

: }offense to it.
: Speak for yourself, pal. Racism's just bloody unpleasant no matter who
: you are.

Let's all shed a tear for poor, oppressed, white middle class America.

: }We don't hear it as much and aren't subject to racism as often.

: So, if I only humiliate you once in a while, you'd be all right with that?

You can't humilliate me unless I feel bad about it. I can't imagine
anything that you could possibly do to me that would upset me in the
least bit. Call me names all day, I don't care. Everyone needs to
lighten up with this PC bullshit.

Susan Rankin

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

William Wagman ( wrote:
: : [Joshua Fox rejoined:]
: : : : Hmmm, I thought that Viagra was the drug responsible for such delusions...
: The maker of the Pfiser Riser has issued warnings about taking Viagra in

: conjunction with iron pills. Some men have been found stuck facing north
: for over two hours.

Look Buster, there was nothing wrong with those gentelmen.
They were just good fellow Canadians doing their ritual ablutions.

Susan R.(who really detests those stupid smiley faces and hopes y'all know
a joke when you read one...)

Console Cowboy

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Ryan Barnes said something not totally unlike:

> Yeah, right. Would you kick someone's ass for calling you a honkey?
> Cracker? Trailer trash? Etc? Technically, it may be "as bad," but us

heheh, reminds me of the cartoon I saw the other day... guy's in Denny's
and says "Do you serve crackers?" Waitress says "honey, that's ALL we
serve here!!!"

Console Cowboy, Ph.D., KnowItAllogy O- | #include <std_disclaimer> | Send flammage to /dev/null
"640k ought to be enough for anybody." --Bill Gate$, 1981

Ola Okupe

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Your eyes must have skipped over the previos 6 or so threads about neck
rings and what not. You must be a victim of slective vision

Susan Moll ( wrote:

: Joshua Fox wrote:
: >
: >
: > Nawwww, that's not racist. Actually, your whole post is exactly what you
: > just complained about Ola... Think before you type, eh?

: My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.
: "casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're
: black.

: Susan

Joshua Fox

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Susan Moll ( wrote:
: My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.
: "casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're
: black.
: Susan

Don't worry, I'm not saying that Ola's comment was right either, but
complaining about it and then doing the exact same thing seemeed
particularly useless. Just an observation made after too many hourse of
studying with too many left to go!


Joshua Fox

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

David F. Prenatt, Jr. ( wrote:
: relationship between "blacks" and "whites" has been one of power and
: control by the former over the latter. Making fun of someone for being a

Umm, your usually overly anal letter writing style is slipping.. I think
you've got the relationship all wrong. Call me crazy...

Actually, don't call me crazy; you'd just be jumping on the bandwagon and
doing something just because it's popular is just silly.


Blaise Camp

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Ryan Barnes <> wrote:
> Yeah, right. Would you kick someone's ass for calling you a honkey?
> Cracker? Trailer trash? Etc? Technically, it may be "as bad," but us

I think that if someone called me 'cracker,' 'honkey,' etc, I would probably
laugh. For me, names are just names, labels are labels. Someone could say
"white guy" and be just as offensive as can be, using tone and general
expression. I've had friends call me 'fucker' in a friendly manner.
What I'm called doesn't change my sense of self-worth - that, thankfully,
comes from within.

If only we could get past the words...


Zun-Jay Hou

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Blaise Camp ( wrote:
: If only we could get past the words...

Very profound words Blaise... too bad most of the people who frequent this
newsgroup do not understand...

By the way... did you ever get new blades? Hockey anytime?



Michael G

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Susan Moll <> wrote:

>Joshua Fox wrote:

>> Nawwww, that's not racist. Actually, your whole post is exactly what you
>> just complained about Ola... Think before you type, eh?

>My point was that making fun of someone for being white (i.e.

>"casperette") is just as bad as making fun of someone because they're

The way I read Ola's response to the racist remark was * Why say such
stuff, how would you like it if I returned comment in kind about your
color?* His response was quite civiI. Much more restrained than I
expected it to be. I find it hard to take offense at the use of the
slang word *casperette* while making reference to my pale skin color.
It's pretty funny if not accurate.

Michael G

Susan Rankin

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98
to> <6jtsdo$7fl$>;

Ola Okupe ( wrote:
: Your eyes must have skipped over the previos 6 or so threads about neck

: rings and what not. You must be a victim of slective vision

Yeah! I've noticed that about this newsgroup...

Posters often don't follow the thread and then jump in taking a very self
righteous tone and I might add the wrong side!

You guys: KINSELLA STARTED THE RACIST STUFF. (In a very offensive
fashion, I thought.)

To rehash for those of you who just want to jump on in and take a swing:

Ola said he didn't think the girl in the picture was cute and Kinsella
started heaping racist abuse on Ola.

Interesting the hostility that saying a girlfriend isn't cute generates.
Particularly in the light of a recent thread in which numerous people on
this newsgroup posted, expressing disdain that women are self conscious
about our appearances. And yet from most of the postings on this
newsgroup one might think that women's appearances are of the
most supreme importance to you...

You human beings sure are inconsistent. Very Illogical. And most
annoying. GRRR!

I am so glad I am a part Vulcan part Klingnon (It's not in the dictionary,
I looked) so I don't have to put up with it... GGRRRR!

Susan R.

Console Cowboy

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Susan Rankin said something not totally unlike:

> You guys: KINSELLA STARTED THE RACIST STUFF. (In a very offensive
> fashion, I thought.)

Right, just as much as anyone ever called you a whore. Go back under
your rock.

David F. Prenatt, Jr.

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Joshua Fox corrected David Prenatt:

[David Prenatt, previously (in pertinent part):]
: : [The] relationship between "blacks" and "whites" has been one of power

: : and control by the former over the latter.

^^^^^ ^^^^^^
[Joshua Fox corrected:]
: Umm, your usually overly anal letter writing style is slipping.. I think

: you've got the relationship all wrong. Call me crazy...
: Actually, don't call me crazy; you'd just be jumping on the bandwagon and
: doing something just because it's popular is just silly.

I stand corrected. I intended to write "over the latter by the

Mea Culpa,


Kit Wetzler

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Ryan Barnes ( wrote:
: You can't humilliate me unless I feel bad about it. I can't imagine

: anything that you could possibly do to me that would upset me in the
: least bit. Call me names all day, I don't care. Everyone needs to
: lighten up with this PC bullshit.

Screw you, ya sheep tearin', manure eatin' cornsuckin' honkey mutha.

Christopher "Kit" Wetzler | "How do you write your women?" | "I think of a man... and take away | reason and accountability."
-Melvyn Udall, _As Good as It Gets_

Kit Wetzler

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Susan Rankin ( wrote:
: You guys: KINSELLA STARTED THE RACIST STUFF. (In a very offensive
: fashion, I thought.)

Hahahaha, there she goes again! That pipe you're smoking must be gettin'
pretty full of crack...

: You human beings sure are inconsistent. Very Illogical. And most
: annoying. GRRR!

Stop trying to convince us that you're human... we already know the truth.


May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

On 20 May 1998, Susan Rankin wrote:
> Posters often don't follow the thread and then jump in taking a very self
> righteous tone and I might add the wrong side!

I don't know *what* you're talking about. You're obviously wrong, whatever
it may be. The nerve of some people.



May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

On 20 May 1998, Kit Wetzler wrote:
> Susan Rankin ( wrote:
> : You guys: KINSELLA STARTED THE RACIST STUFF. (In a very offensive
> : fashion, I thought.)
> Hahahaha, there she goes again! That pipe you're smoking must be gettin'
> pretty full of crack...

Amusingly enough, she's right.

> Stop trying to convince us that you're human... we already know the truth.

Geez Kit. She already said she's a Vulcan-Klingon mix. It's obvious her
occasional insanity spawns from the Klingon passions trying to overwhelm
a Vulcan upbringing.

-Yams, fanning the fire

Kit Wetzler

May 20, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/20/98

Yamara ( wrote:
: Amusingly enough, she's right.

Oh god. Just like I called her a whore. I will not be the victim of
vicious Deniz-ism.

Console Cowboy

May 21, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/21/98

Ryan Barnes said something not totally unlike:
> : Your hemorroid ridden nether regions
> : are second only to those of your mother, in terms of sheer crowd dropping
> : horror.
> How'd you know about my hemorroids?

Please consider me an outsider and withhold flames from me. With that
said, I have to say it:

"He's blunt, but he's got a point."

Susan Moll

May 21, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/21/98

Ola Okupe wrote:
> Wow, good point Josh, I didnt even notic the rest of the message till you
> pointed it out.

Oh, how observant you are!

Now moll, what kind of garbage is that?

The same kind of garbage as making fun of "the cute chick" John referred
to (and who happens to be a very nice person) because she happens to
have a fair complexion.

I mean this is so
> white trash. I dont know whether to send you to jenny jones,

Nope, I'm usually at school when it comes on, so I almost always miss
it. Try again.

or jenny
> craig.

Nope, I'm 5'6 1/2", 126 lbs. (underweight by most insurance-chart

Susan M.

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