Anyone there?

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Aug 20, 2009, 3:02:12 PM8/20/09
to ubuntu-austin
Is anyone still active in the Austin Ubuntu Loco?

Gatlin Johnson

Aug 20, 2009, 3:05:35 PM8/20/09
I never actually was but for what it's worth I'm starting A LUG at UT
this year and Ubuntu is our preferred distro :)

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Robbie <>

Daniel Roesler

Aug 20, 2009, 3:05:45 PM8/20/09
Ha, wow. It's been so long since I've gotten an email from this list
that it ended up in my spam folder.

Daniel Roesler

Robbie Williamson

Aug 20, 2009, 3:10:34 PM8/20/09
That's great news!  As a UT alum, user of Ubuntu, and employee of Canonical, if there's any way I can help...let me know. ;)


Robbie Williamson

Aug 20, 2009, 3:21:17 PM8/20/09
to I guess I can assume the loco is pretty much defunct. :/  For those interested, a group of FOSS supporters in Austin are working on putting together a Texas Linux Fest conference for next year.  If you are interested in helping, you can join the following Google Group:


Gatlin Johnson

Aug 20, 2009, 3:22:40 PM8/20/09
At the moment we have this: and associated Google Apps for organization. We preach heterogeneity, good clean OS competition, and open formats in addition to typical LUG duties. You can correct me if wrong but Ubuntu/Linux aren't about taking over, but securing your freedom, so there is no need to bash or refuse to support free software on closed platforms. Just my two cents. 

I have no idea how you could help; we are going to have a member drive when term starts, with the ACM sponsoring a little presentation. An install fest is our first priority once we have more members. But if you think of something, we will graciously accept any and all charity without shame. 

Sent from my iPhone 

Robbie Williamson

Aug 20, 2009, 3:44:34 PM8/20/09
to Gatlin Johnson,
Besides me, there's a handful of Canonical engineers in the Austin area working on different areas of Ubuntu (Security, Server, Netbook Remix, and Kernel).  I'm sure I could convince one or two to maybe show up for a meeting and take questions, talk about new features coming in Karmic (9.10), help to get Ubuntu running on student hardware, have a release party, bug jam, or whatever.  I'm assuming the install fest will just be using downloaded and burned ISOs, but I can get CDs if needed. I also may be able to get some Ubuntu schwag as well. Just give me a holler at after the LUG gets going and we can work something out.


On 08/20/2009 02:22 PM, Gatlin Johnson wrote:
At the moment we have this: and associated Google Apps for organization. We preach heterogeneity, good clean OS competition, and open formats in addition to typical LUG duties. You can correct me if wrong but Ubuntu/Linux aren't about taking over, but securing your freedom, so there is no need to bash or refuse to support free software on closed platforms. Just my two cents. 

I have no idea how you could help; we are going to have a member drive when term starts, with the ACM sponsoring a little presentation. An install fest is our first priority once we have more members. But if you think of something, we will graciously accept any and all charity without shame. 

Sent from my iPhone 

Paul Larson

Aug 20, 2009, 4:39:40 PM8/20/09
I was also wondering recently if the Austin LOCO still existed.  From the mailing list, I got the impression that there hasn't been much happening with it in a while.  Is there a reason for that?  It seems like in an area like this, there would be a great Linux/OSS community and certainly enough critical mass for an Ubuntu Loco as well!

Paul Larson

Gatlin Johnson

Aug 20, 2009, 4:55:33 PM8/20/09
Well, I sort of threadjacked earlier but I would be happy to participate in any such thing.  So, Paul, myself, anybody else? ;)

Skip Guenter

Aug 20, 2009, 4:58:07 PM8/20/09
has been mighty quiet

Stephen Burke

Aug 20, 2009, 5:09:28 PM8/20/09
I would gladly participate.  I'm a coder in the area and would like to hear from the Cononical guys for sure.


Paul Larson

Aug 21, 2009, 9:56:29 AM8/21/09

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Stephen Burke <> wrote:
I would gladly participate.  I'm a coder in the area and would like to hear from the Cononical guys for sure.
There are some of us the area, but a loco certainly doesn't require the presence of anyone from Canonical.  Certainly, I've seen some thriving locos out there without anyone from Canonical even in the same country!

Was there ever a well established meeting location for the Austin loco?  It seems a bit of a challenge in the Austin area since we're so spread out here.  I'm actually in Round Rock.

Paul Larson

Daniel Roesler

Aug 21, 2009, 11:30:06 AM8/21/09
We used to have a monthly meeting on Sunday at a coffee house by
Zilker park. But usually only 2 or 3 people showed up. I think it was
partially timing (Sunday at 5pm might conflict with other schedules).
But I think it was mainly that we never really had subjects for
meetings. It was kind of just hanging out at a coffee shop. The most
successful one was the Hardy Heron release party. We went to a
pub/restaurant in northern Austin, and a lot of people turned out for
that one.

Another reason might be because Austin is saturated with LUGs. I think
there were about 4 or 5 Linux groups in Austin that met on a regular
basis. You can only have so many, right? I moved to Houston, but I
used to maintain the AustinTeam wiki page
( It looks like no one else has
updated it in a while.

I've been attending HoustonTeam meetings on an off since I moved, and
they seem to have the same problems. Meetings are so far from where
everyone lives, they only get around 5 people at each monthly meeting.
No one can decide on where to have the meetings, so we usually end up
at the same place every month. There's not really a big presentation,
just people hanging out.

I think the biggest draw would be presentations or topics at each
meeting. That seems to draw the most people. Definitely release
parties. AustinLUG had a release party for Jaunty, right? It was after
I moved, but I think some from our Loco was involved with that.

Another problem is getting to be an approved Loco. Canonical only
approves state teams, but there's been no big push to organize a Texas
Loco. There was some talk, but it's kind of languishing
( and the now

Overall, I think all of this Loco stuff has to have at least one
person who's really gung ho about getting organized, lining up
presentations, promoting events, and motivating people.

Daniel Roesler

Daniel Roesler

Aug 21, 2009, 11:32:35 AM8/21/09
Here are some more links for the TexasTeam:

Daniel Roesler


Aug 21, 2009, 11:59:17 AM8/21/09
I dunno. This is the first set of messages I've ever received from this
group. I'd definitely be interested in seeing it go live thought.

San Antonio


Aug 21, 2009, 12:37:52 PM8/21/09
to ubuntu-austin
That's a good question. We had a meeting a few months back and I (the
host) was the only one who showed up. Then we had a meeting where "I"
didn't show up and someone else did (my error on the calendar).

I would still be interested in meeting with anyone who wants to but
the regular meetings don't seem to be taking hold.

I had an Ubuntu LOCO placard created and just need to print and
laminate it.

Rocky Hardie
Austin, TX

Paul Larson

Aug 21, 2009, 1:33:14 PM8/21/09
Sounds like we should consider a meeting somewhere in North Austin, and NOT on Sunday afternoon based on Daniel's experiences.  And to make sure that there is a purpose other than a social get-together, there should probably be an agenda as well.  Maybe some good topics for discussion to get the ball rolling again could be:
1. Topics and agenda for future meetings (what are people interested in?)
2. location/time/date/frequency for future meetings
3. release party? Karmic release is two months away!
4. anything else?

Skip Guenter

Aug 21, 2009, 5:29:44 PM8/21/09
Used to meet downtown... on Barton Springs. Twas a real challenge for
me to get down there from Hutto. I made 2 or 3 meetings but that was
about it. I don't leave my cave much anymore during the week.

Stephen Burke

Aug 21, 2009, 8:13:51 PM8/21/09
North Austin sounds good to me.  Maybe meeting for a release party to start things off would work once that rolls around.  It would give everyone some time to plan for it and put it on their calendars.  Maybe a frequency of one every 2-3 months maybe.  Is that too few?  I figure it would give people time to plan for it.  


Dustin Kirkland

Aug 21, 2009, 9:48:29 PM8/21/09
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Stephen Burke<> wrote:
> North Austin sounds good to me.  Maybe meeting for a release party to start
> things off would work once that rolls around.  It would give everyone some
> time to plan for it and put it on their calendars.  Maybe a frequency of one
> every 2-3 months maybe.  Is that too few?  I figure it would give people
> time to plan for it.

Well, for a release party, I was actually going to suggest Karma,
which is downtown.


Note that last time, we held a release party at the Jackalope on 6th
Street, which was very well attended.



Stephen Burke

Aug 21, 2009, 10:59:47 PM8/21/09
Ah ic attendance for the release party won't be a problem. Cool.


On Aug 21, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Dustin Kirkland


Aug 23, 2009, 5:47:34 PM8/23/09
to ubuntu-austin
What would be a good day of the week to meet? I would prefer North
Austin since I live in the area.

Primo 360 has free WIFI and is under new management. They have coffee
as well beer, for those so inclined.

I did have an "Ubuntu LOCO" placard (full color) made for a table and
I'd be happy to share the .jpg file of this with anyone else who may
want to host a LOCO or release party. Send an email to and I'll reply with the file attachment. You can
have it printed and laminated at Kinko's or anywhere else.

Rocky Hardie

On Aug 21, 7:59 pm, Stephen Burke <> wrote:
> Ah ic attendance for the release party won't be a problem.  Cool.
> Steve
> On Aug 21, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Dustin Kirkland  
> <> wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Stephen Burke<
> > > wrote:
> >> North Austin sounds good to me.  Maybe meeting for a release party  
> >> to start
> >> things off would work once that rolls around.  It would give  
> >> everyone some
> >> time to plan for it and put it on their calendars.  Maybe a  
> >> frequency of one
> >> every 2-3 months maybe.  Is that too few?  I figure it would give  
> >> people
> >> time to plan for it.
> > Well, for a release party, I was actually going to suggest Karma,
> > which is downtown.
> > *
> > Note that last time, we held a release party at the Jackalope on 6th
> > Street, which was very well attended.
> > *
> > :-Dustin- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Skip Guenter

Aug 23, 2009, 6:23:12 PM8/23/09
I gotta ask...

Would La Frontera be a good option with access from the NW Austin area
via 45 & 620, IH35 from the South or North? I know the Round Rock crew
would probably think that'd be a great location... LOL.

Logan's Roadhouse, Firebowl, Starbucks, Mongolian Grill, Pho Hoang and
many others in the area.

Saturday afternoons (3, 4, 5pmish?) would be my current best time
because I've been doing some stuff for HeliOS on Saturdays and am
usually finishing that up by 3 or 4pm. Does that time slot float
anybody else's boat?

On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 14:47 -0700, Rocky wrote:
> Primo 360

Paul Larson

Aug 23, 2009, 7:36:52 PM8/23/09
After 5 works for me most of the time on M,T,TH,F.  Saturdays could work too, but often might conflict with other family things.  La Frontera is pretty close for me, but I do like the idea of being somewhere with free WiFi - not sure if any place in La Frontera has that or not...

Give Helios my best regards, hope he is doing better.

Paul Larson

Stephen Burke

Aug 23, 2009, 7:39:17 PM8/23/09
I'd second a day during the week after 5ish or so. 


Andrew Austin

Aug 23, 2009, 9:12:25 PM8/23/09

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Hi, I am here 'tho inactive and in a different country. Hope no-one minds about that while I hang around and consider how to participate from the point of view of a complete, total dummie, (no longer dumb!).
Don't worry, I'm relatively harmless.

Skip Guenter

Aug 24, 2009, 3:36:24 AM8/24/09
I'll make some calls this week and see who over there has wifi... I know
Logan's doesn't. Surely Starbucks does but I'll check a couple more.
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