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Re: [ubunchu!] News or not news

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Jordan Shikany

Aug 21, 2012, 6:50:56 AM8/21/12

No idea... I hope someone translates it at some point though...

On Aug 21, 2012 5:03 AM, "Sylvain Ribeyrot" <> wrote:
Savez-vous si la version anglaise 8  d' UBUNCHU sera publier bientôt ?

Do you know if english version 8 about UBUNCHU release soon ?

Sabe usted si la versi(oo)n inglesa de UBUNCHU salirà pronto ?

Ubunchu の  英語 バージョン8 が まもなく 発表される かどう か 知っています か?


Aug 21, 2012, 2:11:50 PM8/21/12
2012/8/21 Sylvain Ribeyrot <>:

> Savez-vous si la version anglaise 8 d' UBUNCHU sera publier bientôt ?
> Do you know if english version 8 about UBUNCHU release soon ?
> Sabe usted si la versi(oo)n inglesa de UBUNCHU salirà pronto ?
> Ubunchu の 英語 バージョン8 が まもなく 発表される かどう か 知っています か?

You seem able to understand different languages. Care to be a translator? ;)

Anton Ekblad

Aug 21, 2012, 2:28:52 PM8/21/12
to, Etienne Perot, Etienne Pérot, Jonathan Magano, JonathanMM, JonathanMM, zedtux, zedtux, 瀬尾浩史
Looking at the spreadsheet ( ) it would seem that we already have the translation done (I even assumed we had released it, and completely forgot about it) so it would seem there's just the typesetting left (unless anyone spots any errors).

Why didn't we release it?

Martin Owens

Aug 21, 2012, 3:04:47 PM8/21/12
to Anton Ekblad,, Etienne Perot, Etienne Pérot, Jonathan Magano, JonathanMM, JonathanMM, zedtux, zedtux, 瀬尾浩史
On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 11:28 -0700, Anton Ekblad wrote:
> Why didn't we release it?

It's waiting for type-setting as you said.


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Farhan Perdana

Aug 13, 2022, 3:31:20 AM8/13/22
to Ubunchu!
This is email. It is on your inbox. You don't need me to delete. All you need is to delete it using delete button on your gmail. 😊

On Fri, Jul 29, 2022, 16:03 Sysy <> wrote:
Hello Blek,
Please, could you delete this old post ?
Thanks. I 'm not pro translator. I understand a little few language and use also TAC.
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