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I did chapters 9 and 10

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Sep 27, 2017, 1:24:25 AM9/27/17
to Ubunchu!
I found this Google group last year and though of translating chapters 9-14 into English and then posting them here. Then I kind of forgot about the whole thing after translating only chapter 9.

Long story short, I now did 10 and thought I'd post both here:
I want to also do 11-14 but I'm really not sure when I'll find the time/motivation.

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Sep 29, 2017, 4:20:39 PM9/29/17
to Ubunchu!
Thanks for the proposal but I translate directly form the Japanese. :)

If someone happened to come by this thread and feel motivated to typeset (11) and/or clean+typeset (12-14) based on a translation I might be interested.

On Friday, September 29, 2017 at 4:06:45 PM UTC+2, Sysy wrote:

I beg your pardon for precedent message but my smartphone write automatically in french.
Else i said you : "that was a good idea to post your two translations about 9 and 10 ubunchu."
Else, do you read the romanji version?
I have the 11th chapter in romanji .
I motive you a little .
I'm waiting your reply and yours 2 posts. Thanks to you ..


John Smith

Feb 1, 2018, 2:22:21 AM2/1/18
to Ubunchu!
Excellent job!

You did extremely well on these!

I do hope that you continue on with this. I love this manga and the work you did on these two is just incredible!

Also, I would be willing to help in any way that i possibly can (I don't exactly speak Japanese, nor can I edit the pages as elegantly as you, but I'll do what I can to help! (*^‿^*))
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