High Uinta Mountains

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Paul Jaussi

Aug 6, 2022, 12:03:13 PM8/6/22
to UBIRD - Utah Birds and Birders, Bill L. Griffiths
We did a quick backpacking trip to the north slope of the Uinta Mountains last week. While I didn't focus on birding, I brought my binoculars and saw all of these birds above 9,200 ft and most at 10,000 ft or higher:
  • Olive-sided Flycatcher (distinct quick, three beers call)
  • Cordilleran Flycatcher (2)
  • Clark's Nutcracker (1)
  • Mt Chickadee (multiple)
  • Red Crossbill (multiple)
  • Am. Three-toed Woodpecker (2 - separate locations)
  • Common Nighthawk (heard pweet several times above camp)
  • Spotted Sandpipers (3)
  • Pine Grosbeak (2)
  • Green-tailed Towhee (1)
  • Chipping Sparrow (multiple)
  • Lincoln Sparrow (2)
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (multiple)
  • Canada Jay (3)
  • Norther Flicker (multiple)
  • Osprey (1 - soaring above a lake at almost 11,000 elevation)
  • Golden Eagle (1 - soaring around top of a high mountain cliff at same lake as Osprey. Large eagle with fingered wing tips, small head)
I thought I heard some finches around timberline and was hoping for rosy finches but never saw birds or confirmed call. 

As a side note, we had a sage grouse along the side of the road coming out of the mountains but was in Uinta County, Wyoming.

Paul Jaussi
St. George

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