Forthcoming 0.7 release, on September 1st, 2009

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Mark Birbeck

Aug 14, 2009, 12:32:03 PM8/14/09
Hello all,

Thanks for a very useful telecon today.

As agreed on the call we've made some good progress in the last few
months, and it's time to create a new release.

We're going for a 0.7 release on September 1st, which will contain
everything that is already in the trunk.

We're not planning to add any new features in that time, but we're
giving ourselves a bit of time to prepare the release, so that we can
ensure we have good release notes, and perhaps some more samples.

It also gives everyone two weeks to get their blog posts ready! It
doesn't matter whether your post is about your favourite feature
(probably one you added), your views on where you see UXF going in the
future, an explanation of why you are involved in the project, a live
sample, or just a few screenshots and some comments, it will all help
to give people a picture of what UXF is all about.

Over the next couple of weeks, please use this thread to mention
anything that you think should be in the release notes.

And no doubt you're all like me -- really looking forward to getting
this release out there, and having the opportunity to show off
everyone's hard work.



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

webBackplane is a trading name of Backplane Ltd. (company number
05972288, registered office: 2nd Floor, 69/85 Tabernacle Street,
London, EC2A 4RR)

Rahul Akolkar

Aug 28, 2009, 1:01:22 PM8/28/09
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Mark
Birbeck<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thanks for a very useful telecon today.
> As agreed on the call we've made some good progress in the last few
> months, and it's time to create a new release.
> We're going for a 0.7 release on September 1st, which will contain
> everything that is already in the trunk.
> We're not planning to add any new features in that time, but we're
> giving ourselves a bit of time to prepare the release, so that we can
> ensure we have good release notes, and perhaps some more samples.
> It also gives everyone two weeks to get their blog posts ready! It
> doesn't matter whether your post is about your favourite feature
> (probably one you added), your views on where you see UXF going in the
> future, an explanation of why you are involved in the project, a live
> sample, or just a few screenshots and some comments, it will all help
> to give people a picture of what UXF is all about.
> Over the next couple of weeks, please use this thread to mention
> anything that you think should be in the release notes.

I've scoured through SVN logs and the issue tracker (post v0.6.2) and
come up with a set of changes below that should probably be mentioned
in the release notes.

Some notes about the notes below :-):
* Not meant to be exhaustive ofcourse, given that others may add to this.
* I'm merely listing stuff so a few things may need to be reworded
(which I presume you will do to make consistent the language and tone
of the release notes).
* Note that there are some comments in square brackets that are
purely editorial in nature and I don't expect for them to show up in
the actual release notes :-)
* I've added a notable changes section at the top -- this doesn't
mean that other changes are necessarily less notable but that each of
those items are good candidates for highlighting in blog posts etc.
(and to be clear, I do like to see a notable/important changes section
at the top of any release notes)
* In addition to the set of changes, I suggest adding an "About
Ubiquity XForms" section at the end of the release notes, which talks
about UX in a couple of sentences, welcomes folks to our lists and
adds a pointer back to the site.

And now, with further ado:



Ubiquity XForms roll-up now available.

JavaScript function extension mechanism to define JavaScript functions
that can be called in form XPaths.

Support for many more <xforms:submission> features and the
<xforms:header> element.

Validation support for XForms defined datatypes.

New map controls: <xforms:output> and <xforms:range> with @class="geolocation".


Support for @if on XForms actions.

Support for the <xforms:message> element.

More XPath functions supported: context(), event() and id().

Support for <xforms:repeat> start index.

Support for <xforms:toggle>.

Support for <xforms:setindex>.

Support for <xforms:method> child of submission.

SOAP support for POST submission.

Support for some semantics of XForms for HTML.

Incremental support for <xforms:input>, <xforms:secret>,
<xforms:textarea> and <xforms:range>.

SHA-256 support for hmac() and digest().

Support for file writing using the "file:" scheme and the PUT method
and support for "file:" GET submissions.

Support for navindex and accesskey on controls.

Support for <xforms:input>s that bind to boolean data.


Support for hands-free execution of unit tests.

Added W3C Test Suite with Selenium Test Harness.

More Selenium user extensions for effective Ubiquity XForms testing.

Buildbot setup for project [optional mention, perhaps provide a
pointer if mentioned].


Improvements to <xforms:range>, <xforms:select> and <xforms:select1> controls.

Improvements to <xforms:repeat>, <xforms:insert> and <xforms:delete>.

Improvements to <xforms:load> and <xforms:resource>.

Improvements to the <xforms:hint> and <xforms:alert> elements.

Various improvements to processing model and events generated.

Various improvements in MIP handling.

Lazy authoring improvements.

Fixed dynamic relevance on <xforms:group>.

Various style improvements for form controls.

SVN has been reorganized, directory structure differs from release v0.6.2.

Support for Firefox3 and IE7 [mention percentages from IR].

Miscellaneous bug fixes [perhaps provide a link to issue tracker for
exhaustive list].


> And no doubt you're all like me -- really looking forward to getting
> this release out there, and having the opportunity to show off
> everyone's hard work.


Indeed :-)


Mark Birbeck

Aug 28, 2009, 1:07:35 PM8/28/09
Blimey...we haven been a busy bunch, haven't we! That's a whole load
of great features.

Many thanks for that, Rahul -- much appreciated.

I'll send a draft to the list as soon as I can, but obviously, other
people should feel free to send in any additional comments that they
would like to see added.


Aug 28, 2009, 4:13:52 PM8/28/09
Hi Guys,

As this is my last day at IBM I've been tying up a few loose ends.
Seeing Rahul's list of new features reminded me that one of the items
on my ToDo list was to file an issue regarding how roll-ups don't
actually work correctly with regard to range, select1, and select
functionality. I spoke with John about this issue moments ago, and as
it could directly affect the release of UX 0.7 we thought it would be
pertinent to bring this to everyones' immediate attention. The issue
is filed here:

To summarize, when a UX roll up is produced it links the wrong images
for sliders, check boxes and radio buttons.

Sorry I didn't file earlier, things have just been ridiculously busy
around here as I prepare to return to school and wrap up my work here.

Hopefully this issue can be resolved easily,

Rahul Akolkar

Aug 29, 2009, 11:26:58 AM8/29/09
Hi Scott,

First, many thanks for your contributions to the project over the past
few months!

Response below ...

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Scott<> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> As this is my last day at IBM I've been tying up a few loose ends.
> Seeing Rahul's list of new features reminded me that one of the items
> on my ToDo list was to file an issue regarding how roll-ups don't
> actually work correctly with regard to range, select1, and select
> functionality. I spoke with John about this issue moments ago, and as
> it could directly affect the release of UX 0.7 we thought it would be
> pertinent to bring this to everyones' immediate attention. The issue
> is filed here:
> To summarize, when a UX roll up is produced it links the wrong images
> for sliders, check boxes and radio buttons.


Thanks for opening an issue, I am able to reproduce this and you are
correct in the comment you make in the issue above that this has to do
with incorrect relative URLs -- though its in the CSS part of the
rollup in this case, rather than the JavaScript part.

I will work on proposing a fix now (will claim ownership in the
tracker in a minute).

> Sorry I didn't file earlier, things have just been ridiculously busy
> around here as I prepare to return to school and wrap up my work here.


Thats certainly understandable :-)

Good luck with school,

Rahul Akolkar

Aug 29, 2009, 12:09:30 PM8/29/09
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Rahul Akolkar<> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Scott<> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> As this is my last day at IBM I've been tying up a few loose ends.
>> Seeing Rahul's list of new features reminded me that one of the items
>> on my ToDo list was to file an issue regarding how roll-ups don't
>> actually work correctly with regard to range, select1, and select
>> functionality. I spoke with John about this issue moments ago, and as
>> it could directly affect the release of UX 0.7 we thought it would be
>> pertinent to bring this to everyones' immediate attention. The issue
>> is filed here:
>> To summarize, when a UX roll up is produced it links the wrong images
>> for sliders, check boxes and radio buttons.
> <snip/>
> Thanks for opening an issue, I am able to reproduce this and you are
> correct in the comment you make in the issue above that this has to do
> with incorrect relative URLs -- though its in the CSS part of the
> rollup in this case, rather than the JavaScript part.
> I will work on proposing a fix now (will claim ownership in the
> tracker in a minute).

As a follow up in this thread -- I've proposed a fix in r2936,
awaiting code review.


Mark Birbeck

Aug 29, 2009, 4:02:16 PM8/29/09
Hi Scott,

> First, many thanks for your contributions to the project over the past
> few months!

If I could give more than a +1 to that I would. :)

But seriously Scott, I can only echo Rahul and say many, many thanks
for all of your work.

Good luck with the rest of your studies, and hopefully you'll keep in touch.

Best regards,

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