[ubiq i18n] Problem with Russian noun cases on Command List page

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Aug 13, 2009, 5:35:46 PM8/13/09
to Ubiquity i18n
ubiquity.commandlist.SubDetailsCommandFeeds (which says 'command
feeds') is used in two places on that page:

First in "You have 999 commands in 42 command feeds"
and then "You have unsubscribed from 13 command feeds"

When translating these two sentences into russian you have to consider
the noun cases for the word "feeds". Translated sentences look like

"У тебя есть 999 команд в 42 каналах команд"
"Ты отписался от 13 каналов команд"

As you can see, the second to last word in both sentences is
different. That word is "feeds".

'каналах' is the prepositional case of the "feeds" noun
'каналов' is the accusative (I think) case of the "feeds" noun

Now, the problem is that on that page a single dtd string is used in
both sentences, so I can't localize this page properly.

Any ideas?

"mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine)"

Aug 13, 2009, 5:37:58 PM8/13/09
to ubiqui...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for pointing this out. We can split these strings into two
different entities for our next revision. Lech, could you handle this?

mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine)
linguist, coder, teacher


Aug 13, 2009, 5:49:45 PM8/13/09
to Ubiquity i18n

Mitcho, thanks for a quick reply.

Another little bug I've just found:

Current version number is automatically prepended to the
ubiquity.about.ThanksParagraphLinkText string which is the link to the
current Release Notes
For some languages it would be appropriate to have the product name
after the Release Notes string, like "Release Notes for Ubiquity

Should I keep posting these here if I find more or go somewhere else?

On Aug 13, 11:37 pm, "mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine)"


Aug 13, 2009, 5:54:57 PM8/13/09
to ubiqui...@googlegroups.com
Mitcho, yes fixing this shouldn't be an issue but we'll want to also
push these changes to our BZ localizers and make them aware to quickly
review our changes and additions and chime in if it affects them
somehow. I can get this in tonight.



Aug 13, 2009, 5:58:13 PM8/13/09
to ubiqui...@googlegroups.com
Sanuil, if you find any more please try and list what entity name it's
using and where it's used and I'll do my best to include those changes
as long as I can find them :)

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