PINATA'S REVENGE -- Closing the book on 2010 & looking forward to 2011!

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brigham golden

Oct 5, 2010, 4:05:10 PM10/5/10

Ive been enjoying so much the photos and videos from the 2010 Burn--this looks to have been the most well documented year yet. Great work everyone--it makes such a difference. If anyone else has photos please share!

This message is going to do double service as my last email about the 2010 camp--and my first about 2011! 

1. 2010 FINANCES:

First, I want to thank the amazing and generous eight people who gave a little extra $$ to the camp: Greg Sofio, Mike Amici, Andrew Barrett, Ben Siegel, StefanoTyler, Bonnie, and Peter -- its no coincidence that these are also some of the people who worked hardest as well. Unfortunately. even with their help it still looks like the camp will be about $1080 in the red--largely due to the specialized trailer hitch we had to buy at the last minute. Lynn and I have decided that we're going to view this as a loan to the camp and reimburse ourselves for $1000 of it next year. it just seems the best way to deal with it. With that said, if anyone still wants to lend a hand by making a contribution--especially those who didnt go to Sebastopol to help--it would be welcome and helpful.

Complicating matters a bit is the fact that there are still some people who havent paid everything they owe. And while its relatively small money in most cases--reflecting playa candy taken and/or underpayment of camp fee because people didnt click on the "Personal" option that eliminates Paypal fees--it doesnt help, as its additional to the budget shortfall of $1080. Please contact me if you have questions--or would like to pay.

Ion/Boris/Dylan          $90
Ana Mas                   $50
Joe Coyne                 $25
Mario Bravo               $20
Tristan                      $15
Doug / Anthony          $11
Billy  Treese              $5
Nicole Cassanova      $6
Liza                           $6
Ian                            $6
Erin                           $5
Ferris                        $5
Matthew                    $5


Money and Labor are the driving forces of every Burningman camp--and ours is no different. Regarding the former, our camp seeks to do as much as possible under a budget comprised largely of Camp Fees that are difficult for some people to afford, and the proverbial drop in the bucket for others. Similarly our camp struggles with the reality that some people have the time and inclination to work much harder than others. Interestingly, over the years we have noticed that members of our camp tend to fall into two categories--either they have the kind of full time jobs which make payment of the fees easy but taking time to come to Sebastopol before or after Burningman difficult or they have the kind of professional flexibility which makes taking time to work harder possible but renders paying camp fees more of a stretch.

As a result, and at the suggestion of a number of you, in 2010 we are going to implement a two-tiered Camp Fee structure which I'll sketch out a draft of now. The Lower Camp Fee, perhaps in the vicinity of $150, but to be determined by our budget estimate, will be for people who do any one of the following: 1) Work in Sebastopol for a minimum of 3 full days before Burningman, 2) Set up camp as members of the Advance Team, 3) Stay on the Playa and pack up until the last vehicle leaves, or 4) Unpack in Sebastopol after the Burn. All others will pay the Higher Camp Fee, which will be in the vicinity of $250.

There may be some tweaks to this plan--such as a $20 Late Fee for those who don't pay Camp Fees by July 15--but this is the basic idea. It is our hope that it will help us to address the inequalities in our camp a bit. And for those with concerns about the Higher Fee, it is worth mentioning here that most other full-service camps have Camp Fees in excess of $250--check it out.


Our Kitchen and the food it produces is always one of our camp's strongest suits--and this year we were even able to reduce waste and cost to people by providing common staple foods and supplies as well. It has been the feeling of many however that Common Meals could have been more frequent if we had not asked people to pay for them on a volunteer basis. As a result, next years budget will include an expanded Pantry of common foods/supplies, and a Meal Plan of one or two Common Meals every day--all paid by the Camp Fees. The details of this Meal Plan will be determined later, but this is something we can all look forward to.


While the time and effort we all spent building the crane and the costume for the Pinata's Revenge performance was a fun and bonding experience -- there's no doubt to any of us that the payoff was pathetically small in terms of satisfaction from actual performances on the Playa. With that said, our one and only foray onto the Playa with the Living Pinata on Thursday night confirmed to me that we are onto something that can really inspire and excite people--as this video demonstrated:

In the end I view 2010 as an experimental year -- and am confident that we can get MUCH more satisfaction from our performance with MUCH less work. We may decide to tweak the performance in a variety of ways--but the basic concept of our theme -- PINATA's REVENGE -- is sound. Of that I have no doubt.

With that said, I would also like to open up our plans next year to the vision and creative energies of the group -- in ways that may or may not be pinata-related. We have a trailer with a very cool crane and suspended teeter-toter. Lets use it! ALL ideas are welcome.


One of the most frustrating elements of organizing this camp for me personally is communicating with everyone. Too many people do not use this Google Group effectively or at all. As a result -- and due to some changes that Googlegroups is initiating that will make it even worse as a forum for us, we will be shifting to Facebook this year. 

Soon I will be inviting everyone to join a new Facebook 'Page' -- and deleting the Facebook 'Group' some of you are already members of -- as 'Pages' have better functionality for our purposes. Keep an eye out for the invitation -- and spread the word!

Lastly I just want everyone who submitted other ideas for improvements -- and assure them that most of these ideas will be incorporated into next years camp. Its too long a list to include here -- but there are plenty of excellent ideas. 

Ok everyone that's it! Ill be taking a long hiatus from Burningman--but do keep an eye out for the Facebook Page invitation!

Besos to all-


John Bosco

Oct 5, 2010, 4:10:36 PM10/5/10
Thanks Brig. Although its been said a thousand times... We just couldn't do it without you:)

Besos all around!

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Anna Mas.

Oct 7, 2010, 5:53:59 AM10/7/10
Brigh 'capo'
I am agree w everything and the new rules
I have been working for 12 h every single day since i arrived from BM,  don't worry for the money i will send it to you as soon i find 3 minuts to seat and do it! I also want to send u some printed pictures, so send me your adresse please.
Jenny guapa, how is it going in NY???Barcelona is missing you!!!
Michelle , Matt, what about u my crazy Ticknors??? ; )
Sistà, nice video! Love it ; )
Ben & beth, nice twin bears!!! ; )
Stefano, happy birthday baby! Wish u the best of 'alimentations' and 'sugar highs' ; ) send me your adresse also, please.
Andrew..... LOVE YOU!!!!
Duncan, Ocean, you re the best!
Love and miss the rest of you, will love to write something 2 everybody but don't have time..... Aixxxx qué stress!!!! I eso que trabajar es para los pobres !
Enviado desde mi iPhone
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