Problems in building ubcsat

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Nov 13, 2012, 5:28:20 AM11/13/12
Dear Ubcsat developers,

This is Liao Xiaojuan, a student in Kyushu University, Japan.
I am interested in your developed SAT solver Ubcsat, and willing to try it as a solver to a weighted paritial maxsat problem in my research. However, I have troubles when trying to build the software in my computer. I appreciate if you could help me out. The following is the problem.

I am using linux (Ubuntu) on an Intel machine (Intel core i5). According to the "Quick start", I don't have to build the software and can use ubcsat directly. However, when I type "ubcsat", some error returns, as follows:

ubcsat: command not found

I also tried to type "./ubcsat.exe" or "ubcsat.exe". It returns "run-detectors: unable to find an interpreter for ./ubcsat.exe" or "ubcsat.exe: command not found", respectively.

I am not sure what I should do next.
Maybe I made some simple mistakes, but currently I am confused. Could you help me out of the trouble?

Thanks for your time and patience for reading my question.
Looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,
Xiaojuan Liao

Dave Tompkins

Nov 13, 2012, 10:49:56 AM11/13/12
to ubcsat

download the latest beta: ubcsat-beta-12-b17.tar.gz

and try ubcsat64 (the 64 bit build of the software)

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