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2ndCfP: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning at FLAIRS-38 (May 20–23, 2025)

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Jonas Haldimann

Dec 18, 2024, 8:21:40 PM12/18/24
to, Potyka, Nico, Stefano Bistarelli


Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning at FLAIRS-38

Part of FLAIRS-38 ( ) in Florida, Daytona Beach.
Special track website:

Paper Abstract Submission: January 20, 2025
Paper Submission: January 27, 2025
Conference: May 20–23, 2025

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of FLAIRS-38 by Florida Online Journals (indexed in DBLP and Scopus).


Many problems in AI (in reasoning, planning, learning, perception and robotics) require the agent to operate with incomplete or uncertain information. The objective of this track is to present and discuss a broad and diverse range of current work on uncertain reasoning, including theoretical and applied research based on different paradigms. We hope that the variety and richness of this track will help to promote cross-fertilization among the different approaches for uncertain reasoning, and in this way foster the development of new ideas and paradigms.

The Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) is the oldest track in FLAIRS conferences, running annually since 1996. The UR 2025 Special Track at the 38th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-38) is the 30th in the series. Like the past tracks, UR'25 seeks to bring together researchers working on broad issues related to reasoning under uncertainty.

Topics of Interest

Papers on all aspects of uncertain reasoning are invited. Papers of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Uncertain reasoning formalisms, calculi and methodologies
  • Reasoning with probability, possibility, fuzzy logic, belief function, vagueness, granularity, rough sets, and probability logics
  • Modeling and reasoning using imprecise and indeterminate information, such as: Choquet capacities, comparative orderings, convex sets of measures, and interval-valued probabilities
  • Exact, approximate and qualitative uncertain reasoning
  • Probabilistic graphical models of uncertainty such as: Bayesian networks, Markov random field, probabilistic circuits
  • Multi-agent uncertain reasoning and decision-making
  • Decision-theoretic planning and Markov decision process
  • Temporal reasoning and uncertainty
  • Non-monotonic reasoning
  • Conditional Logics
  • Argumentation theory
  • Belief change and merging
  • Similarity-based reasoning
  • Ontologies and description logics
  • Construction of models from elicitation, data mining and knowledge discovery
  • Uncertain reasoning in information retrieval, filtering, fusion, diagnosis, prediction, situation assessment
  • Uncertain reasoning in data management
  • Practical applications of uncertain reasoning
  • Learning probabilistic models
  • Applications in computer vision and animation

Types of Submission and Proceedings

FLAIRS-38 invites three kinds of submissions:

  • Full paper – a paper describing mature novel research, up to 6 pages excluding references that will be published in the proceedings.
  • Short paper – a paper that shows some novelty and general interest but is more preliminary or in the early stages of development, up to 4 pages excluding references that get published in the proceedings.
  • Poster paper – up to 2 pages excluding references that will be published as a poster paper, and will be presented by the author in a poster session.

Rejected full papers might be accepted as short papers or posters, if reviewers found interest in the idea, but the paper quality was not sufficient to be published in full length.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of FLAIRS-38 by Florida Online Journals (indexed in DBLP and Scopus). Authors are expected to make a reasonable effort to address the reviewers' comments in the camera ready versions of their papers. Each submission must be accompanied by at least one author registration. Please see the FLAIRS-38 CfP for details on this.

Track Chairs

Stefano Bistarelli (University of Perugia, Italy)
Jonas Haldimann (TU Wien, Austria and University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Nico Potyka (Cardiff University, UK)

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