We would like to cordially invite you to submit a paper for IJCNN Special Session on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods applied to Vision and Robotics (MLDLMVR)
IJCNN 2025 Rome (Italy) – 30 June-5 July, 2025
Over the last decades there has been an increasing interest in using machine learning and in the last few years, deep learning methods, combined with other vision techniques to create autonomous systems that solve vision problems in different fields. This special session is designed to serve researchers and developers to publish original, innovative and state-of-the art algorithms and architectures for real time applications in the areas of computer vision, image processing, biometrics, virtual and augmented reality, neural networks, intelligent interfaces and biomimetic object-vision recognition.
This special session provides a platform for academics, developers, and industry-related researchers belonging to the vast communities of *Neural Networks*, *Computational Intelligence*, *Machine Learning*, *Deep Learning*, *Biometrics*, *Vision systems*, and *Robotics *, to discuss, share experience and explore traditional and new areas of the computer vision, machine and deep learning combined to solve a range of problems. The objective of the workshop is to integrate the growing international community of researchers working on the application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods in Vision and Robotics to a fruitful discussion on the evolution and the benefits of this technology to the society.
The methods and tools applied to vision and robotics include, but are not limited to, the following:
The fields of application can be identified, but are not limited to, the following:
Important dates:
Paper Submission Deadline
January 15, 2025
Paper Submission Deadline Tentative extension
January 30, 2025
Paper acceptance notification date
March 30, 2025
June 30-July 5, 2025
Submission Guidelines:
Please follow the regular submission guidelines of IJCNN 2025. Please notify the chairs of your submission by sending an email to: jga...@dtic.ua.es.
José García-Rodríguez -University of Alicante (Spain)
Alexandra Psarrou – University of Westminster (UK)
Isabelle Guyon - , U. Paris-Saclay, France and Google DeepMind, USA
Andrew Lewis – Griffith University (Australia)
Email: jga...@dtic.ua.es
Main Conference webpage: https://2025.ijcnn.org/
Special session webpage: https://personal.ua.es/jgr/IJCNN2025/