Dear all,
This is a postdoctoral position at UCL, managed by myself and Prof Karla Diaz-Ordaz.
For details and how to apply, follow the link at the end.
Deadline: 14th of February
About the role
The post is an exciting opportunity for a researcher with a strong background in statistics or machine learning who would like to grow that skill set further. They will build hands on experience in developing methodology for machine learning methods and their intersections with causal inference and healthcare applications. The postholder will interact closely with members of the EPSRC Causality in Healthcare AI Hub (CHAI,, an international consortium of universities, industry partners, government bodies, and regulatory entities to develop cutting-edge innovations to enhance patient care and outcomes.
This post is available from 1st of April 2025 (flexible later starting dates are possible), and funded full time for up to 24 months in first instance.