Alabama zone proposal

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Jules Descartes

Sep 6, 2011, 2:46:39 PM9/6/11
to tzdata history
A few days ago I had announced that I was working on a history analysis for the tzdata northamerica file.
This announcement was premature.

When I started with the file, I realized that we have to go state by state in the USA.

I started with Alabama, and instead of just analysing the data, I decided to write the necessary zone files.

Two colleagues provided essential research in the form of newspaper archive extracts, and one helped me with drawing the zones onto a map of Alabama.

The zone extensions are roughly based on Shanks' county assignments, which are not always reliable, given the result of newspaper archive research already done.

I had also to use guesswork in many of my new assignments, and further research is needed.

I attach the zone file, and the zone map drawing.

License question: For now I have decided to place my work under the widest possible Creative Commons. This differs from the Public Domain license only in so far, as sources need to be quoted. Aside of that the use of the information is free, also within commercial projects of any kind.

Please help me proof read the zonefile. I am bad in typing and tned to make errors.
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