I briefly looked into
http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-multi.html and I didn't found anything buildin.
So there is currently no way to do that. I'm also not sure that if it could be implemented in Typhoeus because of the way it interacts with liburl.
On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 1:37 PM,
bo...@airbladesoftware.com wrote:
> I have a simple class which uses Hydra to hit multiple URLs in parallel:
> I understand how to set a timeout on each individual request (which I'm doing in the above gist). Is it possible in addition to set an overall timeout for the Hydra?
> For example, let's say I queue 50 URLs in the Hydra and each one responds in 1s. Although the individual URLs are quick, in the worst case the whole lot could take 50s. Is it possible for me to stop wherever the Hydra has got to at, say, 20s?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew Stewart
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