Typematrix 2030 dead key

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Serge Gagnon

Oct 20, 2022, 9:47:08 AM10/20/22
to TypeMatrix User Group

The 'n' and 'b' key are suddenly dead, even if if unpluged and repluged the keyboard and try from a usb hub and directly into the computer.
My keyboard is approximatly 1.5 year old, I always take care of it and it have a skin on it. Never splill anything on it too

That's the second one that do the same things, but the first one take at least two years before to do it. And it was exactly the same keys that died with the previous keyboard.

I think that there is a coincidence here and that there's a basic design problem.


Reinard Dolleschel

Oct 20, 2022, 4:49:56 PM10/20/22
to TypeMatrix User Group
Hey  Serge,

Please send an email to con...@typematrix.com describing your problem. They will get this sorted out for you.


Serge Gagnon

Oct 25, 2022, 1:43:40 PM10/25/22
to TypeMatrix User Group

I did it, but I got no answer from them: complete radio silence.

But thanks anyway for the information.


Reinard Dolleschel

Oct 25, 2022, 2:51:47 PM10/25/22
to TypeMatrix User Group
Hello Serge,

I'm not sure what the trouble is, but I just talked to Mary at TypeMatrix. They have not received any messages from you. They did email you  though. Please check your email again. TypeMatrix sent you the following email:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mary Webber <(hidden)>
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Subject: TypeMatrix keyboard issue
To: <sergeg...@gmail.com>

Serge --

I understand you are having trouble with a keyboard.  Please email me directly.

Mary @ TypeMatrix.com

Serge Gagnon

Jun 19, 2023, 8:24:38 AM6/19/23
to TypeMatrix User Group
Hello Reinard,

Thanks for the reply.
I sent two emails from my main email adress (@live.ca) which is not the one associated with this google group that Mary use to communicate with me.

Anyway, I trashed both my two typematrix keyboards a couple of weeks ago.
I got the same problem 2 times with two keyboards.
I'm convinced it's only a matter of time before a third keyboard starts having the same problem.

Serge Gagnon

Loic Tison

Jul 18, 2023, 8:56:14 AM7/18/23
to TypeMatrix User Group
The first of my two keyboards have dead keys since a week. This first one was about 7. The second is two years younger. But some sicor mechansims are broken. I juste need spares parts…  The problem comes from the technology of the switch under the dome. It's a three-layer plastic sandwich. Sometimes the circuit material oxidizes. The electrical contact between upper and lower sheets don’t work . «The switch is dead»
I wonder to have the switches plates to repair my kbd.
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