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War Zone USA! Nearly Half Of Republicans Think US Has To Live With Mass Shootings, Poll Finds

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May 9, 2023, 9:46:33 AM5/9/23
"We're politicians, we live in a bubble where we have taxpayer funded
security for our families and ourselves"

Nearly half of Republicans think US has to live with mass shootings, poll

CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support for a
nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles

Nearly half of Republican voters think the US just has to live with mass
shootings, according to a poll released in the aftermath of the Texas
elementary school murders and as politicians in Washington negotiate for
gun reform.
Proud Boys leader charged with seditious conspiracy related to Capitol
attack – as it happened
Read more

The CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support
for a nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles, the kind of gun used in
Uvalde, Texas.

Nineteen young children and two adults were killed at Robb elementary
school on 24 May by an 18-year-old who bought his weapon legally.

But clear national support for a ban on such rifles or changes to
purchasing ages and background checks is not mirrored in Congress. Most
Republicans, supported financially by the powerful gun lobby, remain
opposed to gun reform.

In an effort fueled by horror at events in Uvalde, senators led by Chris
Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut elected after the Sandy Hook
elementary school shooting killed 26 in 2012, and John Cornyn, a Texas
Republican, have expressed optimism that some changes may be possible.

On Monday, Murphy told NBC News: “Sometimes when we go away for a week …
sensitive negotiations like this fall apart. This week, the opposite is
happening because my colleagues went home and heard the same thing I did.
Parents are frightened to death.

“They’re frightened to death for their kids and they’re frightened to
death that government isn’t going to be able to respond the most
fundamental concern the parents have: the safety of their kids. I think
senators are coming back to town today with a newfound resolve to get
something done.”

Reporting on the Senate talks has largely focused on “red flag” laws
designed to stop gun purchases by people deemed a potential danger to
others or themselves. In the CBS/YouGov poll, support for such laws ran at

Murphy was asked: “Is this about incentivising states to pass their own
[red flag law] or a federal one?”

He said: “I actually don’t think it’d be a good idea to have a federal red
flag law. I think it’d be very inaccessible for local law enforcement to
have to go to the federal court system.

“So I support the state laws. I think they need some guidance and some
funding in order to implement these laws and make sure that everybody
knows how to access them.”

A Senate reform package could also contain efforts to close loopholes in
background checks. In the CBS/YouGov poll, support for federal background
checks on all gun purchases ran at 81%.

Joe Biden has called for an assault weapons ban, or at least raising the
minimum age for purchases. In the new poll, 77% said the minimum age for
buying an assault rifle should be higher than 18: 32% said it should be 21
and 45% opted for 25.

Murphy said: “I think there’s certainly Republican support for raising the
age. I don’t know whether there are 60 votes yet and right now, my entire
focus is on what can get 60 votes.”

But the new poll’s most telling evidence came when respondents were asked
if mass shootings were “unfortunately something we have to accept as part
of a free society” or “something we can prevent and stop if we really

Among Democrats, 85% said mass shootings could be stopped if US
politicians would only try. Among independents, the figure was 73%.
Overall, it was 72%.

But 44% of Republicans said mass shootings should be accepted as part of a
free society.

Following strict messaging guidelines, Republican politicians repeatedly
say mental health and security issues are to blame for mass shootings, not
access to guns.

Poll respondents were also asked: “Regardless of how you feel about the
issue, how likely do you think it is that Congress will pass any laws in
the next few months that will make significant changes to gun policy?”

Only 7% thought it was “very likely” Congress would act, while a combined
69% thought it was “not very” or “not at all” likely.

Some state governments have passed reforms. In New York City on Monday,
the state governor, Kathy Hochul, signed a package of laws including
licensing measures for assault rifles and a minimum purchase age of 21,
expanded red flag provisions and a ban on sales of body armour.

Hochul told reporters: “It just keeps happening. Shots ring out, flags
come down and nothing ever changes – except here in New York.”

The state, however, is home to another politician whose fate starkly shows
what can happen to Republicans who express openness to gun reform.

On Friday, the New York congressman Chris Jacobs abandoned his bid for re-
election, after stoking fury by expressing support for a federal assault
weapons ban.

Jacobs represents suburbs of Buffalo, the city in which 10 people were
shot dead at a supermarket on 14 May in what authorities say was a
racially motivated attack.
Law enforcement personnel stand outside Robb elementary school following
the shooting.
‘They had no empathy’: for gun violence survivors, police response can be
Read more

Mass shootings, widely defined as shootings in which four people excluding
the gunman are hurt or killed, have continued since Buffalo and Uvalde.

Last week, at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a gunman killed two doctors,
a receptionist and a patient.

According to the non-profit Gun Violence Archive, the following weekend
saw mass shootings in Philadelphia, Chattanooga, South Carolina, Arizona,
Texas, Georgia, New York and Michigan. Fifteen people were killed and more
than 60 wounded.

The archive says there have been 246 mass shootings in the US in 2022,
considerably more than one a day.

On Sunday, Murphy told CNN: “The possibility of success is better than
ever before. But I think the consequences of failure for our entire
democracy are more significant than ever.”

Siri Cruise

May 9, 2023, 12:41:17 PM5/9/23
WAR ZONE USA! wrote:
> "We're politicians, we live in a bubble where we have taxpayer funded
> security for our families and ourselves"
> Nearly half of Republicans think US has to live with mass shootings, poll
> finds
> CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support for a
> nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles

In a democracy we create our ideal society ourselves.

Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 2.L / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohammed

max headroom

May 9, 2023, 3:44:54 PM5/9/23
In news:u3dsup$aj5d$, Siri Cruise <>

> WAR ZONE USA! wrote:

>> "We're politicians, we live in a bubble where we have taxpayer funded
>> security for our families and ourselves"

>> Nearly half of Republicans think US has to live with mass shootings, poll
>> finds

>> CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support for a
>> nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles

> In a democracy we create our ideal society ourselves.

In a republic, we have rights.


May 9, 2023, 4:12:57 PM5/9/23

"Siri Cruise" <> wrote in message
> WAR ZONE USA! wrote:
>> "We're politicians, we live in a bubble where we have taxpayer funded
>> security for our families and ourselves"
>> Nearly half of Republicans think US has to live with mass shootings, poll
>> finds
>> CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support
>> for a
>> nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles
> In a democracy we create our ideal society ourselves.

No, in a democracy, you simply have tyranny by majority.

David Hartung

May 9, 2023, 5:26:05 PM5/9/23
No, you don't. But in what you propose, we have tyranny of a minority, which is
far worse than any tyranny of a majority.


May 9, 2023, 6:13:25 PM5/9/23
>In a republic, we have rights.

the right to shoot republicans?

Siri Cruise

May 9, 2023, 7:12:07 PM5/9/23
So who? Which minority is killing everyone? BLM? Antifa? Chinese
slide rulers? Little green melmacians?

Rudy Canoza

May 9, 2023, 9:19:21 PM5/9/23
On 5/9/2023 12:38 PM, oozing scarlet red maxipad attempted - and *failed* - to
No, having rights is not a fundamental aspect of being a republic, o oozing
scarlet red maxipad.

We are a republic, o oozing scarlet red maxipad, but we're also a democracy.

Trump raped E. Jean Carroll


May 9, 2023, 10:32:46 PM5/9/23
Siri Cruise wrote:
> WAR ZONE USA! wrote:
>> "We're politicians, we live in a bubble where we have taxpayer funded
>> security for our families and ourselves"
>> Nearly half of Republicans think US has to live with mass shootings, poll
>> finds
>> CBS and YouGov poll returned familiar results, including 62% support for a
>> nationwide ban on semi-automatic rifles
> In a democracy we create our ideal society ourselves.

Your "ideal society" is Sodom and Gomorrah. Or perhaps merely a place
where whites are disarmed, terrorized, predated upon and murdered by
the hordes of brown people.

That's why democracy needs to be ended NOW, and why you need to be
thrown off of a tall building.

max headroom

May 9, 2023, 11:16:22 PM5/9/23
In news:siC6M.572329$5S78....@fx48.iad, Rudy Canoza <rc.@hendrie.con> typed:

> On 5/9/2023 12:38 PM, oozing scarlet red maxipad...

Mommy is never far from Rudy's thoughts.

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