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Re: British wart removal

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Jun 16, 2011, 8:37:33 PM6/16/11

"Omelet" wrote in message

In article <>,
Oren <Or...@> wrote:

> "...District Judge Jonathan Bennett told Murphy: "This was quite a
> bizarre situation. You had some kind of wart and you decided to use
> the shotgun to try and remove it."
> Read more:
> <
> wart-by-shooting-it-off.html#ixzz1PTzoCDNl>
> The guy was charged with ..Theft by Finding.. a shotgun.

# I can kinda empathize with him.... but surely he could have gotten his
# hands on some dry ice. I don't understand why one of his docs didn't
# simply remove it with liquid nitrogen. I had a mole on my back that had
# been bothering me for months and that's what my Endo' did, in her office
# no less! The mole fell off after a couple of weeks.
# Chronic pain can drive you half insane. I know that from personal
# experience.
It's hard for me to imagine that doctors couldn't help the guy. I've had
all manner of skin thingies removed by various methods.....chemically
burning, electrically burning, surgery, ripping, freezing, etc. But never
once did a dermatologist recommend a shotgun procedure :)

Steve Rothstein

Jun 16, 2011, 9:31:09 PM6/16/11
On 6/16/2011 7:32 PM, Omelet wrote:

> Chronic pain can drive you half insane. I know that from personal

> experience.

Obviously, you know the question this creates in everyone's mind, right?
What drove you the other half? :)

Steve Rothstein


Jun 16, 2011, 11:08:56 PM6/16/11


> Chronic pain can drive you half insane. I know that from personal
> experience.

Don't go there ....

The Daring Dufas

Jun 17, 2011, 3:59:15 AM6/17/11
On 6/16/2011 7:32 PM, Omelet wrote:
> In article<>,
> Oren<Or...@> wrote:
>> "...District Judge Jonathan Bennett told Murphy: "This was quite a
>> bizarre situation. You had some kind of wart and you decided to use
>> the shotgun to try and remove it."
>> Read more:
>> <
>> wart-by-shooting-it-off.html#ixzz1PTzoCDNl>
>> The guy was charged with ..Theft by Finding.. a shotgun.
> I can kinda empathize with him.... but surely he could have gotten his
> hands on some dry ice. I don't understand why one of his docs didn't
> simply remove it with liquid nitrogen. I had a mole on my back that had
> been bothering me for months and that's what my Endo' did, in her office
> no less! The mole fell off after a couple of weeks.
> Chronic pain can drive you half insane. I know that from personal
> experience.

Did you notice the cigarette hanging out of his mouth? Back about 1965 I
met a fellow who worked in the computer center at the university who
had a mushroom shaped wart on his middle finger, the same hand he used
to hold his smoke stick. I imagine the drug addict couldn't help but
hold the nicotine delivery system in the hand with the wart no matter
how painful it was. It was an old ingrown habit with him an I'll bet he
will be unconsciously dropping a lot of cigarettes throughout the rest
of his shortened life. ^_^



Jun 17, 2011, 7:48:38 AM6/17/11
Omelet wrote:
> I can kinda empathize with him.... but surely he could have gotten his
> hands on some dry ice. I don't understand why one of his docs didn't
> simply remove it with liquid nitrogen. I had a mole on my back that
> had been bothering me for months and that's what my Endo' did, in her
> office no less! The mole fell off after a couple of weeks.

He's in the UK. That little factoid is what many of us call a "clue."

> Chronic pain can drive you half insane. I know that from personal
> experience.

It would drive me to find another doctor.

Bill Smith

Jun 17, 2011, 10:34:25 AM6/17/11
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:02:54 -0700, Oren <Or...@> wrote:

>"...District Judge Jonathan Bennett told Murphy: "This was quite a
>bizarre situation. You had some kind of wart and you decided to use
>the shotgun to try and remove it."
>Read more:
>The guy was charged with ..Theft by Finding.. a shotgun.

Reminds me of that Monty Python skit about curing athletes foot with
dynamite, 175 dead, 45 injured, 17 missing, presumed cured. I loved
that show, lots of firearms and explosives misuse.

Bill Smith


Jun 17, 2011, 12:34:35 PM6/17/11
On Jun 17, 10:34 am, Bill Smith <> wrote:

> >The guy was charged with  ..Theft by Finding.. a shotgun.
> Reminds me of that Monty Python skit about curing athletes foot with
> dynamite, 175 dead, 45 injured, 17 missing, presumed cured. I loved
> that show, lots of firearms and explosives misuse.

Only goes to show you why the Yoo Kay needs laws to prevent any
ordinary subject from touching firearms. Only the Queen's men have the
training not to blow their own fingers off.

I loved the "found the shotgun in a hedge" story! A lesson we might
all need if the Obamites ever get "gun control" rolling again.

Alex Clayton

Jun 17, 2011, 3:14:52 PM6/17/11

I noticed that right away and first thought was how bad the medical care
can be there. Still the guy must have access to the net. I would think
he could have just looked it up and found the idea of freezing it off. I
had one for years that I finally got tired of using the liquid stuff on.
It would seem to work then months later it would come back. Finally went
to a Dermatologist and they just sprayed it with liquid N2. They did it
again a week later and that was the end of it. Hell now days you can buy
the same stuff OTC here now, but if they don't sell it there I would
think dry ice would work as Kat mentioned.


I met a Genie today that said she would grant me one wish.

"I want to live forever," I said.

"Sorry," said the Genie, "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that!"

"Fine," I said, "then I want to die after Congress gets their heads out
of their a$$e$!"

"You crafty bastard," said the Genie.


Jun 17, 2011, 5:32:49 PM6/17/11

"Steve Rothstein" wrote in message

Reminds me of an incident that happened in 1978, when one of our suppliers
was playing with a shotgun and blew his right thumb off. A really good
surgeon removed the guy's big toe and constructed/attached a pretty good
looking new thumb.

Now, an interesting aspect was that the victim's name was Tom.
AND, being the assholes that we really are....he forever became known as
"Tom Toe".
<yes, it is a true story> :)

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Bill Smith

Jun 17, 2011, 6:38:24 PM6/17/11
On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 17:25:51 -0500, Omelet <>

>In article <>,

>Do you have a link to that skit?

I just recalled seeing it on TV years ago. Youtube has a Monty Python
channel, but lots of luck finding it, if it's even there, there's an
awful lot of their skits. Don't miss "The importance of not being
seen". More explosives.

Bill Smith


Jun 17, 2011, 9:16:05 PM6/17/11
On 06/17/2011 05:25 PM, Omelet wrote:
> In article<>,
> Bill Smith<> wrote:
> Do you have a link to that skit?

No link Kat, but I have the script.

Vicar (Salesman)

As featured in the Flying Circus TV Show - Episode 28

The cast:

Eric Idle
Terry Jones
Graham Chapman

The sketch:

Vicar: Hello, I'm your new vicar. Can I interest you in any

Mrs Shazam: Ah, no thank you. We're not Church people, thank you.

(The vicar opens his suitcase to reveal it is packed with brushes.)

Vicar: How about brushes? Nylon or bristle? Strong-tufted,
attractive colours.

Mrs Shazam: No - really, thank you, vicar.

Vicar: Oh dear ... Turkey? Cup final tickets?

Mrs Shazam: No, no really, we're just not religious thank you.

Vicar: Oh, well. Bye bye.

Mrs Shazam: Bye bye, vicar. (she shuts the door, as she returns to
seat the vicar pops his head round the door again)

Vicar: Remember, if you do want anything... jewellery, Ascot water

Mrs Shazam: Thank you, vicar. (he goes) It's funny, isn't it? How
your best friend can just blow up like that? I mean, you wouldn't think
it was medically possible, would you?

(Cut to a doctor in a posh consulting room.)

Doctor: This is where Mrs Shazam was so wrong. Exploding is a
perfectly normal medical phenomenon. In many fields of medicine
nowadays, a dose of dynamite can do a world of good. For instance,
athlete's foot - an irritating condition - can be cured by applying a
small charge of TNT between each toe. (doorbell) Excuse me. (he opens
the door)

Vicar: Hello, I'm your new vicar, can I interest you in any of
these watches, pens or biros? (exhibits the collection inside his jacket)

Doctor: No ... I'm not religious, I'm afraid.

Vicar: Oh, souvenirs, badges... a little noddy dog for the back of
the car?

Doctor: No thank you, vicar. Good morning.

Vicar: Oh, morning.

(He shuts the door.)

Doctor: Now, many of the medical profession are sceptical about my
work. They point to my record of treatment of athlete's foot sufferers -
eighty-four dead, sixty-five severely wounded and twelve missing
believed cured. But then, people laughed at Bob Hope, people laughed at
my wife when she wrapped herself up in greaseproof paper and hopped into
the Social Security office, but that doesn't mean that Pasteur was
wrong! Look, I'll show you what I mean. (goes to a wall diagram of two
skeletons and taps one with a rod)


Skeleton: Watch it, mate. I'm not going to stay round here getting
poked and prodded all day. (clips a face on and moves off the diagram)
I'm off.., I've got a decent body, all I get is poked and prodded in the
chest. (moving through countryside) Well, I'm off. I'm going to get
another line of work. (goes past various warning signs)

Voice: Watch it!

Voice: Don't go any further!

Voice: Turn back!

Voice: Stop!

(The sprocket holes at the side of the film come into view.)

Voice: Stop! Oh, please stop!

(The skeleton moves past the sprocket holes and falls into blank

Voice: Oh, my god, he's fallen off the edge of the cartoon.

Voice: Well, so much for that link.


Much better as a TV sketch. I have nearly all of them saved as htm
files if anyone needs them for a thesis, or something.



Jun 18, 2011, 2:37:23 AM6/18/11

"Wayne" <> wrote in message

Lemme "one-up" you , Wayne.

Back in Vegas in 1963, a bunch of us were learning to shoot and practice the
movie-style quick-draw. One Saturday, out in the desert (alcohol WAS
involved), one of our number muffed the draw with his brand new 357 and blew
out the joints where his middle toe and the next smallest one meet the foot.

Forever known as "Three-Toes Harrison" .

(I wonder if he is still alive - I haven't seen him since '65). Anyone from
Vegas on the group?


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