My Shield

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2009年7月2日 08:11:212009/7/2
收件人 Two or Three
Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God has proven to be true. He is a shield
to those who come to him for protection."

What do I need protection and a shield from today? My God is powerful
enough to be my shield and His intentions toward me are good and

As I get into His true Word (another version says "pure word"), it
strengthens me and builds me up. It is good and it heals and restores

Do: Put my trust in the only One who is powerful enough to be my
shield. Feast on His true and pure Word, and allow Him to speak and
minister to me through it. Be in a listening position, so I can hear
when He is telling me something.

Stop: Seeking shelter elsewhere.

Enjoy the adventure of life with a Magnificent Father whose power is
sufficient to shield me from anything the Enemy can throw at me.


2009年7月6日 11:47:282009/7/6
收件人 Two or Three
I always need to be reminded of this...for me it is a constant battle
to not look to myself and others and things to make me feel secure...
Christ Alone!!!! Love you Betsy.
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