Wait on the Lord

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Jan 23, 2010, 1:24:23 PM1/23/10
to Two or Three
I have started reading through the whole Bible this year. I have done
it several times before, but with more children and responsibilities
than I've ever had when doing it before, 3 chapters a day can be a
challenge to finish!

I am in the middle of the part where God heard the cries of the
Israelites while they were in terrible slavery to Pharoah in Egypt. He
had promised to deliver them, but when Moses appealed to Pharoah,
instead of things getting better, they got worse. He began to make
them gather the straw that used to be provided for them as they made
bricks - AND they still had to make the same number of bricks he
required of them before.

Sometimes things get worse before they get better- but hang on! God is
not slack concerning His promises!

They complained to Moses, he complained to God, and God repeated His
promise of deliverance. To encourage them; "Moses reported this to the
Israelites. But they would not listen to him because they were so
discouraged by their back-breaking work." Exodus 6:9

Sometimes, we don't listen to God's promises, because of some sort of
"back breaking" burden we are carrying.

"BUT, those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will
soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They
will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Don't: believe that how I feel is the truth. Believe God's Word and
bank on it in spite of how I feel.
Do: Trust in the Lord, even when it seems my burden is back-breaking.
Know: He always shows Himself faithful in His perfect time.

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