Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice

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2009年9月8日 13:06:532009/9/8
收件人 Two or Three
"Then Samuel said, "Is the LORD as delighted with burnt offerings and
sacrifices as he would be with your obedience? To follow instructions
is better than to sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrificing the
fat of rams." 1 Samuel 15:22

The back story to this verse is that King Saul had just taken an enemy
camp and God gave him specific instructions as to how it was to be
done. He followed the instructions sort of, but didn't obey some of
them. he picked an chose what he wanted to do, rather than obey
exactly what God said. He decided he wanted to make a big extravagant
sacrifice to God to "make up" for his disobedience, but God was not
pleased with this. God sent Samuel the prophet to rebuke Saul for his

For me, the application is easy to make. If there is an area that I am
holding back in obedience to God, then God is not pleased. I can make
extravagant sacrifices in other areas that look great to other people,
but God is fully aware of my disobedience and is still not pleased,
even though it may appear to those around me that I am really doing
great things.

Know: God knows my heart and desires my obedience.
Change: When God's Word is clear on something and I am not obeying;
examine my heart and choose obedience rather than overcompensating in
other areas.
Do: Be at peace when I know in my heart I am living in obedience.
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