Put Your Hope in God

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Jul 13, 2009, 12:53:11 PM7/13/09
to Two or Three
Psalm 43:5 (GWT) " Why are you discouraged, my soul? Why are you so
restless? Put your hope in God, because I will still praise him. He is
my Savior and my God."

Today I woke up with the Monday morning blues. My outlook on life and
the world needed to be re-aligned. This verse came to my mind.

David was a real man with real feelings, problems and issues that he
dealt with. Though he knew and trusted God, his faith did not always
prevent discouragement. Our God is full of compassion. Feeling like
this makes me long to be with Him. But more than that, I want to
finish the work that He created me to do.

It is easy for me to be swayed by my feelings. Life is often hard, and
as women, we often have the tendency to carry the burdens of others
more than God would have us. We are told to "Bear one another's
burdens", but we are also to "Cast all our care on Him." We can care
for those with needs, and lighten our friends' burdens when we can,
but we should then give it to Christ and no longer carry it.

Also, worry is a sin. We are told not to worry, and this is something
I have to make a conscious effort to not do. I always have
opportunity to sin in this way as I live in a fallen imperfect world,
but to do so is saying to God "I don't trust you to handle this
situation in the world, my life, my friend's life," etc. "I don't
trust You to work it out for my good and Your glory".

Change: My worrying and over-burden-bearing to faith in a powerful and
loving Father.

Do: Hope in God, praise Him (in everything give thanks).

Know: He is my Savior, He loves me, He will work it our for my good
and His glory.
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