A Gentle Answer

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Oct 2, 2009, 12:42:24 PM10/2/09
to Two or Three
"A gentle answer turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Proverbs 15:1

I dislike conflict and confrontation. I love this verse, because it is
the key to lovingly dissolving conflict. The key is a soft answer.
Even though I don't like conflict, I am often tempted to respond with
a harsh answer, or unkind words. When it says "Gentle answer" I think
it is talking about content AND tone. I can say the right thing, but
if it is said in a disrespectful tone, the words themselves lose their
effectiveness to turn away anger and bring about peace. I am so
thankful for this bit of wisdom that leads me to find peaceful
solutions to problems with anger and conflict.

Change: Times when I give in to the temptation to give a harsh or
unkind answer in response to rage or anger.
Do: Answer softly when someone speaks to me with anger (whether
directed towards me, or something/one else)
Know: I can diffuse anger with my gentle words and tone.
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