What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 7) -- Wei Jingsheng | 什么样的民主更适合中国(七) -- 魏京生

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1671-W1206
Release Date: June 17, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 7) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(七) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (7)
-- Wei Jingsheng
Chinese culture has a long history, with its successful aspects as well as backward and decadent aspects.  Now facing the establishment of a new system, do we need to imitate others or establish a new system suitable for Chinese culture?  This issue has been debated for more than a hundred years.  Many friends say that it is enough to follow the American model and there is no need to explore our own model.  I disagree with this simplistic statement.
First of all, no successful democratic system in the world is completely imitated from others.  Every country that can successfully establish a democratic system must consider its own cultural traditions and unique reality.  Only by designing a democratic system with its own characteristics on this basis can it succeed.
Secondly, the so-called "total Westernization" idea that came from Japan during the Republic of China period has never been implemented, neither is it possible to implement such a naive idea.  The fundamental reason why democracy by Sun Yat-sen and the elites of that generation failed was that they were divorced from the reality at that time and were not understood and accepted by all sectors of society, especially the majority of the lower classes.  It was just imitating the American system, and as a result, a revolution was understood by most Chinese as a change of dynasty, not a revolution of the social system.  Total Westernization that is divorced from social reality has been proven to impossible to succeed in China.
Close observation shows that the democratic systems of successful Asian democracies around us, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, are not completely westernized, and they do not even imitate each other, but each has its own characteristics.  Although their paths to democracy are different, the methods of success are the same, that is, they do not imitate, but design their own systems that are acceptable to all classes and implement democratic principles based on the reality of their own society and the basic principles of democracy.
Another example is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  During the revolutionary stage, it was found that it was impossible to completely imitate the Soviet Union, because the social realities of each country were different.  After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was also found that it was impossible to completely imitate the Soviet system as well.  It could only be based on the principles of one-party dictatorship and deprivation of human rights, and in accordance with the actual conditions of China at that time, to establish a Communist system with Chinese characteristics.
China's institutional tradition has its failed aspects, stemming from the bureaucratic class that protects each other.  It leads to a lack of supervision and constraints, so politics would gradually become corrupt and incompetent, and dynasties had to be changed.  The people suffer.  However, in the process of development, some good systems have also been established, which are not dependent on the bureaucratic system of the emperor.  After being learned by the Western democratic system, they have become an effective way to improve democracy.  There were also attempts to exclude the influence of money on politics, by not allowing businessmen to participate in politics.  Although unfair, it does effectively keep politics from being influenced by money.
Even though for various reasons, corrupt politics was still influenced by money, it was still a more reasonable design than the current businessmen in the West who directly decide politics.  I have visited many Western democratic countries, and people from all walks of life including politicians are complaining that money has too much influence on politics, which is an important reason for some wrong decisions.  Representative democracy in name is often not influenced by the opinions of the majority of people, but led astray by money.  In contrast, excluding the manipulation of politics by the business class is a very important design.
Because the existing decision-making groups are interest groups themselves. It is not reliable for them to restrict themselves.  For years, it has been difficult for them to improve the system by reducing their own available interests.  This is a headache for Western democratic countries now.
Thus, we can consider solving this problem once and for all when we are in the initial stage of establishing and designing our democratic system in China.  Make arrangements to reduce the influence of the business class on politics, ensure that the opinions of the majority can fairly influence decisions, reduce decision-making deviations, and at the same time stop the trend of democracy in decline.  This is a new topic.  We may be able to do it, so we must start thinking about it now.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of this commentary:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
Related screenshot of Wei Jingsheng's commentary on RFA website:
(Written and recorded on June 16, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on June 17, 2024.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1671-W1206
Release Date: June 17, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 7) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(七) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
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