What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 8) -- Wei Jingsheng | 什么样的民主更适合中国(八) -- 魏京生

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Jun 25, 2024, 9:01:56 AM (8 days ago) Jun 25
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1673-W1208
Release Date: June 24, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 8) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(八) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 8)
-- Wei Jingsheng
Everyone is observing Taiwan's democracy, and the media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is also reporting on the fierce fighting among Taiwan's politicians.  I don't support any party, but I don't like this kind of fierce fighting.  One side says that the other side is colluding with the CCP, and the other side says that provocation brings danger to Taiwan.  Both sides have some truth, and neither is so serious, and it is not worth fighting about.  Fighting in the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan is too much.  This is treating the people as spectators and is disrespectful.
This disrespect for people often leads to disrespect for you.  I see that many people look down on politicians as a consequence of this kind of disrespect for the people.  Attacking each other's privacy and even spreading rumors and slander have seriously polluted the atmosphere of democratic politics, which is not what a mature democracy should have.  Of course, some people will say that the United States and Europe are also in a mess.  Then why not learn from their good aspects instead of their messy things?  It's all fallacy.
But in this messy melee, I noticed that a good thing is gradually emerging.  That is, the election and recall laws are beginning to be used to carry out the so-called gentleman's struggle.  There is no personal hatred between the two sides.  They are all fighting for national and social policies.  Why do they have to fight and spit shit at each other?  Doing so not only pollutes politics, but also pollutes social morality, and neither side gets any benefit.  Therefore, the democratic system that China wants to establish should eliminate this cancer in Western democracy from the system from the beginning.  It is necessary to establish a gentlemanly atmosphere and strictly prevent vicious fighting.
Some people with dark psychology like to find other people's privacy and disclose it.  They feel happy when they see others embarrassed, satisfying a twisted and vicious interest.  Letting this kind of mean heart enter politics is itself a pollution of politics.  As a model of political struggle, it also has a very bad impact on society.  It can be said that this has corrupted the social atmosphere.  Not only politicians, but almost all social celebrities have been affected, spreading a stinking example to the people and poisoning the whole society.
The important system to curb this kind of mean politics is the election and recall law.  It is not selection, but recall and election.  Everyone knows the importance of election, but many people do not know the importance of recall.  There is a very bad atmosphere in China and Taiwan now, which has been getting worse since the last century.  That is, some people, once they have power, will issue orders, and even use chicken feathers as a token of authority, thinking that they have power above the law, and do all kinds of acts that infringe on the rights and interests of others and even the whole society.  What should we do with such bad people?
In the dictatorial society of the mainland China, most people will say that there is no way.  Even if a few people oppose the malpractice, there will be no good results.  The fact that they have come to the United States to defend their rights is a good example.  But in Taiwan, I found that some people are using the election and recall law to recall certain legislators.  Whether it will succeed is unpredictable, and whether it is fair is unclear.  But starting to use the law to recall politicians is a good start.
It is said that legislators on both sides have been proposed for recall, and the reasons for the recall are very legitimate, but the evidence is unknown.  The United States has also tried many times to recall the president.  Although few times have succeeded, it has played a major role in restricting or deterring the behavior of politicians.  From then on, every politician must think twice before speaking and doing things.  The etiquette mentioned by Confucius includes thinking twice before acting.  After more than 2,000 years, how many officials can think twice before they act?
Corrupt officials can think twice before they act, in order to protect their private interests rather than the public interest.  In their minds, the interests of the country and the people are just a piece of fat meat to be slaughtered.  In an environment without constraints and deterrence, few people will think twice before they act.  In the one-party dictatorship, officials protect each other and lack constraints and deterrence, so they can boldly embezzle and accept bribes.
It is unreliable to rely on self-discipline in the officialdom, so we have to rely on this kind of deterrence and constraints from the lower levels.  When people feel that their interests and rights are violated, the removal of those evil and tyrannical officials is a weapon in the hands of the lower classes.  Therefore, the formulation and effective implementation of the recall law is very effective in maintaining political integrity.  For two thousand years, people have called for clean officials, but it is more effective to implement this recall.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of this commentary:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
Related screenshot of Wei Jingsheng's commentary on RFA website:
(Written and recorded on June 23, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on June 24, 2024.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1673-W1208
Release Date: June 24, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 8) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(八) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
大家都在观察台湾的民主,共产党的媒体也在大肆报道台湾的政客们恶斗。我不支持任何党派, 但不看好这种恶斗。一边说对方通共,另一边说挑衅给台湾带来危险。两边都有一定的道理,也都没那么严重,不值得拿来恶斗。在议会里打架就太过分了,这是把老百姓当做了看戏的,不尊重人。
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