Overseas "Congress on China's Directions" Ends, Democracy Movement Leaders Discuss Blueprint for New China – The Epoch Times Report | 海外"国是会议"落幕,民运领袖谈新中国蓝图 – 大纪元报道

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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1649-O388
Release Date: March 16, 2024
Title: Overseas "Congress on China's Directions" Ends, Democracy Movement Leaders Discuss Blueprint for New China – The Epoch Times Report
标题:海外"国是会议"落幕,民运领袖谈新中国蓝图 – 大纪元报道
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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Overseas "Congress on China's Directions" Ends, Democracy Movement Leaders Discuss Blueprint for New China
Updated 2024-03-05 9:08 PM
tags: Congress on China's Directions, democratic movement, collapse of the Chinese Communist Party, Wei Jingsheng, Wang Juntao
[The Epoch Times, March 05, 2024] (Epoch Times reporters Ning Haizhong and Luo Ya interviewed and reported) The first Overseas Chinese "Congress on China's Directions" concluded last weekend and adopted a political declaration.  The initiators of the Congress on China's Directions held a press conference in Washington DC on March 4.  Wei Jingsheng, a veteran pro-democracy activist, and Wang Juntao, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Democratic Party, were interviewed by The Epoch Times after the conference, discussing the details of the discussions at the Congress on China's Directions and outlining a blueprint for a new China without the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Overseas Pro-democracy Movement Holds " Congress on China's Directions": The CCP Is On the Verge of Destruction
The first Overseas Chinese "Congress on China's Directions", initiated by veteran overseas democracy activist Wei Jingsheng, leader of the 1989 student movement Wang Dan, and Chinese Democratic Party National Committee Chairman Wang Juntao, was held in the greater Washington area from March 2 to 4.  Experts, scholars and activists on Chinese democracy and constitutional law from Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and varies parts of the United States attended this Congress on China's Directions.
On the 4th, pro-democracy activists held a press conference in a conference room of the U.S. Congress and officially announced the establishment of the " Congress on China's Directions."
Its statement said, "As China has reached an important crossroads again, we hope the formation of this Congress on China's Directions will play a role in founding a democratic China similar to that of the Continental Congress at the founding of the USA."
The statement also said, "Our goal is to draw a blueprint for a democratic China after the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and introduce the whole Chinese society to participate in democratic construction.  We will discuss how to unite and strive to build a new China with freedom, democracy, fairness, justice and the rule of law that is shared, governed and enjoyed by all Chinese people."
This overseas "Congress on China's Directions" was held at the same time as the annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)of the Chinese Communist Party.  In an interview with The Epoch Times on March 5, Wei Jingsheng said that the pro-democracy movement is about confronting the CCP. "The Chinese Communist Party held the two sessions, and those officials of the CCP could not come up with any way to govern the country and solve the current difficulties; we want to give the Chinese people a blueprint: a democratic China that will be able to solve the problems in the future."
Regarding the issue that people's minds have changed but the CCP has not yet collapsed, Wei Jingsheng thinks that the time for the CCP's collapse is actually very close.
"The Chinese Communist Party is beleaguered internally and externally.  It is in a mess internally, and externally its international relations are also in a mess.  Everyone can see this.  Xi Jinping can't come up with any ideas, and the CCP can't come up with any ideas either.  They all come up with some rotten ideas, which will speed up the process of its destruction."
Wang Juntao told The Epoch Times on March 5 that the background to convening this "Congress on China's Directions" is that since Xi Jinping took control of the CCP and established a dictatorship in China, the CCP regime has experienced internal and external difficulties.  Thus there is an opportunity for democratic transformation in China.
He said that now people from all walks of life hate Xi Jinping, but there is no action.  Some people are worried that if China really wants to undergo transformation, will it enter a state of chaos or give rise to a new dictatorship.  The purpose of convening this "Congress on China's Directions" is to discuss and solve these problems.  The first is to tell everyone that China will be better without the CCP and to establish a constitutionally democratic system; the second is to discuss how to transit.  "The declaration of this "Congress on China's Directions" summarizes some of the main points and key considerations we have for the future construction of China."
Consensus Discussed at the "Congress on China's Directions": Non-violent and Violent Resistance to the CCP Are Both Reasonable and Legal
This "Congress on China's Directions" reached a consensus on China's future democratic process and the plan for building a democratic China, and thus formed a document called "Overthrow the Chinese Communist Party and Rebuild the Republic."  This ten-point political declaration covers China's political structure after the collapse of the CCP, civil resistance, the establishment of a provisional government, the protection of civil rights, the nationalization of the military, the smooth operation of finance and the economy, and the establishment of cooperation with the liberal democratic camp in the world.
Wang Dan, one of the initiators of the "Congress on China's Directions", said when reading this political declaration on the 4th that the government of the democratic China shall be formed by open, equal, and rules-based citizen elections and should govern in accordance with the law.  Government institutions forced upon the people without the citizens' direct or indirect authorization is a tyranny.  He said that in the case legal means for replacing a government are blocked, the people shall have the right to overthrow a tyranny.
Regarding the consensus reached at the "Congress on China's Directions", Wei Jingsheng told The Epoch Times that everyone had debates on many issues during the conference, among which the debate on whether resistance with violence could be used was a more intense one, but in the end a consensus was reached.
"Finally, everyone feels that whether it is peaceful, rational, non-violent methods or violent resistance methods, they are all reasonable and legal.  The staff director of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China who came to speak also mentioned that is its people's rights to use any way to resist.  We encourage the people in China to use various methods to fight against the CCP and to overthrow the CCP."
Wang Juntao also said that overthrowing the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party is the first priority.  "We advocate breaking away from the debate about violent revolution or non-violence, encourage all civilized anti-violent struggles, and encourage popular rebellions and coups via military or political means to end the tyranny of the CCP."
In addition, Wang Juntao also said that based on the consensus reached by everyone, the Congress emphasized protecting the land ownership of farmers and the property rights of entrepreneurs, as well as to establishing a reasonable system to protect people's livelihood in terms of protecting human rights.
Wei Jingsheng said that in the future, China will establish a democratic country that is the same in principle as the major Western democracies.  But in terms of specific methods, they would be more suitable for the situation in China.
"For example, it is advocated that farmers all own their own land, which can be bought, sold and inherited, which means that the issue of land ownership must be solved.  On the issue of survival, China has hundreds of millions of so-called migrant workers from the countryside, whose status is lower than that of the urban population.  This is not reasonable.  It should be equality for everyone.  Farmers and urban residents should have the same rights and enjoy the freedom of movement without any discrimination.  This may not necessarily exist in the laws of other countries.  In short, we must follow the laws of the national conditions in China to formulate the structure of a new democratic state."
Wang Juntao also mentioned that when the CCP collapses, a provisional government should be established to ensure the normal operation of social and economic governance.  While purging the CCP from government agencies at all levels, it is necessary to immediately take over all the archives of the CCP, "because the Communist Party likes to destroy archives and destroy evidence of crime when it is at its end."
Voices From U.S. Political Circles: What All Walks of Life in the U.S. Need to Do Is to Stop Funding the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party
This "Congress on China's Directions" has received great attention from American politicians.  Several US Congressional members, such as Mike Gallagher, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, and U.S. Democratic Representative Marcy Kaptur, expressed support for the convening of the "Congress on China's Directions".
Piero Tozzi, staff director of the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), said at the press conference that democratic changes in China need to come from within the Chinese people.  "However, there is one thing we can do, what the U.S. Congress, the U.S. government, and U.S. and Western businesses can and must do -- stop funding the tyranny."
He said: "Another important point is that companies must stop subsidizing Chinese national security projects and must stop cooperating with Chinese technology companies like Thermo Fisher Scientific is doing.  Their DNA technology is used by the Chinese police and used to suppress people in Tibet and Xinjiang.  These techniques are even accused of being used for forced organ harvesting.  Congress needs to review this."
Editor in charge: Li Renhe#
Related screenshot:
The first "Congress on China's Directions" was held in the greater Washington DC area from March 2 to 4, 2024. (Screenshot from NTDTV video)
Link to the original report:
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1649-O388
Release Date: March 16, 2024
Title: Overseas "Congress on China's Directions" Ends, Democracy Movement Leaders Discuss Blueprint for New China – The Epoch Times Report
标题:海外"国是会议"落幕,民运领袖谈新中国蓝图 – 大纪元报道
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
更新 2024-03-05 9:08 PM
标签: 国是会议, 民运, 中共垮台, 魏京生, 王军涛
本次会议对未来中国的民主进程和民主中国建设方案达成一致共识,形成名为《推翻中共 再造共和》的文件。这份共有十个要点的政治宣言,涉及中共垮台后的中国政体、民间抗暴、建立临时政府、保障公民权利、军队国家化、金融和经济平稳运行、与自由民主阵营建立合作等多方面。
本次"国是会议"受到美国政界人士的高度关注。美国众议院中共问题特设委员会主席迈克‧加拉格尔 (Mike Gallagher)、美国民主党籍众议员马西‧卡普图尔(Marcy Kaptur)等多位议员对"国是会议"的召开表达支持。
美国国会暨行政当局中国委员会(CECC)幕僚长陶智(Piero Tozzi)在新闻发布会上表示,中国的民主变革需来自中国人民内部。"然而,我们可以做一件事,美国国会、美国政府以及美国企业和西方企业可以而且必须做的就是——停止资助暴政。"
他说:"另一个重点是,企业必须停止补贴(中共国家)安全(项目),必须停止与赛默飞世尔(Thermo Fisher Scientific)这样的中国科技公司合作。他们的DNA技术被中共警方利用,在西藏、新疆用于镇压人民,甚至这些技术被指控用于强制活摘器官,国会需要对此进行审查。"
海外"国是会议"落幕 民运领袖谈新中国蓝图 - 大纪元

海外"国是会议"落幕 民运领袖谈新中国蓝图 - 大纪元

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