What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 4) -- Wei Jingsheng | 什么样的民主更适合中国(之四) -- 魏京生

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Mar 22, 2024, 10:36:01 PMMar 22
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1654-W1196
Release Date: March 22, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 4) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之四) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 4)
-- Wei Jingsheng
Economists criticize the planned economy of the Communist Party, but they do not criticize it to the point.  Doesn't a planned economy have a market?  Things produced by factories still have to be sold in the market, and people still have to go to the market to buy things for consumption.  The planned economy is also inseparable from the market as an intermediary.  The planned economy does not mean that there is no market.
So what is a planned economy?  Why is it a rigid system?  This starts with what is the economy and what is the market.
Economy is the general term for people's production activities, and the market is the intermediary through which economic entities exchange products.  What do people produce and exchange for?  For their living.  Therefore, whether it is the economy or the market, they are all human activities carried out for the survival of mankind.
Human beings are scattered and complex, and production is also a flexible and random activity.  Each subject has its own work plan that is different from others and cannot be replaced by each other.  The market measures, connects and exchanges the goods produced by different plans to meet the needs of people's lives.  Therefore, the first element of the economy is activities for human life, and the second element is complex activities and products, which must be measured and exchanged by relative standards through the market.
It is not that there is no market in a planned economy, but rather that production is carried out in accordance with the targets set by a superior rather than by people's lives.  The second characteristic is that production is based on targets rather than complex actual arrangements: there are no signals of market reaction, only rigid targets from superiors.  This is what leads to rigidity and detachment from reality.
Are plans and targets wrong?  In the production of a factory or farm, plans and targets play an irreplaceable role.  Without a plan, factories cannot produce, and without a plan, farmers will starve to death.  Targets are tools for people to measure and compare the benefits of production activities.  Without this ruler, people do not know whether what they do is correct and what will cause losses.  This is all basic common sense.
The so-called planned economy does not produce for the sake of people's lives.  It produces for the completion of plans made by certain offices that are divorced from reality.  In layman's terms, it is produced for targets.  The second is that its plans cannot include complicated economic phenomena, but are only plans based on some imagined standards.  It cannot be a realistic plan, and there will be a big gap between it and the actual economic needs.
The so-called semi-market economy of the Chinese model is not a market economy, but still is a planned economy with targets.  Governments at all levels control private and public enterprises and guide production according to targets set by superiors rather than market feedback.  Although the blood transfusions received from the Western governments in order to help Western capital earn extra profits seem to be developing well, China's own domestic market is not developing normally.  Once the blood transfusions are stopped, it inevitably will return to slow development.
Democratic politics is based on a market economy.  In turn, it requires and protects a real market economy, rather than a so-called semi-market economy, which is actually still a planned economy with targeted goals.  Democratic politics must regard economic indicators as a standard of measurement rather than as a goal to guide production.  The purpose of economic activities can always only be to meet the needs of people's lives, rather than to meet the targets set by certain institutions.
The market economy guaranteed by democratic politics must be a free market economy under legal premises, and cannot be to meet the targets set by superiors or to play a game of numbers.  Democratic countries limit government intervention in economic activities, implement the principle of small government and big society, and give all economic entities the maximum space for development.  Only such a true market economy can ensure normal development and ensure that people obtain the maximum benefits from economic development.
The economy can only ensure the best benefits through the independent and flexible reflection of all economic entities.  Only by completely eliminating the planned economy can China's development be on the right track, instead of enriching domestic and foreign capitalists and impoverishing the Chinese people.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of this commentary:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
Related screenshot of Wei Jingsheng's commentary on RFA website:
(Written on March 12, 2024 and recorded on March 17, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on March 22, 2024.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1654-W1196
Release Date: March 22, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 4) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之四) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
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