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[OCDC A533-O160] Remarks by Congressman Wolf Regarding the Falun Gong Resolution/美国国会众议员沃尔夫就法轮功议案所作的支持人权的发言

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Mar 26, 2010, 12:38:29 AM3/26/10

Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue
Number: A533-O160

Release Date: March 25, 2010

Topic: Remarks by Congressman Frank Wolf Regarding the Falun Gong
Resolution in Support of Human Rights
标题: 美国国会众议员沃尔夫就法轮功议案所作的支持人权的发言

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)

Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the
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Extensions of Remarks by HON. FRANK R. WOLF of Virginia
In the House of Representatives
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
On Falun Gong Resolution

Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I rise in support of H. Res. 605, a
resolution recognizing the continued persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners in China on the 10th anniversary of the Chinese
Communist Party campaign to suppress the Falun Gong spiritual
movement. The resolution also calls for an immediate end to the
persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The Chinese government's abuse of the Falun Gong is well-documented.
The State Department's annual International Religious Freedom Report,
found that that the Government of China, "continued to restrict
severely the activities of groups it designated as 'evil religions,'
including several Christian groups and Falun Gong....There are reports
that dedicated government offices were responsible for coordinating
operations against Falun Gong."

Just last week, the State Department released its annual Human Rights
Report which included numerous examples of the Chinese government's
persecution of the Falun Gong including the following: "Family members
of activists, dissidents, Falun Gong practitioners, journalists,
unregistered religious figures, and former political prisoners were
targeted for arbitrary arrest, detention, and harassment." The report
continued, "Police continued to detain current and former Falun Gong
practitioners and used possession of Falun Gong material as a pretext
for arresting political activists. The government continued its use of
high-pressure tactics and mandatory anti-Falun Gong study sessions to
force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong."

Among the most notorious human rights abuses of the Chinese government
last year was the arrest and subsequent disappearance of top Christian
human rights attorney, Gao Zhisheng. Gao had defended house church
Christians and Falun Gong members which earned the ire of the
government. According to the State Department, "At year's end his
whereabouts remained unconfirmed..." Prior to his arrest Gao had
published a letter in which he went into great detail about the
torture he experienced during his previous detention. Gao has paid
dearly for his defense of basic human rights including those of Falun
Gong practitioners.

China has become increasingly brazen in its human rights abuses. In
the face of this repression, America has a responsibility to
continually affirm that we stand with the defenseless-with those whose
voices have been silenced. President Reagan understood this well. He
famously described the U.S. Constitution as a covenant we have made
not only with ourselves but with all of mankind. This Congress and
this administration must be unwavering in our support of all
persecuted peoples, be they Coptic Christians in Egypt, Baha'is in
Iran or Falun Gong in China.

For more information, please visit Frank Wolf’s website at:

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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue
Number: A533-O160

Release Date: March 25, 2010

Topic: Remarks by Congressman Frank Wolf Regarding the Falun Gong
Resolution in Support of Human Rights
标题: 美国国会众议员沃尔夫就法轮功议案所作的支持人权的发言

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



美国国会议员弗兰克.沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)就众议院要求中共停止对法轮功学员迫害的议案的发言



就在上周 ,




(感谢Frank Wolf办公室提供英文原文。魏京生基金会中文译文。


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