Overseas Democracy Activists Hold Congress on China's Directions to Draw Up Blueprint for Democratic China (Central News Agency) | 海外民運人士舉行國是會議,擘劃民主中國藍圖(中央社報道)

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Mar 19, 2024, 11:50:59 AMMar 19
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1651-O390
Release Date: March 18, 2024
Title: Overseas Democracy Activists Hold Congress on China's Directions to Draw Up Blueprint for Democratic China (Central News Agency)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please send your request for special delivery to us or visit:
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Overseas Democracy Activists Hold Congress on China's Directions to Draw Up Blueprint for Democratic China
2024/3/5 15:29
(Central News Agency, Taipei, March 5th) Overseas Chinese democracy activists Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, Wang Juntao and others held the Congress on China's Directions in Washington DC to discuss the blueprint for a democratic China after the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  According to the declaration issued after the Congress on China's Directions, a democratic China will  implement the separation of powers and state, while its government will be elected through open and equal citizen elections.
After two days of closed-door conference, the "First Overseas Congress on China's Directions" initiated by Chinese overseas democracy activists held a press conference on March 4th local time in Washington, D.C., during which the "Declaration of the Chinese Democracy Movement's First Congress on China's Directions" was released.
The declaration stated that people from all walks of life who have long been committed to the cause of freedom and democracy in China, after careful discussions between the 2nd and 3rd of March, reached a 10-point consensus on China's future democratic process and the plan for building a democratic China.
According to the content of this declaration, currently, the autocratic ruling of the CCP is facing internal and external turmoil.  Xi Jinping's dictatorship has consolidated the totalitarian system, exacerbating the possibility of dramatic changes in China. Thus, an opportunity has been thrust for China's democratization.
The declaration said: "At this critical juncture, those who have been looking forward to such a transformation should carefully examine the current state of China and study relevant experiences and lessons of other countries around the world, and draft plans and ways to rebuild a constitutional political institution in China."
The declaration also stated that to build a democratic nation, people must first overthrow the tyranny of the CCP and establish a free, equal, just, and harmonious civil society.
For the newly born democratic China, the declaration states that it shall respect and protect the citizens' rights as stipulated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, prohibit infringements of the citizens' freedoms of speech, publication, press, association, assembly, and demonstration, and strictly forbid encroachments of individual and religious freedoms and property ownership.  In particular, it shall legislate protection of peasants' land rights and entrepreneurs' ownership rights and shall not infringe upon private property rights.
The declaration points out that government of the democratic China shall be formed by open, equal, and rules-based citizen elections and govern in accordance with the law.  The government of the democratic China shall implement separation of the legislative, executive, and judicial powers in accordance with constitutional principles.  The national governance institutions, including the police, shall maintain a neutral stance in political life.  No political party shall be allowed to operate within the national governance institutions.
The declaration also emphasized that the democratic China shall have an independent judicial system, which shall protect the basic rights of the citizens and maintain normal operations of the society.  The democratic China shall have nationalized armed forces, which shall have three fundamental missions: safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, resisting foreign aggressions, and allying with other democratic countries to maintain world peace.
The declaration also stated that to maintain healthy and fair operations of the economy and finance, it must establish a reasonable social security system, promote developments of science, education, culture, health, and ecology protection, and protect equal development opportunities for the citizens.
The declaration further stated that the democratic China shall cooperate with the free and democratic world, actively participate in maintaining a rules-based international order, combat international terrorism and authoritarian forces, and support developments of democracy and freedoms around the world.
At the end of the declaration, it hopes that all those who agree shall co-sign the declaration with more arrangements to be announced in the future. (Editors: Wu Baiwei/Cao Yufan) 1130305
Link to the original report:
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1651-O390
Release Date: March 18, 2024
Title: Overseas Democracy Activists Hold Congress on China's Directions to Draw Up Blueprint for Democratic China (Central News Agency)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
海外民運人士舉行國是會議 擘劃民主中國藍圖
2024/3/5 15:29
海外民運人士舉行國是會議 擘劃民主中國藍圖 | 兩岸 | 中央社 CNA

海外民運人士舉行國是會議 擘劃民主中國藍圖 | 兩岸 | 中央社 CNA

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