Kaptur's Statement On Formation Of Congress On China's Directions | 卡普图尔议员关于中国国是会议成立的声明

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Mar 14, 2024, 10:39:25 PMMar 14
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1647-O387
Release Date: March 14, 2024
Title: Kaptur's Statement On Formation Of Congress On China's Directions
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please send your request for special delivery to us or visit:
http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2024/report2024-3/KapturMstatement240314onCCD1stA1647-O387.htm which contains identical information.
Kaptur's Statement On Formation Of Congress On China's Directions
March 4, 2024
Washington, DC — Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) released the following statement at a press conference announcing the formation of the Congress on China's Directions.
"Thank you all so much for the invitation to this very urgent press conference to announce the founding of the first Congress on China's Directions. Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, and Wang Juntao, your leadership in initiating this Congress to organize champions for Liberty who support a free and open China could not come at a more urgent time. Tragically, the Chinese regime has a deeply troubling record of human rights under Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party has navigated further to autocratic rule and suppression. Together, we can carry forward the flame of human rights and democracy in China, and across the world.
"As we speak, hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslims are languishing in concentration camps in Northwest China. Hundreds if not more Tibetans continue to suffer under detention, yet heroically continue the struggle for self-determination. Meanwhile, millions of Chinese workers toil away at penny wage jobs to benefit the Chinese regime and its increasingly aggressive posture on the global stage. With such an ancient and rich culture, the Chinese people deserve better than this brutish and crude oppression. Just as China shows a blatant disdain for human rights and rule of law in its own country, she tramples upon international law and seeks to overturn the global rules-based order.
"As a strategic competitor, China seeks to spread its propaganda and tear down the virtues of democracy and would seek to replace the blessings of Liberty with an oppressive and dark ideology. China's complacent support for Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, its bolstering of the North Korean dictatorial state, and engagement with the fanatical Iranian regime demonstrates its central role in the developing Spider Web of Tyranny that is rising up to snuff out freedom. Even as China undermines Liberty on the continents of Europe and Asia, we see it investing millions in developing nations in South America and Africa, spreading its undemocratic and tyrannical influence through infrastructure diplomacy like the Belt and Road Initiative.
"We must stand against the Chinese Communist Party's military threat and worst intentions. The Congress on China's Directions provides the critical forum to organize such a stand and find a path forward to a peaceful and free China. As a former Member of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China and founder of the Victims of Communism Caucus, I join my colleagues in recommitting to work to hold China accountable on its deeply disturbing record on human rights. Thank you all again for this great honor to contribute the voices of Ohio's 9th district to your fight for human rights in China and globally. I look forward to working with you and my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to carry forward the torch for Liberty."
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1647-O387
Release Date: March 14, 2024
Title: Kaptur's Statement On Formation Of Congress On China's Directions
Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)
华盛顿特区 – 美国国会女议员马西•卡普图尔 (Marcy Kaptur,OH-09) 在宣布成立"中国国是会议"的新闻发布会上发表了以下声明。
"非常感谢大家邀请参加这次非常紧急的新闻发布会,宣布成立第一届中国国是会议。魏京生、王丹和王军涛,你们领导这次大会,将支持自由开放的中国的自由捍卫者组织起来得正是时候。 可悲的是,习近平领导下的中国政权在人权方面有着令人深感不安的记录,中国共产党进一步走向独裁统治和镇压。团结在一起,我们可以在中国和全世界弘扬人权和民主的火焰。
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