IFCSS 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award Dedication to Mr. Zhang Guiqi | 全美学自联授予张桂祺(笔名鲁扬)2024年度"全美学自联自由精神奖"的颁奖词

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Jun 1, 2024, 4:15:00 PMJun 1
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1666-O398
Release Date: June 1, 2024
Title: IFCSS 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award Dedication to Mr. Zhang Guiqi
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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IFCSS 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award Dedication to Mr. Zhang Guiqi
June 1st, 2024
The Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (IFCSS) Council has decided to award the IFCSS 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award to Mr. Zhang Guiqi. Mr. Zhang was born in Shen County, Shandong, in 1971. He is commonly known by the public by his pen name "Lu Yang" and his online name "Lu xi kuang tu". Mr. Zhang is a well-known political dissident poet and writer from Liaocheng, Shandong.
Mr. Zhang began his poetry creation career in 1994. He founded "The Yangziwan Poetry Society" and "China Modern Poetry Forum". He was the leading editor and published "China Modern Poetry" and other famous Chinese poetry journals. However, due to his dedication to democratic writing which became quite influential in Chinese poetry society, the Chinese Communist government forcibly shut down multiple of his founded poetry media platforms. Meanwhile, Mr. Zhang actively participated in a variety of Chinese pro-democratic activities, such as co-signing Charter 08 and joining the Independent Chinese PEN Center/ICPC. His pro-democratic participation directly led to severe persecution from the CCP to his family. The CCP pressured both Mr. Zhang and his wife's workplace supervisors to terminate their teaching positions at multiple different schools. To sustain a basic living, Mr. Zhang and his wife with their daughter had been forced to move to several cities in Southern China to seek job opportunities. Yet, the persecution continued because of his persistent liberal publications. In 2010, the CCP forced Mr. Zhang to lose his job again and escorted him back to his hometown. In 2017, Mr. Zhang courageously advocated for Professor Deng Xiangchao, who was a professor at Shandong Jinan Construction University and was unjustly terminated from his teaching position by the school board due to his criticism of former CCP chairman, Mao Zedong. Mr. Zhang protested at the front entrance of Professor Deng's university with signs and was brutally attacked by the mobs directed by the government. In 2019, Mr. Zhang continued his devotion to spreading a liberal culture career and established a new media platform called "Chinese Poet's Lecturing Hall – Wenshu Academy". This creation of a new platform offended the CCP intensely; and consequentially, he became one of the major monitoring targets by the government. In April 2020, Mr. Zhang was elected as one of the board candidates of the Independent Chinese PEN Center. And, in an online video, he publicly voiced "Xi Jinping must step down from the position, and the CCP must be ended" and other compassionate political speeches against the CCP. Therefore, the Shandong Liaocheng Police Department took him into custody and searched his house on May 1st, 2020. Later, a criminal charge was placed against him under the crime of "inciting subversion of state power". During the detaining period, the CCP intentionally delayed the court decision on Mr. Zhang's case indefinitely. His wife and daughters were under intense persecution because of his arrest. The local authority confiscated all his assets and estates. In addition, the government obstructed his family and lawyers from meeting with him in all possible ways, which resulted in the loss of complete contact with Mr. Zhang for more than 2 years. On July 26th, 2022, the Shandong Liaocheng Intermediate Court sentenced him to 6-year imprisonment under the crime of "inciting subversion of state power" in a secret trial session. His sentence term will end on May 12th, 2026. He is currently serving his sentence in Shandong Province Prison.
Because of a simple speech of "Xi Jinping must step down from the position, and the CCP must be ended", a 6-year imprisonment was the consequence. It is clear evidence of the evil of the CCP under the leadership of Xi Jinping and their deep fear of freedom of speech. When living in a land with an extreme lack of basic human rights, Mr. Zhang Guiqi upheld his utmost principle of freedom of speech and fearlessly faced the dictatorship under the complete knowledge of the enormous persecution he would face because of his political speech. Today, IFCSS awards Mr. Zhang Guiqi with the 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award. We want to show our deep respect to numerous Chinese human rights fighters as Mr. Zhang Guiqi, who has contributed to the Chinese democracy and freedom movement silently and courageously. It is their selfless dedication that continuously shakes the iron fist of the Chinese Communist dictatorship and attempts to bring the slightest basic human rights for the entire Chinese people.
IFCSS Council
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1666-O398
Release Date: June 1, 2024
Title: IFCSS 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award Dedication to Mr. Zhang Guiqi
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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