From "Even If There Are Only Three Households in Chu Country, Chu Will End the Qin Dynasty" to Everyone Recognizing the True Nature of the CCP and Demanding an End of the CCP's Dictatorship and Tyranny -- Huang Ciping's Speech at the 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre" | 从"楚虽三户,亡秦必楚"到大家都认清中共本质,要求结束中共独裁暴政 -- 黄慈萍在"堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動"上的讲话

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Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Jun 23, 2024, 8:43:22 AMJun 23
Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1672-W1207
Release Date: June 22, 2024
Title: From "Even If There Are Only Three Households in Chu Country, Chu Will End the Qin Dynasty" to Everyone Recognizing the True Nature of the CCP and Demanding an End of the CCP's Dictatorship and Tyranny -- Huang Ciping's Speech at the 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"
标题:从"楚虽三户,亡秦必楚"到大家都认清中共本质,要求结束中共独裁暴政 -- 黄慈萍在"堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動"上的讲话
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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From "Even If There Are Only Three Households in Chu Country, Chu Will End the Qin Dynasty" to Everyone Recognizing the True Nature of the CCP and Demanding an End of the CCP's Dictatorship and Tyranny
-- Huang Ciping's Speech at the 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"
June 3, 2024
It is now after 5 a.m. on June 3, California time.  In the past two days, I have participated in two events commemorating the 35th anniversary of the June 4th Massacre.  One was the June 4th commemoration held in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, on June 1st.  We have held a June 4th commemoration there every year for 35 years. This year's event was also very good, with more than one hundred people participating.
After the June 4th commemoration in Washington DC, I immediately flew to California to participate in the June 4th commemoration held in Liberty Sculpture Park and the unveiling ceremony of the Victims of Communism Memorial which was hold yesterday on June 2nd.  There were hundreds of people participating.  I was very moved, because we do this not only to commemorate the past, but also to end the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and promote changes for a better China.
China is facing a change.  Where China will go in the future will be related to the appeal and promotion of the Chinese people.  I remember that more than a decade ago, we had encountered difficulties to hold these commemorations.  The June 4th commemorations we held were only participated in by a few – I remember the minimum number of participants during one year was only twelve people.  But we were still determined: "Even if there are only three households in Chu Country, Chu will end the Qin Dynasty."  Now, our crowd is no longer "three households".  There are hundreds of people participating in our events.  More people will participate and support us.  Especially now, commemorating the June 4th Massacre and condemning the atrocities of the CCP are not only closely related to the people of Mainland China, but also closely related to world peace, especially the people of Taiwan and the rest of Southeast Asia.  Everyone has begun to understand that everyone is threatened by the CCP.  We must stand up bravely and resist the tyranny of the CCP, and then transform China into a democratic and free country, rather than let the CCP threaten world peace.
Looking back at the past and comparing it with today, what makes me most impressed is the awakening of the masses, especially the recognition of the CCP's anti-humanity and its atrocities and harm.  Although many people in 1989 still had illusions about the CCP, thus "kneeled down to rebel", and even worried that without the CCP the world would be in chaos, today's Chinese people have recognized the essence of the CCP's dictatorship and tyranny, and understand that the CCP is the source of the persecution of the people and the chaos in the world.  What moved me the most during the June 4th commemoration in the past two days was that every time someone shouted the slogan: "Down with the Chinese Communist Party!  The Chinese Communist Party step down!" they received positive responses from the public with everyone shouting this slogan together as a call from their hearts.  In comparison, 35 years ago on October 1st, 1989, when we marched and protested the June 4th Massacre in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, I also led the shouting of these same slogans, but no one dared to respond, and I was even criticized by many people afterwards.  This criticism has continued for many years, and it is also the reason why some people do not come to participate in our June 4th commemoration, claiming that it is due to its "anti-communist" flavor.
It is good to see friends from all over the world gather together again today, and everyone standing up and speaking out bravely.  This is not only to commemorate the victims of the June 4th massacre, but also an expression of recognizing the CCP and breaking with it, and jointly striving for and fighting for a better future -- democracy and freedom in China, and peace and prosperity in the world.  Thank you, hostess!  Thank you, everyone!
Related photos:
The 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre":
Ciping HUANG at 2023 June 4th commemoration in front of the Chinese embassy:
Related links and report about this global conference:
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1672-W1207
Release Date: June 22, 2024
Title: From "Even If There Are Only Three Households in Chu Country, Chu Will End the Qin Dynasty" to Everyone Recognizing the True Nature of the CCP and Demanding an End of the CCP's Dictatorship and Tyranny -- Huang Ciping's Speech at the 2024 Global Internet Video Conference Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the "June 4th Massacre"
标题:从"楚虽三户,亡秦必楚"到大家都认清中共本质,要求结束中共独裁暴政 -- 黄慈萍在"堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動"上的讲话
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 黄慈萍在"堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動"上的讲话
堅持六四精神 推動憲政民主 -- 2024年全球聯網舉行「六四」35周年紀念活動:
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