What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 3) -- Wei Jingsheng | 什么样的民主更适合中国(之三) -- 魏京生

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Mar 15, 2024, 10:35:19 PMMar 15
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1648-W1195
Release Date: March 15, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 3) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之三) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 3)
-- Wei Jingsheng
Traditional Chinese culture attaches great importance to equality.  An illiterate old lady can argue with you about the inequality.  What they received was the education of Chinese opera and folk art.  Many people now worship the Western concept of equality, but little do they know that Montesquieu, the originator of modern Western jurisprudence, used the ancient Chinese theory and practice of equality before the law to destroy the European feudal hierarchical legal system.
When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) introduced communism from the West, equality disappeared and pretended to be forgotten.  The CCP also introduced Soviet serfdom, and farmers, who accounted for the majority of the population in China, were reduced to the lowest level of rural household registration.  Not only do they not enjoy any benefits, but they also suffer all kinds of discrimination.
Even if they work in cities, they are still the most exploited migrant workers, and they are obviously not in the same class as urban workers and employees.  This lower class of people who are discriminated against account for two-thirds of China's population, that is, the vast majority.  They are truly serfdom untouchables.
Don't city people feel anything about this?  Not really.  When people think they are superior to others, they would enjoy this inequality.  When these city people were sent to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, they felt aggrieved and suffered.  But how do migrant workers feel when they go to cities to work and are discriminated against and exploited?  For them, equality only exists in ancient Chinese operas.
But for rulers, dividing and ruling the people is a means.  Provoking discrimination and struggle between classes and nationalities will help divert people's resentment and reduce the social pressure on emperors at all levels.  And using some people to suppress others is also the basis of stability maintenance measures.
When the Chinese capitalists' property was compensated (after the CCP robbed them), the Chinese Communist Party seemed to recognize property rights.  But what about farmers' land property?  It is just a contract, and the property rights are still in the hands of the grassroots organizations of the CCP.  However, the Chinese people have had a market economy for thousands of years and their concept of private property is still very strong and has not been eliminated by the CCP's cult.  Therefore, farmers who go out to work would rather abandon their land than give it to others to cultivate for free, otherwise they may lose their only property.
What are the consequences of this land policy?  It is the wasteful land that leads to a reduction in grain production, and the inability to annex land reasonably and legally, which prevents the promotion of large-scale modern production and prevents grain production from increasing in China.  Although there have been many advances in agricultural science and technology, Chinese land is still unable to feed the people in China.  By relying on Xi Jinping's blind drawer-like command of returning farmland to forests today and returning forests to farmland tomorrow, does it solve the problem?
Let alone global agricultural experience, even in China's own experience since ancient times land privatization is the basis for solving agricultural problems.  Only if responsible farmers own the land can the land be cultivated to the best effect.  If collective farming worked under the remote control of the lords, feudalism would not be replaced.
Therefore, farmers' private land rights are not just a property issue.  For the whole society, it is an issue of agricultural efficiency and the only way to solve the problem of food.  Especially in modern large-scale agriculture and cooperative agriculture, the confusion caused by unclear ownership is the cause of various inefficiencies and unstable disputes.
So for the Chinese people who make up the majority of the population, human rights are indeed a basic issue.  It is not just an issue of freedom of speech, etc.; property is also a major issue related to social survival.  To protect property rights, we must rely on the law and its fair enforcement.  Legal and law enforcement agencies rely on political support.  Relying on the emperor to treat the country as his own property was an often unreliable guarantee.  Only a government that relies on the people's choice can have the motivation to ensure the fairness and justice of the rule of law for the benefit of voters.
Especially when the CCP has maintained its lawlessness for more than 70 years, the only way to restore the legal system and protect the people's basic rights is to start over and establish a democratic politics chosen by the people, only then can we change the lawless inertia of the autocratic system and give the people in China a satisfactory result.  Otherwise, even though there are thousands of people petitioning every day, it will not change the nature of lawless autocracy in China.
(This English version is translated by Ciping HUANG, without any compensation.  Wei Jingsheng and the Wei Jingsheng Foundation appreciate her decades of contribution, especially for allowing the use and distribution of her translations of these commentaries.)
Original link of this commentary:
To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:
Related screenshot of Wei Jingsheng's commentary on RFA website:
(Written on March 11, 2024 and recorded on March 14, 2024.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia on March 15, 2024.)
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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1648-W1195
Release Date: March 15, 2024
Title: What Kind of Democracy Is More Suitable for China (Part 3) -- Wei Jingsheng
标题:什么样的民主更适合中国(之三) -- 魏京生
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
-- 魏京生
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