A "Stone" Stirs Up a Thousand Waves -- a Review of the "Congress on China's Directions" of the Chinese Democratic Movement -- Tian Mu (published by: Yahoo News) | 标题:一「石」激起千層浪 -- 中國民主運動「國是會議」述評(Yahoo奇摩新聞)

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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1650-O389
Release Date: March 17, 2024
Title: A "Stone" Stirs Up a Thousand Waves -- a Review of the "Congress on China's Directions" of the Chinese Democratic Movement -- Tian Mu (published by: Yahoo News)
标题:一「石」激起千層浪 -- 中國民主運動「國是會議」述評(Yahoo奇摩新聞)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
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A "Stone" Stirs Up a Thousand Waves -- a Review of the "Congress on China's Directions" of the Chinese Democratic Movement
-- Tian Mu (published by: Yahoo News)
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 10:23 am
Internationally, the times are turbulent, with democracy and autocracy confronting each other, the United States and Europe competing with China and Russia, and the international order since World War II facing challenges from the totalitarian groups of China, Russia and Iran.  The world is at a crossroads.  Should it be subversion and regression, or should it continue to change and move forward?
As far as China is concerned, it has been in decline for a hundred years, the democratic movement has hit rock bottom, and China has once again fallen into the dictatorship of the Mao Zedong era.  There are two points in time before China's democratic movement: it has been 35 years since the "June 4th" Massacre, and it has been 75 years since the founding of the P. R. China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  China's totalitarian dictatorship is the enemy of freedom and democracy, and is the enemy of the modern civilized world.  It is acting perversely and causing chaos in the world.
The CCP is the chief source of chaos for the turmoil in the world and the sinking China.  To revitalize the liberal and democratic order in the world, the Chinese Communist dictatorship must be overthrown.  The world is looking forward to the "stone" to change China, and the righteous force to overthrow the CCP has emerged.
The "Congress on China's Directions" Is the "Stone" Knocking On the Door
Wei Jingsheng, Wang Dan, and Wang Juntao founded the "Congress on China's Directions".  They each represent leading figures in different eras of democratic movement for half a century in China.
From March 2 to 4, the first "Congress on China's Directions" was held at the Hilton Hotel in the Washington, DC area.  There were various reactions in society and on the Internet, including abuse and criticism, and critical suggestions... ...  There are ripples, echoes, and responses, which are better than being silent and unnoticed.
This author has also heard and witnessed the criticism and accusations made by some friends against the "Congress on China's Directions".  I can understand that although the words are sharp, they are well-intentioned.  It shows that society is paying attention and watching; it illustrates that China will not continue to sink, lose its direction and be destroyed.  This "stone" is the "Congress on China's Directions", which arouses the public's hope and turns the hearts of the people towards the development of constitutional democratic revolution in China.
It is not surprising that our society is discouraged and depressed.  The road to constitutional democracy in China is arduous, bumpy and dangerous.  As Wei Jingsheng pointed out: "China is in crisis today.  It is the darkest moment in more than 40 years!"  The Chinese democracy movement must stand up and seize the day.  This author firmly believes that the "Congress on China's Directions" will create a new situation in constitutional democracy in China.
Overthrow the CCP and Rebuild the Republic
More than one hundred years ago, the political program of the democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen was: "Expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights."  After a bumpy and staggering journey, China's democratic revolution fell into the hands of totalitarian rulers again and again.  The CCP has reduced China to an autocratic dictatorship system in which the whole country belongs to the CCP and the whole CCP belongs to Xi Jinping.  The CCP is the root of the chaos.  At the "Congress on China's Directions", everyone spoke in unison, using a language that the average people could understand, and stated the political program in simple and concise terms: "Overthrow the Chinese Communist Party and rebuild the republic."
This is not a simple political slogan, but the rallying cry of the "Congress on China's Directions."  It is an action, a spirit, and a revolutionary political goal.  The Chinese democracy movement is a social change project with the participation of all people.  It is a common cause for you, me, others, and all the Chinese from all over the world.  Let us unite under the banner of "overthrow the CCP and rebuild the republic."  These words transcend time and space, people's hearts and public opinions, and will inspire and encourage the Chinese people to work together to create a new world of a constitutional democratic China in the future.
"Congress on China's Directions" Launches Revolutionary Roadmap
After careful and intense deliberation and discussion, the "Congress on China's Directions" adopted the declaration of the first "Congress on China's Directions", namely: a roadmap for China's future democratic process and the construction of a democratic China.
The declaration analyzes and discusses the history and current situation of autocratic dictatorship in China, summarizes and draws on the experiences and lessons of other countries around the world, and tries to learn and optimize the modern constitutional system as much as possible.  It also proposes plans and approaches on how to overthrow the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and to rebuild the constitutional democratic system.
The declaration summarizes the ten-point roadmap for rebuilding constitutional democracy in precise and concise words, which naturally covers all aspects of issues such as civil rights, rule of law construction, press and association, economic development, farmers' land, nationalization of the military, ethnic issues, international cooperation, etc. .
Upgrading Organizational and Action Systems
Since the establishment of the "Chinese Democratic Solidarity Alliance" in the early 1980s, the overseas Chinese democracy movement has gone through more than 40 years, with complex organizations and numerous factions, with nearly one hundred groups, each with its own agenda and purposes.  Although they managed to keep the team together, keep chanting, and keep the flag up, there were many fences everywhere, and the efforts were scattered and the results were very little.  If one just sends reports and summaries to the organization's email group, one will just be self-pitying and entertaining oneself.
The "Congress on China's Directions" will deemphasize mountains and organizations, gather global pro-democracy organizations on projects and issues, and launch global scale actions in a step-by-step and planned manner.  Since it is an aggregated and staged project process, looking forward to the future of Chinese democratic movement work, we must also pay attention to "input and output" just like economic work.  Any project or issue must have a plan, budget and execution effect prediction in advance.  The experience, time and energy, personal connections, and limited funds accumulated by the Chinese democracy movement over the past decades are all capital invested in the project.  Project implementation, design steps, social outreach contacts, and media arrangements must take into account the efficiency of action and social influence, so as to truly awaken the world, activate the society, and inspire democratic revolution.
Both Political Parties in the United States Congratulate and Support the "Congress on China's Directions"
Faced with the two wars between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Hamas, the global economic recession, and the turbulent international political situation, both Democratic and Republican parties in this year's U.S. election are full of passion and competition.  However, facing the Chinese government and the totalitarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party, both two parties' attitude is unanimous and unified.  They all look forward to the transformation of the Chinese political system, the establishment of a constitutional democratic government, and integration with the world's liberal and democratic forces, so as to provide a strong guarantee for world peace and development, and the stability of international politics.
On March 4, the "Congress on China's Directions" held a press conference in the U.S. Capitol.  Several members of Congress, such as U.S. Republican Representative Michael Gallagher (Chairman of the Selected Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, who had just visited Taiwan) and U.S. Democratic Representative Marcy Kaptur sent many senior staff to express their support even though the Congress was on recess.  They expressed in front of the media their congratulations on the convening of the "Congress on China's Directions", and also encouraged and supported the Chinese democratic movement to regroup and embark on the new journey.  Congressman Kaptur's communications director also read her message at the press conference.
Congressman Gallagher helped borrow the venue where the "Congress on China's Directions" held its press conference on Capitol Hill.
Piero Tozzi, staff director of the Congressional Executive Commission on China (CECC), attended the press conference and delivered a speech on behalf of Republican Congressman Chris Smith, chairman of the CECC: "Democratic Taiwan can prove that Chinese society can make a free and democratic system function perfectly, and the people of mainland China can fight for freedom and human rights on their own without external force.  Currently, the Chinese Communist government is violating human rights in Tibet, Xinjiang and other places and ignoring the Chinese culture.  As Mencius advocated, "the people are the most valuable and the emperor is despised.  So for a tyrant, the people have the right to overthrow him, because God is watching as people are doing it."
All Ethnic Groups Work Together to Overthrow the Rule of the Chinese Communist Party
Contradictions among ethnic groups in China stem from the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party.  Man-made troubles abound in the world, and the conflicts between the Han and Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Southern Mongolia are typical examples.  Man-made conflicts and problems require joint communication and resolution by all ethnic groups.  For example, in the conflict between Tibetan and Chinese, there is the "Middle Way Approach" as the basis and direction for resolving the conflict between Chinese and Tibetans.
The people of Tibet, Uyghurs, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China have suffered the same persecution and enslavement.  They have all encountered threats, intimidation, and brutal suppression by the Chinese Communist Party's dictatorship.  The Chinese pro-democracy movement has no choice.  Only by standing unswervingly with all ethnic groups, resisting the persecution and bullying of the CCP, and uniting to work together to overthrow the rule of the CCP will make a foundation for resolving and building a democratic China and is the prerequisite for the ultimately solving the problems related to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other ethnic groups.
By learning, drawing on and optimizing the governance strategies and spirit of democratic countries, the "Congress on China's Directions" will soon lead Chinese democratic movement out of its trough and win the victory for the democratic constitutional movement in China!
This will not only be a "stone" causing thousands of waves, but also rocks piercing the air, stormy waves crashing on the shore, and the rolling up of thousands of piles of snow!
Related pictures:
Some of the participants of the "Congress on China's Directions" (composed by: Tian Mu):
Wei Jingsheng (right) speaks at the press conference of the "Congress on China's Directions" on the US Capitol Hill (Tian Mu Photography):
Wang Dan read out the declaration of the first "Congress on China's Directions" at the press conference (Tian Mu Photography):
Wang Juntao gave a speech at the press conference of the "Congress on China's Directions" (Tian Mu Photography):
Piero Tozzi, staff director of the CECC, attended the "Congress on China's Directions" press conference (Tian Mu Photography):
Link to the original report:
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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1650-O389
Release Date: March 17, 2024
Title: A "Stone" Stirs Up a Thousand Waves -- a Review of the "Congress on China's Directions" of the Chinese Democratic Movement -- Tian Mu (published by: Yahoo News)
标题:一「石」激起千層浪 -- 中國民主運動「國是會議」述評(Yahoo奇摩新聞)
Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)
【專欄】一「石」激起千層浪 -- 中國民主運動「國是會議」述評
-- 田牧(Yahoo奇摩新聞)
2024年3月13日 週三 上午10:23
推翻中共 再造共和
3月4日,「國是會議」在美國國會山莊舉行新聞發佈會,數位國會議員如美國共和黨眾議員麥克•加拉格爾(Michael Gallagher,美國與中共戰略競爭特設會員會主席,剛訪問過台灣)、美國民主黨眾議員馬西•卡普圖爾(Marcy Kaptur),因為國會休會期間,都派了多名高級幕僚到場表達支持。他們在媒體前表示:祝賀「國是會議」的召開,勉勵與支持中國民主運動重整隊伍,開啟新的征程。卡普圖爾議員的通訊主任還在新聞發布會上念了她的致辭。
國會行政部門中國委員會幕僚長陶智(Piero Tozzi)親臨新聞發布會,他代表共和黨眾議員、國會中國委員會主席克里斯•史密斯(Chris Smith)致辭:「民主的台灣可以證明,華人社會可以將自由民主制度完美地發揮,中國大陸的人民可以自己爭取自由與人權,這不需外力。中共政府如今在西藏、新疆等地違反人權,無視中國文化里孟子所主張的『民為貴,君為輕』,因此對於暴君,人民有權利去推翻他,因為人在做,天在看。」
第一届「國是會議」的部分參加者。 田牧合成
國會行政部門中國委員會幕僚長陶智出席「國是會議」新聞發布會 - 田牧攝影
【專欄】一「石」激起千層浪 ——中國民主運動「國是會議」述評

【專欄】一「石」激起千層浪 ——中國民主運動「國是會議」述評
田牧(德國) 就國際而言,時代動蕩,民主與專制對峙,美歐與中俄博弈,「二戰」以來的國際秩序面臨中...

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